Segue #9 – Men catch up – towards Reconnecting



Sometimes we have extras – today we have Dave telling us about steaming and

Me taking you through causes of disease – damp, heat and wind . . .

  • Beginning – Dave and how to clear Ki stones
  • 3.30 – 4-5 hours on steamer – taking my special GB clearance powdered Chinese herbs – in steamer – whatever she has.
  • 5.40 – Cold – influence of embracing life changes.
  • 8 – pulling the stent out (long string) – all by self
  • 10.30 – comodey thing – and towels etc . .
  • 11.45Lenley using pricklies – and it working – instantly!!
  • 13.30 – Herbs to remove Damp (CLICK) and Heat – my mix
  • 16 Megan – gotten a syringe for castor oil – and getting room set up – plus all other structural
  • 19.40 – Causes of Disease – repeated
  • 20.30 – Chinese long game
  • 22 Thea arrived
  • 24 – our process –

How we fit this together









  • 26 – Health – definition
  • 28.30 – Life Recipe – opposite of what e are ‘allowed’ to do – in this life
  • 30.30 – We came here for this. . – service – sovereignty ..  .Lifted Lorax
  • 31.30 – We can’t not be ourselves.  ..
  • 33 – ‘What Des It Mean To Me?”/”It is as though’ also – the inclusion – aspect of self – wants to being ..
  • 36. 30 – Inner – miscellaneous ’causes of disease ‘ – we go into external’.
  • 38 – COLD – causes construction – careful – acupuncture normalises – and the stent is not supposed to be there.
  • 40 – Old crush injury. Vit C (CLICK)
  • 41 – Past life to clear out also
  • 42 – Castor oil, steaming, self care moves – have to do this yourself.
  • 43.30 – Ciro – cold in body – 1957 – fridges arrived in Belize – need to be tribal
  • 46.40 – see WDCD –
  • 47 –  ‘7 ‘L’s’ (CLICK) – 6 ‘T’s’ – Temptation!!! (Beliefs over Biology)


  • 50 – Iodine back of head – Damp/Phlegm (PHLEGM)
  • 52 – Oliver Sachs – Awakenings (CLICK)
  • 54 – We are in a physical body – density – and all sorts of problems. .
  • 58 – Composting in the body – wind will happen to fuel the fires also eventually – heat dries out the yin (CLICK)
  • 1.00.00 – This leads to that . . .
  • 1.03.20 – PCOS etc – fire – need water there to put it out.  .
  • 1.04.00 – WIND – tremors/jerking/fitting/ strokes etc.
  • 1.05.00 – Early patient – broken back story
  • 1.06.00 – Anton Jayasoria – Sri Lankan – nocebo – NOT ‘false hope’
  • 1.09.00 – need to take what is stopping normal – take it out.
  • 1.11.00 – Reconnecting – gut /viscera – put back it where it is to be
  • 1.12.00 – Wind – Bi/Wei syndromes
  • 1.14.00 – and the jab damage – jerky and so on – where is their magnesium?
  • 1.16.00Wind points page (CLICK)
  • 1.17.30 – Eclampsia . . – mag sulphate in blood – or take out the wind, why it is there. . (page 138/139 – WDCD)
  • 1.20.00 – Need to get rid of the instructions – that set it all up .
  • 1.21.20Vit C – collagen – CLICK)
  • 1.24.00Dr Teri Wahls (CLICK)
  • 1.25.00 – Cheryl’s story – Vit D3 – huge changes!!!
  • 1.26.50‘Dead Doctor’s Don’t Lie’ (CLICK) – get the book also … .need a clean biosphere.
  • 1.29.00 – In France . .

After break

  • 7.30- Stop creating the damp – no cold, sweet, raw.
  • 8.30 – Cellulite – lymph/where is iodine (CLICK)?
  • 10.00 – ‘Hormonal’? – no STUCK.
  • Megan’s question – how to treat?
  • 12 – Aptoptosis – all sorts of needs for ingredients – iodine – Megan’s story – her foot, and Belarus
  • 12.30Megan’s story – stepped on nail
  • 15 – After radiation exposure – get pregnant – bub conceived will die. IODINE (CLICK)
  • 18.30 – Wind – see outside – same – inside
  • 19 – Heat – life – how dd you get it?  undo life – sugar/sweet – and where is the water drunk?
  • 21.00 – More causes – Fear consolidates and stops flow – sources of heat – internal – SLQ is a big issue.
  • 22.30Mercury in body (CLICK) – heat at night – esp men – often 2 C temperature lower than should be.
  • 23.30 – Choir at Woodford – and Gyoto monk singing.  .
  • 28 – Dry – from dehydration – Body fluids –

2103water copy    2104dehydration

  • 29 – Need to make good raw ingredients – Blood quality (CLICK) – need water.
  • 31‘A little bit of what you fancy does you good’
  • 31.30 – get rid of the internal heat – through the bladder – need to drink more.
  • 32.20 – Cooking methods will lesson/increase the natural energy/vibration of the food.
  • 34 – Signs of heat – see WDCD pages and here (CLICK)
  • 35 – Need to do checking – as need goal posts. Then clear – all these issues – they CAUSE the body problems – can’t work as designed.
  • 37.30 – Drinking more water – and Sjorgen’s syndrome (CLICK) – also Flexnor Report again (CLICK)
  • 39 – Colon 2 – water point of Colon – will moisten eyes/mouth
  • 40.30 – need to sort out LIFE – dryness – the lack of water – from HEAT can get DRY or/and FIRE and of course – then WIND – as any sudden change gives you this.
  • 43.20 – WHAT started all of this – and Megan – pulling out of wind – through cupping and sucking – all cultures. .  see Bruce Bentley – (CLICK) – evil spirits – humours – and also after steaming – can get wind in (I said – actually the pores are open – and catch a wind.
  • 48Megan – do I do pulse diagnosis – why I do not.
  • 50.40 – I do interactive – pokey/pokey and tongues – to empower them.
  • 52.20 – Need qualified patients . .

Q – needs answering – What stopped the body from healing itself?