Let us . . . . get a grip – the world is in crisis due to .
Not us.
We need to band together – and share what we have – we all know what causes health – it is encoded and embodied within us.
Besides the easily followed text and videos,
The Selfing course has a large number of extra features. 2 guided meditation tracks, eBooks and posters, plus checklists.
Guided mediation – two tracks – physical relaxation and emotional release. Easily, gracefully, breathe and let go!!! Cleanse all the attachments that are within your energy fields.
Connect with fully your Self, your own essence.
Helping Yourself to Better Health and Vitality
You can change your life
- Can my body heal itself? Yes
- From anything? Yes
- Is it as simple as the temperature of my food and drinks? Yes
- Is it as easy as eating more of these foods and less of those? Yes
Find out so much more – how stress affects you. How to undo stress with simple massage secret How to undo all that ails the upper part of the body – all that pain and tension and need to visit all those different health care managers all the time to just get some relief/sleep. You may ask ‘Am I causing this through my thoughts and beliefs? Look to the Getting Out Of Our Own Way part of this package and use the amazingly healing mediation MP 3 tracks that are included.
Getting Out of Your Own Way
Plenty of easy to follow diagrams and ideas on what you can do to begin to LOVE your life and living in it.
This mixture of common sense based on the energy model available to all acupuncturists, has been worked on through decades of clinical work with patients, students and Heather’s own life experience. This book allows the reader to easily see how their personality was constructed and how to change what seems to be on automatic, so life becomes easier.
It is an amazingly fresh look at being a person. How to heal out of depression/taking pills/telling the same old story and LIVING in it stuck and unhappy – how to break free!!!
Living as Energy eBook
‘Living As Energy’ is a small pictorial manual showing you why that your thinking that you are doing ‘everything right’ is just not working for you – as you only have one piece of the puzzle! It may answer some of the mysteries of living in a physical body. Extending your framework into the realms of living as what we are – points of pure light within fields of energy, encased in physical matter. I wrote “Living as Energy” in 2002 to answer my question – ‘How can I help patients understand how they can help themselves”. Assisting them with their challenges – they can help if they know how they are breaking themselves .
Through my eyes (senior acupuncture teacher) – what makes this body tick – “Living as Energy” is
designed as an owner’s manual to assist those who find themselves slightly puzzled living their lives.
Sightly different model . .
We are not just a body.
We are more than the bits that we feel and can touch.
There are also the instructions that run us.
Electricity if you like.
Well beyond the medical realm that only speaks of the bits.
Let’s journey into real life.
Living In It (eBook) (2002)
As an owner’s manual . . . A wise woman’s guide to easy womanhood – a holistic healer’s version of how to be happy living within a woman’s body !! Learn how to live with grace and love being woman Why you need to eat, What eating does, How you bleed easily as a woman What stops this from being simple.
(Why you may be experiencing all that is upsetting your cycle) What to do about undoing the programmes that have lead you to here . . .. Originally designed for my acupuncture patients to understand how easy it is to live as a woman. PLUS – what to do to get the most from the experience.
Simple, natural and easy solutions are obvious.. When you work WITH your body – all is possible.. Divided into three aspects –
- Honoring Our Source (the digestive system and the Blood energy that runs us – how to improve its quality, and what importance it is to all women (crucial). Leads into
- Honoring Our Bleeding – explains women’s moon tide years
- Honoring OurSelves – who, and what we really are – and how this has been shaped by being born woman.
Mainly in diagrammatic form this easy to read flip through aspects that you may have never thought of will start you on a very personal journey of opening your eyes to all of who you are and can be
Cold Damages Your Health 
Here I share something mind blowingly obvious with you.
Never be unwell again!
Follow what our elders knew!
Please – do not ice your petals! Not ever.
Also not your gut. Why not? Get this and find out how you have been making everything slightly wrong (whilst trying to be good) – and then – how to right these wrongs you have perpetuated in your body.
Listen to what your grandmother would have told you – no exposure to ice, no cold foods or fluids in your gut – and always cover up your head when it is cool weather – put something on your feet do not sit on cold concrete.
Simple Detoxing Solutions
How will this help? Is a detox part of the answer – yes – but perhaps in a way that costs nothing and rids you of the past and its baggage .. let go of what no longer serves you – become unstuck and free. It is as simple of changing what you do and what happens next can change
Find out . .
- Look at how the 5 “T’s” mess with you . .
- Look to the ways that you can help yourself . .
Most chronic health problems are due to toxicity – (many levels of) – as there is residue/echoes/shadows where it was not designed to be.
On so many levels we choose to ignore messages – inconvenience, apparent other priorities – all then leading to a less than perfect vehicle for living in.
Woman Tides – a life manual
Written initially as a handbook for a midwives’ short course, this takes the reader through the introduction to how a body is seen through the eyes of an acupuncturist. This means you see yourself very clearly – how you have been set and what you thus need to do to change things that up till now have seemed fairly stuck, and even hopeless. Ever wondered ‘why’?
This will help you – by discovering the energy signatures and instructions that run the ‘actual’/physical body. The actual mechanism that ‘drives the ship’ as it were. You will learn a lot of what set you in motion in apparently everyday events, and how you can back out of the problems being in your body may be causing you.
How to undo what is essentially an imbalance in some aspect of Blood or Qi – flow and production may be all you need to do to live a very different life..
You will find this a fascinating look into self help. As one acupuncture student has said. I have finished working through the Women’s Tides book. Over the last three years I have spent my weekends and evenings learning through reading, listening to lectures and webinars. In all that time not come across anything that is so simply outlined, logical, and understandable. And it ties in to the acupuncture language and framework! Sometimes I listen to the content and think, I have seen that before. Other times I think, wow, that is great, I have never seen it that way, but it does so nicely links with this and that. Other times I am amazed that I have never seen it, or heard it that way before, but it just makes sense. – Dave Brisbane
Soothing? Your hands – your belly – your life. Yes – belly moves to settle – anyone – with anything.
Steaming? See what I did in clinic (CLICK)

Please – look to what you may get out of this – for yourself – and should you wish to go further – we all start with SELF.
That is the beginning . . . . do reach out if you have the space in your life to be part of this tribe, as I am only offering the starting again as an intensive ONCE – after that – my trainee teachers will be your hands-on. And I will be online only.