Settling/gentling down

Welcome . .

Working in/on other’s energy fields and their flesh, we know that ‘stuff’ is stored and may decide to move. In the Gentling Way we have five classifications of moves (checking, clearing, soothing, fixing, settling) – seemingly arbitrary:many are in many categories. I have written this to give you some structure. NEVER go straight from one ‘fixer’ to the next – we must give all layers of being a chance to ‘catchup’. Trauma’ stored and stuck                       or                       Safety

You may have many other ways of dealing ‘when stuff comes up’ These are some that may be new to yo to add to your possie of tricks. Here we showcase Settling

  • Grannie cuddle
  • Anxiety thread moxa on heal
  • Brazilian toe touching

PLUS – needling – so simple – Kiiko’s R St 24 then bil Liv 2
Back shu 2nd Bl yin run (very shallow)

Depending in circumstance (I do always last 4 weeks of pregnancy – lying in left side, GV1 and L Liv 8.


Flows must flow

When they do not, we are in a state of 5 ‘T”s – and this is not conducive to living well.

The body remembers everything that ever happened to it.

Included is response to threat (real or ‘imagined’)  – that third essential for a life recipe? Safety.

Reichian armour bands info.
Do investigate and consider . .
How/why is it that when the very best of care is given – things stay set?
Here we are offering the chance to release.
With breath and maybe some ‘inner rain’ – tears.  .
Setting the space

Moves – respectful, quiet, in time with breathing – maybe – if you do not mind the release. I tend to NOT do moves with breath as I know it can release maybe more than I wish in the session. We can work with breath – as many do – rebreathing/rebirthing.

BreathingSee more here (CLICK)  – Gentle Bio energetics – from Eva Reichian – Wilheim’s daughter
We do work with breath – and wait after one when they feel as though they are ready  and have not taken a breath – do it for them – take a deep one in – and likely they will. This is evident if you have investigated any real yoga – and martial arts – intention and breath work. Any guided imagery.


At what age/stage of life – even  – on this planet???

Sometimes we have the need to mother/tend/care/allow space to calm.

Fetal calming/grannie cuddle

Lie them on their left hand side.
Draw their feet up to as far as possible.
Tuck their head in

Cover with a cozy blanket
Pop your right hands onto the soles of the feet
Your left hand on top of the head.
Lean into/over them (when they are on their belly) – and be there. .

Rock very gently
Get them to breathe slowly and deeply into their belly.
You may cry.
They likely will.


To gently come out of this, gradually extract yourself, decease the contact, and the amplitude of the rocking.
Sometimes you will find that they are deeply asleep – or they are aware your presence – even if you have gradually undone your contact also with their aura – and in quietude, retreat.

Sometimes – active undoing is required

ACTION – Rage – may want to vent.

Need – a standard towel. A solid fashioned house, or the floor,  ora solid hunk of furniture
No small children, or animals around. Or breakables
Sound should not a problem – this may be you.
Roll up towel.
Stand legs astride,
Bash whatever it is. HARD

Maybe get on knees and attack the floor.

 OR – they are apparently quiescent and STUCK there

Anxiety . .

Maybe you start here?
You will need very good quality gold moxa.
Very fine Joss sticks – not incense
Small cork coasters.

Follow instructions. Actual page on this (CLICK)

Need to slow down/rest/calm/sleep/too agitated?

Brazilian toe ‘massage

(see more here) CLICK

Impressive in its simplicity and instantness.

Likely they will go to sleep – please be mindful of the body having been ‘filled’ /throwing you off.

Maybe ‘if needling – start with shock protocols

Need to go ‘bouncy bouncy over the Lu 1 AREA and gently. You may feel the hardness – they may say it is higher, sorer or different. Kiiko taught left side only – I do this if either sides are problematic.
Or – if I think that they are is shock – I do it anyway. .
or they feel upset . .

AND – pay attention – often the tongue totally changes.
They may take a deep breath themselves. .

You MUST have exact point location.
If it has not instantly undo the difference – check your positioning or angle – may need both undone.
The effect is increased radically by adding in bilateral Liv 2.

Polarity, Reiki, any form of gentling, havening, any energy work can only help

We let the body lead us.