As a Qi mover, I have spent decades teaching on this subject.
There is a vast amount for you to investigate here.
if you are not using pricklies yet – do not stress – the intention of this class was to have that on the back burner.
Obviously it makes all the difference yet so does all the ingredients being added in, and the blockages to flows moves in the ways that must be prior to pricklies anyway.
See what I was teaching 40 years ago – I will add in pages from the teaching manual whilst pregnant with Kathryn born Nov 1986.
This is part #1 as the internet became unstable and we only got a start on what was to be – so the part #2 will begin 3 days time.
Please watch all of this, plus the Yang Rescue of #12 2022 Prickles – no needles mentioned – as my usual the ‘high quality natter’ is needed to get you all OUT of the tangible medial model into Living As Energy.
What is a scar?
Why do we resolve its legacy?
Triage . .to get the Qi flowing
Castor oil
C sections
Vit C as part of the nutrients needed for connective tissue healing.
SCAR – a loose concept . . .
See WDCD and the index – and scars. I mention page 230

9 minutes – how much can we put up with . . only so much – we are all FULL UP . .
11 minutes – looking for this A little of a text/manual I wrote whilst pregnant with Kathryn, and first presented in August 1986.
I read it out . . .
TRIAGE is important – all text books are missing that the person is having a life – and these days we are all distressed.
SHEN – COLD and SCARS – today . .
15 – Used to do all the back with what is now called SLQR . .
Back then the cupping in navel was not what I did first necessarily . . .
19 – Need to write – what is so special about me?
Here is mine this time around .
22 – Castor oil packs – if they can’t handle the navel touched – birth trauma drops from Kaliana Rose .
24 – and then there was more. . . eventually I worked out can’t keep repeating this
25 – C section scar – with model . . all the meridians cut through – plus adhesions ..
27 – Need to be aligned – before you ‘diagnose’
Also ..
From Living As Energy . .SCARS
“The physical scarring that we undergo by being in the physical form usually has energy trapped as a consequence. The lines of energy that form acupuncture pathways are often disturbed by energy blockages. These disruptions to normal flow then create their own deviations, which over time result in their own consequences. As with a river system, a blockage downstream creates a damming up behind, and just a trickle downstream. The blockage can be a result of the physical healing correctly but the energy flow, for whatever reason, being different from the original. This will then result in a change of sensation, possibly of numbness, tingling or pain. At the time of trauma, cold may have been introduced as an attempt to restrict swelling. The after-effects of this cold will be a decrease in normal flow of energy through the area, as a cold energy stays in the system unless it is actively removed. The cold presence wastes the body’s yang qi, eventually leaving to that area possibly aching in the external cold, and gradually becoming weakened due to the lessened energy flow. Eventually, this may lead to physical changes that are discernible within the physical structure. Also at the time of the trauma, emotions were felt. The shock, anger and fear tend to be repressed as we pretend that we are beyond what we felt or chose to hide at the time. Our inability to let go creates energy blockages that, over time, interfere with our energy flow blueprints.
An elderly gentleman who 60 years earlier had smashed the first joint of his right index finger. He mentioned that the whole finger became cold in winter, and all through the year he was unable to feel with it. In looking at the digit, there were no apparent scars yet as a rock had completely flattened it very faint white lines were visible below the joint creases. Many needles were placed in these lines and gradually more became visible as blood started to flow up into the fingertip. He started to jump about and complain as he could now feel the needle insertions. After the needles were taken out, he had total sensation back in his fingertip.
This may sound like a trivial matter, but not to him. He had spent his entire adult life not being able to feel with his fingertip, having a weakened finger, and hence hand, all of his life. As the colon meridian services that finger, it is likely that there were also internal repercussions.
A young woman had had an emergency appendectomy 20 years before. There was a massive purple rope like mass in the middle of her abdomen, stopping her from bending over properly. After appropriate scar treatment, the colour normalised and the scar flattened and normal sensation was restored.
In this instance, the entire central meridian system and the organs underneath would have had less than perfect circulation until this secondary disease process (energy blockage) had been resolved.

An elderly gentleman who had survived a horrific car accident had had facial reconstruction. He looked as good as new but was greatly humiliated by having to hold a face washer under his mouth every time he drank. This was because he was unable to feel where his lips were and everything spilled out. If he ever complained, he was reminded that he was alive and looked normal again. After three acupuncture sessions with many needles inside his nose and mouth and behind his ears (very good plastic surgery – no evident scars), everything returned to flowing normally.
I mention Rick – who had 4 trees fall on him – that was only part of his story.
I put together a photographic essay of his ONE session with me in 2006. It showcases all you see in Foundational Moves and I explain in it as I go the reason for clearing what is STUCK in the 8 Extras . .
That is outside what we are doing here. That eBook (‘Transformational Healing’) forms part of a wider body of work. For Qi Movers mainly . .
32 minutes – Elke arrived. .
33 – all whose were trained with me as acupuncturists – got all the above. . .
34.30 – Elke – C section – jammed up for 20 years – older woman – who had a neck problem . .so the question I ask is – what has no one else done? As she still had the problem – against all good treatments for others. . setting p to wn . . .
36.40 – Doreen’s story what do we do first?
See Donna from eLotus – who wrote this up for those who had gone through my Moving Blockages webinar in 2018.
38 – Carole Rodgers and the article printed in the American Acupuncture journal.
39 – How can anyone think that a needle in a digit could get action past all of this?
Carole said each end of scar . .so I got stuck in to try to fix this for them.
40 – Past scars I have worked with . .
42.30 – Vit C – and what makes their own? Guinea pigs did not – but rats and mice make their own Vit C – guinea pigs more like humans.
45 – take out all supplements to prior yourself up plus i surgery – opened up and get cold. .
46 – Jenna came back.
48 – need nutrients as likely not in perfect state as the body ‘needs’ surgery . .
49 – increase the nutrients/minerals and water. Vit C
A recent search online found that some students are going down the path of literature research to see if scars and their treatment helps . .