Sharp pointies


Reminder this is lineage . .

You have  been gifted a body (physical)

You have many others superimposed.

The bodies – Light, energy and physical

The energy centres – chakras – the congregations and the lines that give the instructions – all need to flow uninhibited.

An interpretation of the bodies here (CLICK)

General introductions

2016 (A snippet from eLotus)


February 1994

Energy – biology . .

We live in the physical that is governed by the energy/

Declutter – reset- restore

Me speaking to acupuncturists who may stumble upon my work.

Different version

Dr Shen and Dr van Buren (CLICK)  Please print out  the notes – after doing the tutorial – and take notes all through as this WAS an entire weekend workshop – and is now only a 3 hour precis – and one of the channel’s info is missing.8 EXTRAORDINARY MERIDIANS TUTORIAL (CLICK)       8_extras_notes (CLICK)

Meridian hierarchies

8 Extras – they supervise, regulate and maintain the flow of Qi and Blood in the main meridians.

Sharp pointies (2021 – July – Brisbane)


  • We are QI
  • Circuitry – function of groups of channels/points
  • How this can be used in life.
  • START – Qi Moving – grids . .
  • 1.00 – we start with the soul – a visual representation (CLICK)
  • 3 .00 – 8 Extras – they govern it all. Luo and Xi-Cleft (CLICK) and Master points (will do these another day)
  • 5.30Mantak Chia (CLICK) and all his books. And Jeffrey Yuen (CLICK)
  • 10.00  – experiential points ..
  • 11.00 – Xi Clefts job is FREE STUCK (CLICK)
  • 13.00 – Fixing ‘the bit’ from where it is getting the instructions . ..neck – to pubic bone.
  • 15.30 – Move the blockages . .
  • 16 Lenley’s account of a man classified and who lived out his expected . .
  • 18.00GV 1 – the Luo point of the GV – Du Mai points (CLICK) . .
    Locate point in prone position. Meeting point of the Governing Vessel with the Conception Vessel, and the Gallbladder and Kidney meridians. Most Yin point on most Yang channel. Two Lower Yin refers mostly to anus and urethra.

    Hardly anyone used this – I do and have all my professional life – is magic – see the 8 Extras notes (BELOW).

  • 19.00 – Work on the back to clear the front .. and vice versa.
  • 21.00GB 41
  • 22.00 – Blood donations and transfusions. .
  • 24.00 – 25 C  on the belly!!!
  • 25 – I am  SO GLAD I HAVE A MEMORY BACK . . .The beginning of the micro bleeding story (CLICK)
    The articles I reacted to initially (CLICK)
  • 27 – Explaining why micro bleeding works – with the 8 Extras – and the more minute they are the better. .
  • 29 – Acute water skiing accident . . (Used – not coupled the Yang and Du Mai – plus Ht 1
  • 30 – MUST move what is blocking the Qi . .



2007 – The Role of the Eight Extras in Women’s Lives and Maternity

Where it all fits in . .



I called this Jing Disruptions – when the template is messed with

  • Start – 10 minutes – My maternal grandmother’s early life.


Meridians and scars (2018). .

My acupuncture apprentice David nattering to me after clinic.

David as a student – and who he watched – was amazed . .

  • 1.50 – What else besides what the GP is doing .
  • 3.00 – Mirror X first on the other wrist  and then onto the actual scar.
  • 4.15 – David playing with Qi – and the pulse. .
  • 5.15 – Tongue changes .
  • 6.15 – Need to drink – all through our ministrations.