Qualifiers – Easy Pregnancy Solutions

Welcome – Did you know???

This is NOT ‘medical’. It is LIFE.

Are we a good fit??

This is different than what you have seen before – as I am interested in QUALITY and improved lives . . as you will be also. Why am I doing this? I wish I had known. Your body knows what it is dong – and will make perfect – if given the right space to do so. Nutrients needed, and the flows in your body (Qi, blood, lymph and nerves) able to do what is needed. Much like looking a recipe book – there is a lot of ingredients – and the quality and freshness, the right proportions – all are then used as instructed – here is really the beginning of the recipe of making a better life – for another – through constructing it as well as is possible.

Body remakes itself whilst you make your baby

Questions you may need to answer – Does the body remake itself when I am making another person? Why would Heather know this? Best condition possible? What is happening when I am pregnant?

Did you know? The most crucial time in a persons’ life (as a baby) is when they are being made – Mother Nature wants the best.  Whatever is needed for bub’s foundation will be ripped out of you to do so. What is done when you are building a house – from the ground up? Planning. Using the best you can afford. But often –  when making baby – whatever comes to hand – however it happens – as you live your life.
What if .  . .we could change perspective – from baby’s point of view.  Ensure there is an abundance? What does this mean? As with a building – once constructed, if it is in the wrong orientation, placed in the wrong spot, using dodgy materials – that is what you have – forever. The most important time – is before 2 years of age. Actually – whilst within mum. Who knew? All gardeners/farmers – they only choose the best, fed the best and expect to cull what is not the best – so the future is as good as they can make it. Shall we look at the nutrients/ingredients/materials used to do the job?

Food is Medicine

9 cups coloured veggies – and as much fat – plus 3 litres of pure water – not tap – daily. Real, simple ingredients. No grains – they are fillers.

More on ingredients to be found later – I have a site called ‘easybreasts’. When they are happy – so is your life. When they are not happy – the rest of your body – as it is all connected – is not either. Shall we start with what are we making this baby with?

Your food factory/engine of life – your magic power – your choices will enhance life.

Bodies Heal Themselves

When we supply what they need.

Warning – crone alert!!  This is where you may need to open your ears .  .

Repair – and reconstruction. Here we deviate from what is written. Told to you by those whose very jobs are there by virtue of what they are doing/saying NOT working. Nature does NOT need micromanaging. It needs respecting. Always, always, always follow life. The template is laid out. She knows.

‘High risk’? Who is ignoring nature? And why? No farmer would be that stupid – it is obvious when you are not 100% well going into maternity – your body will struggle. Medical is disaster avoidance – they are in no way ‘owning’ information that works – as they are only there to make more $$ when you need to return – life and nature do not need ‘help’.

Structure Determines Function

Who speaks of your engineering? Not the obstetricians – or the midwives. Yet this matters.

We all know our bodies are lived in. Body remembers everything that has ever happened to it. And the stored life residue – is often blocking life flows. We need all to work perfectly – or it creates its own dramas – and these are also played with – not UNDONE – releasing what is stored in a body means – free flows.
Did you know? Structure is how we live. All flows come readily when all is where it should be. Not part of any formal training I had. Not part of the programme – opening the pelvis – and enhancing its ability to do so – surely is the key in birthing? I would have thought so – hence I created the manual and videos and charts you will find in the body of practical, easy to follow information found in Easy Pregnancy Solutions coming up. How YOU do it yourselves.

When anyone is trained in almost any health profession, structure is assumed to be perfect. Immutable – not able to be changed. This is wrong. How do I know? My job – when all else failed – people desperately came to me. When ALL else failed  . .. So many women who have come to me in vast pain. They would walk out without it. Life instantly better. If they followed the simple advice found in all my work – it was gone. How? We corrected why the warnings and messages the body was giving out. Secret – We listened.  The body is so grateful – ligaments in pregnancy are forgiving.  They just need the right ingredients and be reminded to go back into alignment. Your body does the rest How?  Self repairing is SOOO possible and will happen in pregnancy – no monitoring needed – no watchful waiting – you need to reconstruct perfect (you) whilst you are making the best baby possible. Start with structure – if there is any pain – flows are jammed up – and the Easy Pregnancy Solutions online resources deal with this and so much more.

How We Feel Becomes Who We Become

We are here as a drop of Light –  spirit – having a human experience in a mammal body. How we play this game of life determines what we feel/do/are. All is up to us – or we can play victim – again – choice. We can choose to change – all of this.

Perhaps we live what is in front of us. Be present. Ignore what people say/write/put online – and be real? Undo what things ‘mean’ to you. We are all here to experience. What we make of the lives we live in – is up for individual perceptions.

‘High Risk’ is Ignoring Nature

Nature does not set you up to fail . .

Crone alert (I have been doing this job- correcting medical mayhem). The ‘we-don’t-know’ brigade (Ask the medical people why you have anything deviating from perfect – they well say -‘more reserch needed’. NOPE. They need to either ask the right questions (so they discover what is needed) or get out of the way. At this stage – we are all living in a dystopian reality where the ‘facts’ alter almost daily. Perhaps go back to the body? It is still needing what it was designed to have and to do.

All Problems are Solutions Waiting to Be Found

All is about the access to flows. Inner systematic tidiness. Your flows flowing as designed.  Fluids flowing as the rubbish removal system (lymph) and the nutrient rich circulation (blood) and the life giving Qi – are working perfectly.  All happy when there is free flow. Shall we return it to your life?

‘Glove box manual’ – for your life partner to undo what tangle you – have found yourself in.

PLUS – the videos, the charts and the eBooks. Including mine as I went through making babies o not feel overwhelmed – so much as gifted – this is what worked when nothing else did – for decades of mums passing through my hands and clinics. If you do not need all YET – someone else you know – just might!! It all works as I have spent 40+years honing what worked in my practical renderings of wise women’s ways into a happy mix of holistic, multi modality, multi lineage transformative energy and body aligning.

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