Pricklies – scar work


I was surprised when learning acupuncture that this was ignored – and really – still is. Skya Abbate (Anything of hers is so worth while). Past this I note that few are taught to undo life residue – to what got a person to where their body to where they are. Remember I said from time to time I would be adding in a text – and that likely to be female authors? I do not mean forth is to happen – it is as they seem to be stand outs – and the men who are not in this are standing out as they are so different – anything written by Mark Seem.  Or John Pirog‘s book on meridians. NOT Giovanni Maciocia.

Ear acupuncture (2003)

(Review says) “In classical Chinese medicine, the ear is considered an extraordinarily powerful nexus of energy through which the entire body can be treated. Unlike numerous texts that apply Western approaches to Eastern medicine, Chinese Auricular Acupuncture explains ear acupuncture within the framework of traditional Oriental energetics consistent with the use of the medicine.

Written by an esteemed practitioner and teacher of auricular acupuncture, this modern, user-friendly guide provides students and practitioners with a concise manual on ear acupuncture. High-quality photos illustrate common ear pathology and include instruction on diagnosis. The text features Chinese clinical energetics of ear acupoints interfaced with the most common diagnostic paradigms. It also contains a detailed discussion of how to construct prescriptions tailored to the patient rather than the disease process.

This unique book simplifies the art of auricular acupuncture by relying solely on the traditional Chinese ear map rather than a set of complex charts and systems. This approach explains the practical utilization of auricular therapy in a manner that is memorable, clinically useful, and based on the underpinnings of an education in traditional Chinese medicine”.

All please get this one – is similar to my work . .

Taming the Tiger (2008)

(Review says) ‘When you grasp the needle, do so with great care, firm strength and caution for the peril, as if holding a tigers tail: one wrong move and great harm could befall – Huangdi Neijing.

This uncommonly useful guidebook presents an overview of all aspects of needling, from the parameters of the needle itself to the importance of treating and anchoring the patients spirit. Skya Abbate’s clear language and detailed descriptions guide you step-by-step through thirteen categories of disease, ranging from anxiety, geriatric and chronic degenerative diseases to those illnesses thought to be untreatable.

Specialized chapters offer insight and guidance for practitioners seeking to enhance their treatment strategies with additional therapeutic techniques, including moxibustion, bleeding techniques, herbal liniments, infrared light, threading, and others. Rounding out the text is a practical appendix with a glossary of Chinese medical terminology, sample instructions for patients, as well as an index with more than 2,000 disorders.

Skillfully weaving the time-honored principles of Oriental medicine into the cutting-edge reality of the clinic, Advanced Techniques in Oriental Medicine offers a wealth of simple, yet effective, treatment strategies’.

Foundations – moving blockages to healing – her way.

(2018) Written by an experienced acupuncturist and educator, this advanced textbook provides strategies which support the foundational energy of a person, including their qi, blood, yin, yang and essence. The book takes an integrative approach, providing insightful recommendations relating to diagnosis and the construction of treatment plans. It shows how needling strategies are connected to rules of point selection, the point classification system, and nourishing the foundational energies of patients. Techniques such as bloodletting, gua sha and the eight extraordinary meridians are covered, and the book is supported by clear illustrations, chapter summary charts and template patient handouts. Ideal for use as a practical manual for practitioners of acupuncture, it is also useful as a student textbook.​

What is ‘out there’.

Not answering my questions – Why him, Why there? Why then?

What was HIS body saying? What instructions do we need to address – messages not getting through?

His assumed limitations

  • 1 – Scar to be waited till it ‘knits together again’ – to make it look normal.
  • 2 – Split open !! What say we sort out why it ‘popped like a grape’!
  • He talks about ‘building the dermal beds’- from the bottom up . .
  • Says to spray a bit of ‘evil bone water’ on it – any Chinese liniment would do this.
  • Work over a couple of months – I expect immediate.
    ‘It starts to feel a bit of discomfort’
  • 3 – ‘Shave the skin to enhance skin turn over’ . Any gentle work will do – and inner minerals and adding in topical comfrey (see below) we – only when it is healed – as it is such a fast regenerator that you need to put maybe calendula ointment (or golden seal if it is an old not healing scar – as a slightly infected C scar) with massaging 2 x daily all around it.
  • 4 – Once a day – ‘change in a matter of weeks’.

Let us begin what we know already . .

Q 1 & 2 – Ingredients and flows. . . what IS needed to knit the connective tissue?

ANSWERS – Hydration. Good Blood energy (CLICK). Do see all I have done on gut function.  Vit C (CLICK) to begin with – and a little all through the day – where is decent nutrition? Also minerals – especially zinc and all  micros (I will get the ingredients off the phone apps (2014) done at some point soon I hope.

‘Any lubricant will work against the work’. He is doing. We can do so much better – and the general adhesion breaking and using castor oil  – and using comfrey – allantoin is the key – (CLICK)  . . Needling – what to do? Basically
Check – how it feels above, and below and on the surface. When we look at a large scar – as a C section is – or the usual heart operation – down the sternum and the long leg ones or arm – that also happen.

Castor oil (CLICK) undoes adhesions (CLICK) – inside and outside and through all layers – especially when you use inner (into orifices) and on sacrum and frontal – and maybe entire belly.  Also see this section from Reconnecting Revision (CLICK). Allied work we did on scars is here (CLICK).

4 – Expect instant change – as you have seen when you do the steps we cover in adhesion and scar work so far –
NOW we start with pricklies. .

ALSO – do follow another great woman in pricklies (CLICK) No idea if you have to pay – all I have seen is ‘free’. Grateful I do not have to led you step through all of this!! Please remember we are not teaching either subject – but WHAT WORKS. . on a ‘need to know’ basis for beginners  – and for the advanced group – to fill in any gaps. .




I have a very large unwritten text and all pics and tongues in my head – been working on the Moving Blockages text since I was pregnant with Kathryn – nearly 36 years old! We begin with pricklies on the sections already sent to you  as pre practicals – in the email sent 25th September..