Problem we are solving:
Living in THIS now
In our bodies – when what we thought was is no longer . .
(When body not OK – seek medical care – take a pill/have surgery. What if this is/were no longer an option – or assured?)
When emergency medical care may not be present – or only to the favoured few?.
Perhaps we go back to the grannie wisdoms?
In our communities when division is being fostered and people cleave seemingly permanently over beliefs, strongly created
In our lives – when we are being shut off/down from what a few years ago was assumed.
Shall we undo the STUCK? OUR stuck – teh traumas of ‘deal with later’ all piled up and creating havoc in our bodes?
Not knowing how to live outside being told what to do
Rhythms of life – initiations, celebrations marking off the progression through the stages of life as evidenced by aging and responsibilities and personal physical upheavals
In a tribe? If so we are held in the embrace of the elders, the wisdoms that got us to here, and the known – through myths, legends and their practical manifestations. If not – the myriad unrelenting changes we face now daily may turn us into needing a leader. Forgetting our own souls, inner clocks and missions here. . Rhythms of life? How do we walk through the life now?
US . .
Called to service in body work, in Qi Moving, in helping others make sense of . .
Did we miss a bit?
YES – women’s ways of knowing . .

The inner way of knowing – we are guided – and maybe now called – TO SERVICE . .. through sovereignty.
The interface between the information we are presented in college and the experiences we lived as we get to there go through, come out the other side into ‘being a practitioner’ and NOW
The world – shifts .
How do we fit?
Can we undo what we have within to embrace the same turmoil the ones seeking our care are in?
With all they have as yet not dealt with?
Heather’s Gentling Way it is sequential and we all must begin with SELFING
Constantly actually – in these interesting times. . .
Gentling . . We start here – SELF FIRST
Selfing – Self Discovery – Reconnecting – Living Ligaments I

Over the past few years, I have mentored, taught and held space an infinite number of hours as a small dedicated group of students unpacked and then reconstructed what it means to be us. In these times. Helping others along their life paths.
Many more trainings and groups of students have followed as this work evolves.
As the world changes – we go inwards to be able to adapt ..
Mindfulness is sneaking in.
We are gracefully returning to our life force.
Exciting and dynamic.
We start with self and SELFING
This diagram was true in 2018 – we have had minor shifts.
It gives you a pretty account of the general direction

If you wish to dabble, that is $US550 (for the 3 pre source self paced learning, 2 day weekend 4 weekly catch-ups and further material presented – then potentially leading you past the potential challenges of putting YOUR self first into delving deeper into what makes YOU you and how you can undo what has held you hostage up until now.,
The online What Causes Health and Soothing and Steaming courses start you on the journey into many lineages and through to your own mysteries in sacredness. . .
Ideally as you move through the GW package – you share with others – skills/tools/tricks of being woman and how simple this can be. Results are permanent when we correct (not manage) the issues.
As you gain confidence – in Pelvic Opening and also simple ways to Move Your Qi – the shift in your apparent clinical skills will astound you – working with lymph and breath and clearing past blockages..
The entire package to Living Ligaments I– womb alignment – that includes the segue from heartful healing hands through tools (cups, moxa, Gua Sha spoons and more) into needles. In segments (14) of large bundles of self paced home learning through online courses, eBooks and links to more if you wish it . .
Where did this come from?
My life’s work. Where I have been led. All for now.

The past GW Self Care was about looking in and looking after – self. It was the beginning stepping stone. Whilst the advanced pregnancy was optional, the SC teachers had to do at least the Spiritual Healing) if not also the advanced.
I did all I could tucked away in Australia/NZ and at the beginning of 2016, when I left Belize, I wondered – what next?
By October that year I had found it and was in a class with Dr Jennifer Mercier.
After merging all I had already done with what the Maya and HB Moving Blockages taught me, I added in Mercier and taught the first class of my melded Moving Blockages and all I had found worked resulting in my work What Dads Can Do and the advanced multi modality ways into Living Ligaments in June 2017.
Other people taking Dr Rosita’s work on – in their own way.
We all bring ourselves and our own flavours into all we do.
My intention is to offer an integrated holistic soul centred,
Lightful way to view being here in body – as a soul having a human experience – in a mammalian wrapper.
Being here you are also in the line of Pelvic Opening – not only for a birthing focus – all of us need our pelvis realigned: flowing with creative juices, life and loving being here. Selfing leads into these aspects – Self Discovery, Reconnecting and through Mammalian Maternity – on into Living Ligaments.
Experiential face to face can only happen if we ripple out in the places my students are. My entry into the Arvigo system (CLICK) was a quick get all I could – and then I visited Dr Jennifer Mercier in Chicago to come home and integrate these into my already spectacular Moving Blockages style of energy body work – classical acupuncture using the hierarchy of the meridian system with the soft tissue work that was taught concurrently to me in 1977-9.
What is being offered

For those who wonder – having maybe done this – we are all at different levels and really have no idea what ‘done’ means.
Having gone through an in person Selfing workshop before, I really enjoyed this one via zoom. Having a group around while we go through the inner self discovery brings a beautiful safe tribe-like energy to the highly personalised journey. I found working online I had the opportunity to create whatever space I wanted for myself. Individual to me and my own needs, while still having that connection, that energy of the community of tribe there with me.
I have learnt more again this time around, I hadn’t truly considered how valuable it was to redo this workshop.
It would be easy (and remiss) to believe that attending again was not necessary….
Although the core of the content essentially stays the same, delivery will have an ever-changing approach in light of the intentions of the group, and the personalities, perspectives and differences of those attending
Also how I have changed since my first Selfing workshop…
So much has changed in my life (and in me )since the time of that first experience, this time I uncovered a different layer.
A part of my life journey that I thought was reconciled and healed many years ago, had the underlying emotion and unknown attachment revealed to me through this Selfing. I was completely unaware that there was anything left there needing repair and honestly felt it was a part of my life that I completely understood and at peace with. Not heavy…or dark… a little sad.. but incredibly restrictive in the most subtle way.
Now I feel entirely released with the revelation, having the chance to let it go through the work over the weekend and in my prayers to God. A part of me had been held back for so many years, me completely oblivious to it, if not for this second Selfing. All to say how undeniably important I have come to see that these Selfing workshops are. And the need to experience more than one.
We can hold ourselves so tight, so close, not letting go for so many reasons and everyone’s will be different – not ready to, in old patterns, others in our life not ready for us to – and other times purely because time is needed to allow the healing to unfold and allow the soul to be freed in its own speed… I haven’t received all the answers yet, or know exactly where I want to head with this work…. I realise that I am still growing through this and have plenty of work to go yet, but I am feeling more myself each time and I believe my souls purpose will start to materialise alongside me sharing and using this work…. Melissa, North Qld, Australia
Your turn?
Become a womb warrior also – listen to your second heart (womb)
She will be happier – in her correct position
You also

- Reach out to the one who shared this with you,
- She will be your hands-on teacher in this exciting dive into honouring your wombspace
- Be prepared for the changes you always hoped for – as we LET GO what is holding YOU hostage.