Segue #12 – was to be fluids. . .


This is dynamic – life events and making sense of what is also happening here – as events unfold. We were to cover fluids – leading into the resolution of adhesion then scars and into actual MOVES on the Reconnecting part of this course – BUT all matters dominated -and issues allowed – anaesthetic reactions and DAMP thus Iodine – and back to what we found in ‘Love Your Body Better‘ – mercury/aluminium blocking nutrient cellular use.

Supposedly lymph (CLICK) today – with this as a revision (CLICK). We morphed into a mouth/moving blockages session. The interesting ways we can help ourselves and those around us

Self help using pricklies – and moving fluids.  .

  • .30 – Clearance needed. Toni (CLICK)
  • 1.00 – Face lift – and how it happens
  • 1.30 – Adhesions  – she is so much better with _+++magnesium – and drinking more water
  • 2.30 – Her hip has gone out x 4 times. .(and left screaming for hours) – appropriately distressed/hypervigilant.
  • 4.20 – More magnesium and lots more water and nothing sweet – lost 3kg already.
  • 6  Calm her – belly rounds and touch . . Cold floors.  .
  • 7 – Start with normal . . .
  • 7.50 – She really needs the anxiety thread on heel – and I can’t do this.
  • 9 – We need to get specialist care whilst we can . .Brave New World.
  • 9.45 – ACTION CARDS needed now.
  • 10 – Me and the cow. . .still here.
  • 12.50 – Whiplash preventative (P.V – CLICK )
  • 15 – The population in anything – a Bell curve
  • 16 – Clinic Newsletter(CLICK)
  • 17.30Toni foot – and ankle circles – WARNING – BLOOD  microbleeding (CLICK)
  • 19.30 – Flexner Report – side effects of the jab
  • 20Dead Doctors Don’t Lie and Paavo Airola (How to Get Well)
  • 21.20Jenna‘s friend’s baby – stroke. What happened before?
  • 22.30 Yvonne‘s grandson
  • 23My congestive heart failure – ncd (CLICK) and Glutathione (CLICK)
  • 24.20 – Magnesium – Mildred Sellig (CLICK)
  • 27.30Selenium (CLICK)
  • 29Boron (CLICK) and Vit D3 (CLICK)
  • 31 – Selenium S&S – from the book – Dead Doctors Don’t Lie (CLICK)
  • 34 – Need good nutrition and glutathione
  • 36.30 – FLUIDS – Damp and lymph
  • 38 Toni and adhesions in head  . prickles – Co 4, Yin Tang and Tai Yang  . . then St 30
  • 39 Thea – mouth solutions
  • 41 – Trauma held within
  • 42 – Practicals- paper roll, apple to self . . .
  • 44Jenna arrived – Move Your Qi intro
  • 46.20Moon phases (CLICK) – lasered frenulum – after 2 other teeth
  • 47.50 – Not cared for.  .
  • 48.20 – Tom (Dentist) and Ryan
  • 51Megan arrived
  • 52 – Why not use what works? Mersindol (CLICK). Green whistle (CLICK)
  • 55 – NZ dental experiment (Mercury – CLICK) general mercury (CLICK)
  • 56.30 – Is the Shen going to cope? Claim the space.
  • 58 – Set the scene up CLEAR, CALM, Safe
  • 1.00.10 – Do not give Vit C if you are to use local anesthetics – they will not work.

Oral issues still

Why was the oral work done? Thea – to help her breathe easier and stop the tongue pushing teeth forwards/give more flexibility.

  •  2.00 – heartbreak/past trauma from mouth
  • 5.40 – Tai Yang
  • 6Jenna – what she got from looking at the info for this session. Damp
  • 7.20 – Tom – the dentist
  • 9 – Babies are not supposed to have strokes.
  • 11 – Calm the Shen first
  • 12 – If you have been jabbed – follow the bottom circle. Nature – is it? And can you be sustainable?
  • 13 – Drink fluids – not from the tap.
  • 14.30 – Flows must flow. Liver Qi HAS to move.
  • 15 – Biology – single celled orgnanism – change the temperature, electrical change of the water, alkilinity – will impact on everything  that is DAMP (CLICK) . .
  • 16 – Improved HPV vaxx (CLICK) – increased the Al (CLICK) in the  jab: and that adjuvant (CLICK) will stop mercury leaving and by itself- changes blood /brain barrier and also is a neurotoxin.
  • 18 – No cases of myocarditis inthe book – look to heart damage – always  – need Selenium and all the magnesium (CLICK) – to run the heart back to perfect
  • 18.30 – Grinding teeth (bruxism – CLICK) – can’t find useful non ingredients . STUCK Liver QI (CLICK) Fix it with  . . .magnesium availability (CLICK)
  • 20 – inner and outer mouth – vagina points for the frenulum . .
  • 20.30 Lu 7 (CLICK)– made a difference.


    • 22 – First consult with the eye out 46 year old – phantom pain gone!
    • 24Jenna – How come this was never taught this way?
    • 25 – Mirror X: yin and yang surfaces. . .
    • 27Me standing in a pin
    • 31 – Need to fix the old scar – me  – no needles and Acc Recall (CLICK) not done yet.
    • 32 – Bruxisim – Glutathione (CLICK)
    • STUCK LIVER QI (CLICK) – go back to the beginning series we covered . .

    This is what results – the structure is worn down. Eventually exposing the dentine.

    How to fix?
    Undo WHY the Liver Qi is so stuck
    This is the 5 (now 6 – first is temptation – to believe that nature can be usurped) ‘T’s – we started with – tension – temperature-topor-trauma-toxins.

    Lack of biologically available magnesium (CLICK)

    Back to the mercury needs removing again (CLICK).


    WHAT NEXT – next few weeks – more trainings – esp weekends – and practicals ..

    NEXT session – ADHESIONS (CLICK)