Hello . .
We get to plan out how I hand over teaching Selfing

Planning session #1
I will listen to it later – and get the necessary paperwork /forms/manual info tools.
It is more more important that you go through (again for those who were on the call) and take notes YOURSELVES and work out how you want to be/look – as this is not a top down operation. I am not ‘the boss’ so much as the creator . . .Ask yourself – what is Selfing about? What you wanted and got out of it as you went deeper – as many of you have done a number of them. Marketing – what is this about? We say – we are inviting YOU the participant to gift to YOU what you freely give to others. The empty cup issue applies – and in these times especially when some of us see so much need in the community – it is quite easy – and irresponsible to look after others ahead of ourselves. Hence YOU are the most important person in YOUR life applies. . .
TEACHING ROLE – how it was . .
NOW – we are at a screen interface – alone.
On that different side of the screen – how to be not as a participant – but the puppeteer?

All I do is depends on YOU owning it that is the immensity of preparation – so it does look easy ..WHAT IS IN SELFING? – who is it for? Who is it NOT for? And play with your own resources. I have a teacher’s section and will send that – when I work out
HOW I can easily work with the new look very clunky, not intuitive WordPress updated format.
As you can see no colour in text or pictures. . .
This Is how the 4 hour sessions run.
The Selfing online course is provided with the payment ($US 550) after the southern one of $550 AU . .They get – 3 onlines – ideally they have done prior to class.
Also send them eBooks as I see fit.The workshop (4 hours – 4 days) and
4 one hour weekly catch-ups as Self Care challenges – the encouragement to commit to selves. .
Plus the manual and extra eBooks – as I add them in .
So you all follow a template. As it happens – you deviate as needed.