Welcome . .
What the core group did (with some of our ‘spare’ time) in locked in/down/out mode

I wrote 3 Apps in early 2014. To help the world – (still to be updated so everyone has access to it).
As this senior acupuncturist/natural health detective/body and soul worker handing over.
When someone has a problem – my inner computer whirls into action. Spitting out answers. . here be them.
Taken from the pregnancy app (problem solving)
These three categories – are a brief run down to start you thinking .
What? Why Solution ..
Mum unable to sleep well, unable to sleep when she when needs to. May have been a feature prior to pregnancy. | Lack of Yin and Blood energies, ie compromised inner resources, including lack of fluids &/or access to the appropriate nutrition needed for a body to work well – and to rest, regenerate, be sane and grow babies well. May also be presence of an inner heat – often from emotional congestion from the past /present. | No caffeine. Drink lots more water, eat fat and protein. Exercise. Take magnesium and vitamins B, D and C. Join yoga &/ or meditation classes for relaxation. |
What we covered. .
- 3.14 – change is life
- 4.05 – Go gently – who knows what is being held within?
- 4.50 – Have to be clear and with tools to do this work.
- 6.50 – What does it mean?
- 9.30 – Will take he sleep section off the apps as a starter.
- 12 – A few sleep issues we may cover
- 12.45 – ingredients – esp magnesium
- 15 – SITA comes in . .setting a time to convene weekly
- 18.50 – April help?
- 21.40 – Rosita – so much she could pass on . .
- 22.40 – Deb’s wicked dreams
- 23.50 – Make sure you have seen ‘Love Your Body Better’ – ingredients – need to know this.
- 26.25 – Sita and dreams
- pyroluria – questionnaire. . more here ..
- 30.15 – do supply me a list of symptoms – so I get a bunch of alternatives .
- 30.30 – my take on my dreams . .
- 31.45 – Shem – homework – read upload. . in Woman Tides. Also check the index in WDCD
- 33 – Vanessa’s breast lump
Some apparently useful site pages.
See what they are missing – behaviour management is hardly the answer. .
4 Steps to a good night’s sleep
Can disrupted sleep patterns cause ‘hormonal’ imbalance?
Go to ‘Love Your Body Better’ course
Ingredients and nutrient availability is crucial
Love Your Body Better |
What I put up in 2014 on the Heathersays siteRestA well body needs rest and regeneration time – and the quality of the Blood energy and the Yin Qi allow this so that the Shen is calm, peaceful yet alert and able to function perfectly. Rest is totally under valued – and the lack of it may be all you need to correct .. Body heals /repairs in sleep. Not just quality sleeping to regenerate yourself but also ‘down’ time. Is your sleep regenerating? Whether you are wanting better babies – or better heath – it is the same .. Go into Nature, being quiet, reflecting in what is happening – ‘defragmenting’ yourself. (No time? Where will the time be found to be a mum/reasonable, loving person in?) Rest is being free from thinking – doing nothing – except perhaps get a hobby (no time you may say?). Perhaps start a repetitive action – gardening? (no time!) but you may find that tending something is incredibly rewarding – and can often help clear and still the mind. Perhaps see what another healer has put together as prerequisites for good sleeping health |
- Unable to get comfortable
- Skin crawling
- Aching joints in ankles
- Sore hips
- Waking and unable to get back to sleep due to mind working overtime
- Vivid dreams – both good and bad
- Reflux
- Overtired
Tracey’s offerings
Take 1
- I have only one client that has sleep problems and over the yrs we have worked on it with no luck, she has been
- on strong sleeping tablets for past 30 yrs….
- she also has bowel problems but they seem to be working better last 6 months,
- her body is full of aches and pains and
- terrible arthritis in hands even had 3 knuckles replaced 2 yrs ago,
I see how all her problems are linked and one has lead to another I can only imagine what the next stage of life will be for her with her wellness continuing to decline
Take 2
Oh my after the first thoughts of i only recall one client with major sleep problems my brain has now gone into overload with people that have mentioned some sort of sleep problem over the years, i will recall a couple of the ones that i am in regular contact
A – spinal injury man has always had
- crazy scary night dreams and still does, none of them make sense to him
- he has scares on his leg where he was operated on when very young for a condition where his leg swells all the time
B – 67 yr old builder that has recently been pain free for the first time for many years after mandy and i worked on him with Heathers ways
- he can not every remember sleeping well and
- is often up for an hour or two in the night,
- has suffered depression and
- major anger issues which got put down to lack of sleep,
this is one of the last issues he has said he would love help with but i have had no answers for him and have referred him out to many people but still no help
C- 60 yr old lady been on sleeping tablets since in her 20″s , felt picked on when a child, was there when her dad died of a heart attack has terrible memory of feeling helpless, raped at 12 by a family friend, ended up marrying a police man who was very dominating, has a beautiful daughter and a son who has crowns disease and been though much suffering, operation, depression and can be very nasty with words towards his mum
D – My grandson who has never been a good sleeper and also very restless when he does sleep, vicki can tell more on him
and me
Ijust get in bed go to sleep and wake up in the morning, when i was younger i would fall asleep any where as soon as i sat down.
Maja’s offerings
Can fall asleep ..possibly tired thru the day 2pm fatigue
Vanessa – Douglas Age 25
Note sleep issues as 18 mths to 2 years old – controlled crying recommended to get him sleeping in his own room.
Mum was often falling asleep in his cot (pregnant with no.2 so ) trying to comfort and support his sleep.
Aged approx 7-8 we saw a child psychologist who supported Douglas with dream practices – we drew pictures of bad dreams and burned them in the fire, then drew good dreams and put the paper under his pillow. It helped.
Gluten free diet aged 18mths to 14 years except when at his Dads. He refused to fully believe it was necessary.
Aged 14 – Swine Flu Vaccination
Moved to Vic, gas in house. Both mum and 2 sons affected by gas.
Aged 16-17 really chronic allergies as insomnia commenced.
-sleep onset insomnia
-sleep hygiene tried, nothing worked
-up to 78 hours awake, absolutely full on active but then would finally crash and sleep for up to 17 hours. School became impossible – could not make bus so had to drive in and often late in year 11, did manage to successfully complete year 11 despite absences. Left 2 weeks into year 12, enrolled in Distance Ed, pulled out after 3 weeks when experiencing panic attacks for the first time – direct correlation to stress.
-insomnia worsened by stress (school), allergies ( diesel, gas, petrochemicals, perfumes, cleaning products, msg etc)
-migraines started around age 16-17 as well, still having bouts of them.
Has taken sleeping medication 2018-2020 and recently stopped because of a huge issue with memory loss.
Occasionally takes magnesium powder in drink when staying with mum and doing physical work. Has been very anti-magnesium because believed it was easy to overdose on it.
Water intake much better in 2019-2020, also routine if early morning exercise followed by food – has really started to sleep most nights but was also using medication if not feeling sleepy.
Mum (Vanessa)
- goes to bed and sleeps within minutes
- unless has had iron tablets or B12 after 10am or
- has had a reaction to something that has caused restless legs,
- or anaesthetic.

Maybe watch this?
(She does ads in the middle of this)