Prickly tools 101 – Yeppoon



Beginning of prickly tools (Thursday Yeppoon)

Condensation into matter.  What are we here – for – question to be answered later.
More on beings of Light here (CLICK)

Deconstruction of a lived in body of Light (CLICK)

Closer we are to the beginning – the more vulnerable we are. Jing (CLICK). More on maternity later.

Ethics 2016 (CLICK) – please go through.

  • 9.30 – I have a grid in my head and various other systems that run in my background to assist me to work out what to do – where to start and so on. See the Woman Tides eBook woman tides 201801 (CLICK to download) – appendix – the energy channels you need to start with.
  • 11.30 – not teaching pulses – look to my 1999 Healing into the New Milennium DVD series
  • 13 – why not stop micromanaging and instead – FIX things???
  • 14 – car needs wheels centered.

Similarly – to talk of Healing After C Section – we need to look at ingredients and circulation. Design calls for??

  • 16.30 – What is a person?
  • 21What is a ‘safe’ birth? (CLICK) Mammalian Maternity. .
  • 23 – Shen being intact or missing?
  • 24.50 – acupuncture grids – not part of the bio medical paradigm.
  • 28 – Leave the potential breeding unit till it is capable actually of being a mum.

  • 39 – Stomach meridian and Yang Ming division .

Linked with the colon channel

  • 40 – Discussion on how we get ‘ill’ – imbalance.
  • 44 – Functions of Yin and YANG QI
  • 44.50 – why you MUST drink more water (not ‘room’ but body temperature.
  • 45.30 – Catching ‘a cold’. Through the Six Divisions .. . (depth of Qi in meridians in the body – superficial to deeper).
  • 48 Wei Qi (CLICK) – how we stay well – pores of skin under the control of the Lung Qi and also – if not sweating – lack of iodine . .use topically.
  • 50.30 – progression through the symptoms and colours of phlegm.
  • 51 – The beginning of data entry injuries. .
  • 52.20 Gua Sha (CLICK) . .first thing to do  cold entry – not needles – but take COLD out . . .
  • 53.20 – Young men with spontaneous pneumothorax . . cold invasion. Reminder – Foundational Moves (CLICK)
  • Continuation of the ‘cold’ and coughs and what not . .
  • 58.30 – Student coming in perfectly to show us the example.
  • 59.20 – Air conditioning and runny drippy nose. . take cold out. . .

Energy concepts

Different forms of energy work

  • 2 minutes – flowing through the meridians in order – see the poster Inner Alchemy – the Chinese clock . .

Lung – Colon – Stomach – Spleen – Heart – Small Intestine – Bladder – Kidney – Pericardium- Three Heater – Gall Bladder – Liver – back to Lung . . .from the point under collarbone – and away it goes again . . constant.

  • 6.00 – thyroid instead of ‘menopause’ work ups.
  • 10 – What Yin and Yang Qi are damaged by – see the ‘text’ WDCD.
  • 11.30 – 8 Extras – see the meridians in the Woman Tides appendix . .  .
  • 12.40 – getting ready to work on Nat – but we were stymied again – but the cold stuck there.
  • 13.30 Iodine (CLICK)– needed for life – Yang Qi sort of like metabolism . . Iodine (CLICK)
  • 15 – Living with low Yang Qi (cold – all ‘old wives’ tales’ – avid cold – not Wim Hof
  • In between . . different types of meridians . . (See other work here (CLICK)

  • discussion of being an acup with this work – including. .
  • 24 – Strokes – me clearing the Ting points (ends of fingers/toes to get the Qi flowing – and thus she could function again.

Prep for C sections

  •  Beginning  – scars and limitations. Comfrey ointment (cream – white) heals holes in the aura, normalises the skin and also heals bones when I was a Western herbalist we had tinctures – from whole plant, the root bark, the entire root, leaves, flowers alone and they all did different things.
  • 2.30 – Reynauld’s syndrome – Stuck Liver Qi and Yang Qi depleted. Monica and her 3 children.
  • 4.30 – The more they are ‘nice’, the more they are holding it all in.
  • 5.20 – C section and necks – was over 25 years ago when I saw Jill – who had a C scar and a neck that was
  • 6.20 – Not only cosmetic – is a huge energy blockage and the adhesions . ..
    magically fixed when I repaired the scar.
  • 7.20– Whose reality are they holding true??
  • 8.20 – May need to undo the script – what it means to them.
  • 10 – Whose R.I.C.E. (CLICK)??