Revision – accident recall



Thank you my French outpost in Albi – Pia and friends.
Translation – was fun.



Working alone – if the patient has enough flexibility and in no pain when you are working. .
Didn’t get fixed?
Ask yourself – was the head far enough back – or – what is holding it stuck?
Likely emotional – pleas ehaev dne teh PV and O.A.C.E. first

Bao Mai . .we ne dto focoo=rrcet this – and mau-ybe Tailbine/all thrigheth perineal area as well.
Or grief (lungs)
Shock (Mabe Livr na dSpleen nd =s weel =ll as heart)

Fear – Kidneys
Angr/rage – liver /gall baldder.



Where do we start?





Pia ..  ankles as was slammed into a cliff at 40kpm – hang gliding choice/incident