Sacral wakeups


Look for the breaks . . .

You could download and print out this form – What I did template so you can write in what and what happened – this is important.
From there  – WHY did it work? Do ask yourself . .

  • Beginning – discovering sacral pull-ups and starting the ‘rolfing’ moves
  • Explanation as to why this will assist the structural /fluid issues.
  • Acupuncturists need to also use their fingers . .
  • 2.55 – round and around in heart and sacral areas. (comfort as well).
  • 4.00 – giving worker instructions – to look after OUR selves whilst doing this work


Maybe revise here?

Here is a combination of the moves:

(Also see here)

Wake yourself up!!!






 More sacral moves ..

Filmed for eLotus LA Feb 2018


We go further


What are we doing?


A very interesting set of work available from here

Please watch as it helps to know what is under your fingers!! (So you can see/feel what we are doing).


None of this is done in isolation

Here we have more