So far she has at least 7 more children than would have happened had I not walked into her life
Holistic, multi modality multi lineage, multi dimensional transformative energy body alignment in action

Since last session – instead of a broad band of diffuse, severe pain all around her pelvis, front and back – no sex, no sitting down . . after treatment – was only in one spot – specific area and was nearly all gone by this morning.
The neck ache left and came back a bit. She felt very good about herself – happy – uplifted.
The period this morning was red start – not a mess of brown. In her pre married life, periods were irregular, maybe stop and start, go for 2 or 7 days – always very bad pain.
Always also slower back ache and neck problems. (As well as the gut, veins and so on). P.C.O.S. all life – listening to her pre married life history.
This was last week (CLICK)
I upon hearing she had had a period said – “you still agree not to get pregnant immediately, right?” she said – “I just want to be able to function as a woman, as a mother and as a teacher.
First symptom of pregnancy – acute sense of smell. Feels really cold all over. Hair falls horrendously when breastfeeding. Nails OK.
Please listen to me getting the info as to why the neck pain . . as I needed to get to the ‘why’?
0.35 – Asking question – sounds ‘nosy’ – but need to know. .
1.30 – Need magnesium all day – she also had back ache . . given instructions how to do as often as you can.
2.50 – long time in the labour she got the neck ache in . . – LACK OF QI . .
4.00 – Vomiting in late labour – getting to why she is still not pregnant . .
5.00 – Baby did not breathe for 8 minutes – cord still pulsing – and then placenta still in . . go to WDCD . .
7.30 – Finding Sp 4 to get the placenta out. See site and charts in easy pregnancy resources online courses
9.00 – Magnesium needed to get pain gone and labour ran her out of it . .
11.00 – Write out ALL accidents and troubles so they can be undone – accident recall . .
12.00 – gets ccnfusing if you do not write it all down – when so many kids and stories (and not usual names).
general discussion .
22.00 – Gets really cold and sense of smell is heightened. .
24.00 – Got babies 5-8 on account of seeing me to fix the problem . . Dr thought – take ovaries out after 4 – as she was so sick . .
Castor oil packs .
25.30 – still investigating WHY THE NECK ACHE?? – A litany of accidents but not tail bone.
29.00 – Red itchy legs end of pregnancy – MERCURY in teeth??
We need to stay on track – why was the structural help not holding? That is the detective work needed
Why an 11 hour labour? Usually less than two hours. Back ache in pregnancy – could not use magnesium topically – now and as we did up a new recipe – and how to use it . . Instructions on how to use and drink another water (warmed) after every pee). Had to have an internal – and found to be bulging waters – and had to lie down . . story of what has happened to others – magnesium on – then needed to push and spewed and spewed and that continually – and head over to the side . . so pushing with neck to the side. Thinks it is the first rib – as structural people have popped it in – and then it pops out again . .
Bub took EIGHT MINUTES to breathe – and after 30 minutes doing wee breaths – “man up son” . . placenta then stuck as bub not interested and screamed for an hour . . Sp 4 – and me with Chong Mai – Left Pc 6 and 20 seconds later – R Pc 6. To stop over bleeding – Sp 1 – see fingertip rescues site and print out charts. Placenta out – actively moving about. Did not overbleed. Hip shocking – three weeks later still – til chiropractor. 10 minutes in resilience needed – Vit D3 and magnesium. . It keeps going out – put in, comes out.
Is why we need the Inner Libraries. . and then undo by Accident Recall CLICK). All good after placenta. Bub all good till nappy filled with blood – why? Courtesy’s birth – one before. 13 minutes – Went into labour after hot Epsom bath – all moxa, pelvic opening – gentle contractions every 5 minutes – he initiated it and I imagine – due to her magnesium intake – topically – can’t use on skin. Bub covered in meconium – and all slimy green still. 15.30 minutes – no blood anywhere. Bub is tiny and not growing well at 3 years old now.
BUT – mum – 17 minutes – went septic. Had uterus cleanse herbs, iodine etc and more Vit C – and still happening. Me looking for hottie as she was going through trauma and needed comfort . . 20 minutes – after a D and C – awoke with very stiff neck . .. bits of membrane in uterus. 21 minutes – as usual – instead of a period – this time – she had lots of pain and weirdness in pelvis – and did all that I had said to do (after 4 th bub to get the next 4). Ovulation mucous?? First sign of pregnancy – acute sense of smell, gets cold and dizzy . ..
23.20 minutes – Cheerful – gained 5 kg and had a 10lb placenta – bub was 9lb – after 4th and having a scan – PCOS. G.P. – laughed at using natural ways to get ovaries sorted.. . ‘not just old wives tales’ – plants help. Entire time after Nahan – neck aches – worsened neck issues. Finding out what why the neck ache. Fell off top of swing – chipped elbow. Awake every 4/5 months – kinked neck. me discovering why not right side. 28 minutes – can’t use magnesium and most supplements do not work for her. “That pain had become part of my life”. Hot feet – yes and itchy legs and really itchy ankles . . . Mercury (CLICK) Fillings .. .(I can see them in her mouth – first – at 21 years . . Structure – back aches – moxa and massage – need also the magnesium. Sleeping badly in Nathan’s pregnancy. Does not get sick. Has very bad varicose veins. All fell apart in 3rd pregnancy – sick, veins, back pain – perfect in first 2 pregnancies.
Download and fill in – for all children, and self and own mother.
Exploring Our Inner Libraries-short Exploring Our Inner Libraries-long
Today – 30th March 2021 – awoke feeling different – and got her period – first one since being married – her eldest daughter is 14 or 15. Has knocked off the night feeding, and shortly thereafter gotten pregnant – no periods. Until now. On my uterus cleanse mix with Gall bladder cleanse – 1/3 of that. Also steaming nightly, castor oil packs and drinking 2 cups red clover tea daily – and belly work .
After session – Whole middle section feeling free – unjammed. More strength in muscles after Acc Recall at the very end. Can feel pelvic floor pull-ups – massive difference. Hips feel free. Stiffness all gone. Neck less pain and head pressure gone. Left rosy cheeked and looking so much less careworn. Will see her in another two days.
Minimal needles – spent an hour talking – then R St 24, bil Liver 2.
Some lymphatic. Liver 14 (Softens liver acc to Dr van Buren)
Flipped over to get the sacrum warmed up and after all of this – rollover to go to loo. GV 1 and all GB 30s., a deep needles = as a big hole in sacrum and the second run Bl yin points. Around for the Maya belly work, ending in the Mercier belly moves, then Mercier back work. This sorted out the O.S.L. Sacrum looked totally flat – I left till next few days to see. All Mercier moves and then up to eat and back for Accident Recall. She told me alll about her various – listen to the recording so I was working in WHY is the neck not holding?
Session 3
Asking WHY – and getting to the root of the problems. . . uncovering the way the body fell down
00. 30 – craved chewing fingernails – all pregnancies – me minerals needed?
Second baby WIsdom (first is Devotion). Hair started falling out in pregnancy after her.
During b/f Wisdom – 7lb 11 oz . chubby baby
1.55 – lost a lot of weight?? why?? ‘massive tits, heap of milk . . living with bruises . .and constant nausea – and had DMER also
And stretch marks – massive itching happens first – then she got the veins . .
4.00 – H.E. and started eating about 20 weeks. .
9.00 – what to do ? eat liver and bone marrow. .