Touchies meet pricklies

Who can relate?
You may not have your own.
It may not be a C scar
It may not be ‘a problem’ according to you.
BUT . . .
Here is what Elke said:
‘I had a C-section 20 yrs ago. I have had neck problems ever since. It was or course hard to tell the origin because when you are a new mum your carry a baby around and feeding and getting in and out of car seats etc. then when my little one was 3 I began four years of studying fulltime. This did not help my neck at all. I have had very restricted movement for past 10 yrs and I honestly didn’t think it would ever free up. Meanwhile thousands of dollars spent on chiro, massage and physio which has never fixed it – only helped to manage it. Heather did one session of stuck belly blood treatment with needles and my neck instantly freed up and i have had more movement in it and less pain ever since. Who knew it was my c- scar all that time!!’
Maybe need to know first?
STUCK BELLY BLOOD intro page – hordes of other pages to go through.
Especially my two wonderful MALE apprentices.
C SECTION REPAIR – July 2021 many links to follow
AS usual – here is a ‘high quality natter’ leading you into how to deal with scars with pricklies – YOU DO NOT GO STRAIGHT TO IT.
I start you with shock – Kiiko point – St 24 . . (We can’t launch straight into needling a scar) .
Sideline – me asking Lenley did she ever wonder why – I could find points?? Relativity – finding them
5.45 – HAS to be exactly where it is to be. this case – esp the angle towards the centre of the navel
7 – What are we feeling on a pulse? Heart lament . . see more in my Acup in the New Millennium (1999)
Not the ‘quality’ but rate and regularity – 4 levels . ..and so many positions as he does micro feeling – how many GB stones are there there? (When you are ultra good).
12 – Why we do Triage . . . why I do not take pulses . . .
When the heart /Shen is calmed – we may then be able to help them to MOVE the Qi
15.30 – Ear needling – hurts and works . .
18 – MUST undo Liver PISSED OFF – Stuck Liver Qi . .Liv 2 – scratch it first . .
20.30 – renewing your Liver channel – look again . . and poke your own points – and Liv 14. .
23 – Finding CV 17
USING ST 24 and LIV 2 – can do hand work whilst they are in.
25 – Bladder channel points – to get to the second run of them – as the Yin organs ones are magic . .
from then on . . . . what I did initially with pricklies – checking/clearing/soothing THEN fixing .
36 – Cooling needed – to live in life .. Bl 11, 17, 40 60.
37 – My pin in heel whilst Josh was being B/F at 10 months old.
41 – putting needles in – not popping with plastic .. .
43 – WRONG PLACEMENT OF TH 5 – THREE finger not 2, so is 1/6 up from the wrist crease
Starting to clear shock/distress/old STUCK on other than physical levels first
Practicing on somewhere else PRIOR to the C section one – as they can be tricky, with flabby skin
CHECKING – must – before, during after and them as well – so they OWN it
And know when to do more – as this over compensating in a body keeps on keeping on . .
Teaching to feel first – own scar
Needling a C scar – in a training – no warming it up – DO NOT DO at home . .
What to finalise?
Comfrey after moxa – only need to sue the stick x 1 – NEVER touching the actual skin – it reconnects . .
The comfrey heals holes in the aura – and normalises skin.
Why I do what I do . ..
It works
What CAN (and does) happen . .
It started with a scar . . . – life long body disorganisation – I go to what is blocking flows to the eye – from the GB channel
2.45 – ask a different question – me and seeing brown staining – so needed more Vit C . . Mirror X
4.30 – David’s excitement to changes in pulse and tongue..