Hi – on top of the info on chats – do consider body work . .
Mercier (my way) and
Maya (Arvigo – one of the most qualified in Australia)
Adhesions and gyno visceral corrections
Need your Blood energy better . . comes from your gut working well
DO NOT leave the ‘oven door’ open – as in no cold/cool going to your belly.
No sweet . . you need to eat fat, protein and 9 cups coloured veggied to make great foundation of your next baby,

Precocious puberty (to avoid)
Mercury stored in the body – stops zinc, Selenium and magnesium being seen and absorbed
Mercury again (hot feet at night is a great hint).
Blood energy and what it does in your body.
To do – get glutathione accelerator – NOT what is available in Australia. .
Take 6 every morning with food – get the auto ship as that supplied 3 lots (a month a bottle) on automatic.
Detoxing drops . .the freight is expensive . .
PCOS and endo – all the same