Segue #11 – Connective tissues – towards Reconnecting Bao and Dai Mai


I keep on being ever more thorough. This is about answering questions. By now, you understand that we need to know what normal is – to even think about asking – “why is my body not self repairing?” 

We are gradually working through the amassed information, as I return to what has already been taught many times – and also a full revision before we go over the basics again – always from a different perspective.

The Gentling Way sequence is /was – in 2018 – pretty pictures..

Having taught these since 2017 – I am now in the throes of gaining those who wish to share ‘teachers’ to begin at the beginning. Self is always the key.

Selfing – Discovery – Reconnecting – Living Ligaments I

We move from Move Your Qi (Lymph, Stuck Liver Qi, Cupping out navel cold, Moxa, Sacral work through Self Discovery (Undoing your own life library, Tools to assist and Ethics – Playing the ‘Fix it” game) towards Reconnecting Bao and Dai Mai.  (Aligning the heart and womb space, the gut to support life, and the tissues to be flowing clearly as their design needs). On eventually into Living Ligaments I (Womb placement correction)

We are moving in from Qi to the actual physical – all the while speaking of Qi and soul . . As a revision in 2020 as there was a period of locking down/in /out and no patients – we went over what we had. Please watch this first (CLICK)

Living in a woman’s body – connective tissue – maternal adventures (HB)

  • Beginning – Fasia – blew Jenna’s mind. . . I am filling in gaps. .
  • Reconnecting moves (CLICK)
  • 4.50 – Protocol . .  ideally It Depends . .
  • 6 – Reconnect the heart and body at least . .
  • Lisa why go straight to the lower belly  . .
  • 7 – Undo why the body is not healing itself. . .the instructions ..
  • 10 – Lymph, Stuck Liver Qi, (x 3) Cup cold out, Moxa, Sacral work, Men Matter, Intermission, Light and what now? – and now the Reconnecting info . .
  • 12.15 – gradually going into the body . . .
  • 13 7 ‘L’s’ (CLICK) – the Liver info – acupuncture energy work . .
  • 15 – Actually we do Lymph again – next time – not adhesions . . More on lymph.(CLICK)
  • 17.50Lisa – selfing(all of this) should come prior to the Arvigo physically orientated Self Care . .
  • 21.30 – How acupuncture works – get The Spark in the Machine (Dr Daniel Keogh) and all that Mark Seem has written. Also meridians – John Pirog  And all that Marsha Iona Teegarden has written – The Joy of Feeling.
  • 24.30 – We are all of the Light – and some may have forgotten (CLICK)
  • 28 – Home birth story – in the car and fully dilated – in the cold . . birth invasion of cold – and now – incontinence ..
  • 29 – Need to be respecting life /bodies/ birthing mums and babies. .
  • 31The Golden Month – Jennie Allisonget a lot – and hand them out to the older women to action.
  • 33.20Spiritual Midwifery . .Ina May Gaskin reducing fear in birthing in USA (CLICK)
  • 36 – DRINK MORE WATER everyone!!
  • 36.40 – Young Heather stories – and my connective tissue issues.
  • 38Guard your heart – as this is all iatrogenic maternal damage. .
  • 41Blood energy (CLICK) – makes breast milk  ..
  • 42 – Early Heather over doing it stories. .
  • 43 – 2nd bub – Hep A at 13 months’ first bub – and  . . not sure if got hit in belly then
  • 45 – See the cardiac issue and Dr Shen’s work – in Woman Tides   woman tides 201801 (CLICK)
  • 46Vanessa and ‘Mr Conehead’ – and bladder damage.  .
  • 48 – Malaria and getting better whilst pregnant . .and all else that followed.
  • 50 – Birth injuries Number #2 – and manual extraction of placenta. . and stop bleeding to death . .
  • 52.30 – Hit in belly – MMR jab – connective tissue – carpal tunnel . . still breastfeeding. Pregnant with Kathryn.
  • 54.30 – Maternal PhD – coming early – toxoplasmosis – and life ‘stress’ . .
  • 58.00 – We need to NOT create the problems. .  Actually we do FLUIDS (CLICK) before adhesions . .
  • 1.01.00 – Connective tissue issues – cystocele – fallen down bladder – hernias into vagina (CLICK)
  • 1.03.00 – Ryan’s birth . . and the loss of BP – and 2 lots of adrenolin More on the 4 births here (CLICK)
  • 1.05.30 – Strange C sections. . .he forgot bub transverse and me with clot about to explode. . . .
  • 1.08.30 – And life kept happening . .
  • 1.11.30 – Avoidance measures to heal after the Manchester Repair (CLICK) . .I dodged a massive bullet – no mesh and no hacking the cervix to attack the cardinal ligament . . What you could do (CLICK) – (one version of self help –  is get trained up in what we do on L.L.I. – as this is horrible forever after – so no prolapse repair for me. As i had done enough to make it LOOK OK – is still not fixed and not going back for more. . .
  • 1.13.50 – Steaming, castor oil and boron – balance Mag and Ca – and eating avocados. .
  • 1.17.20 Lisa = why not care for women after birthing?
  • 1.18.30 – And now the clotshot to worsen it all . .
  • 1.19.20 – Transformative Healing  transformative-healing-sep-2016 – need to do more than what is in the texts
  • 1.23.00Jenna – Castor oil – on a tampon? No – finger is fine.
  • 1.24.00 – Dr Gowri Mowtha – The Gentle Birth Method (CLICK)

Second session (cancer especially)

  • 1.10 – We live in a body – that has STUCK stories ..
  • 2 Jenna – “So logical, so simple – and you teach the exact opposite of what I have learned to date . .’
  • 2.30 – Reconnecting is about the gut working better – the Three Heaters. . . as well as being connected heart and wombspace. . helping_yourself-full version
  • 4 – Upset? Gut can’t work – Liver Qi not working well . .
  • 7 – My body story is not about rape/D.V. as such – others have so much worse. . How do we cope? (CLICK)
  • 9Lisa – self going awry – Jenna – creating bad cells in your body
  • 10 – Leprosy, TB, cancer, AIDS, Covid – all freak out – but here are others   .
  • 11.30 – first 2 – antibiotics – cancer – vaccination and toxins – AIDS – created – Covid  same. . All immune system (Wei Qi) and the infection – FEAR.
  • 12.45 – what causes health?
  • 13.30 Billie and Al – written on their cards – get people to do this. . Is how you get much more info . .
  • 17.30 – bike accident . .
  • 20 Jane and her cancer . . .
  • 23 – Cancer is mold. . Young Living oil of Thieves story . .
  • 26  How did this happen? Bad Jing (CLICK) – bad teeth all her life also. Connective tissue issue – and now her neurological issues (and where is her Vit D 3).
  • 29.20 – How it got there (Melissa)? Too nice – always in love and light – but really – all that inner rage.  .
  • 31.30Lisa – what would you do if told dying of terminal issue? (Enjoy life)
  • 32.40 – Dr Ruth Cilento – characteristics of those who survive terminal prognoses . .
  • 34 – Dr John Shen – if dr says 24 hours to live – why worry? Dr Ian Gawler (CLICK)
  • 38 – What would Jenna do? High nutrition – and my reminder . .

  • 39Get rid of the 5 now – 6 ‘T’s’ – temptation – tension, temperature, torpor, trauma, toxins. .
  • 41Lisa and Self Care teaching . . napropathy (CLICK)
  • 44 – Older people – nutrition . ..Spleen Qi (CLICK) needs supporting
  • 47 – Cancer and then what?
  • 50.30Essiac (CLICK)
  • 52  – Older man with terminal liver cancer . .
  • 54.30 – Midwiving to die . .transitions – Karen
  • 57 – My gift to her . .
  • 1.00.30 – Dying is not the worst thing that can happen
  • 1.02.00  – Worry wrecks the Spleen Qi . .
  • 1.03.00 – Live Now . .
  • 1.03.30 – Selfing USA time. .
  • 1.04.00 Lisa loves being the first – to tell people the simple things ..
  • 1.07.00 – Not the physical . . and what story we came in to undo . .
  • 1.09.00 – We need to all hand over.  . how to set up your own Selfing weekend. .
  • 1.11.30 – Mother’s heart beat – lub dub . . . calm the physical . .

Clear Calm Safe