Pricklies Saturday


Qi Moving According to Heather – The Gentling Way. A little on how I got to here (CLICK)

We begin

IMPORTANT – before you start.
Please print out as part of this  Classifications #1   Clearing:poking Points #1

Session #1 – Pokey points – where to find


  • Background to this style of working (Moving Blockages)
  • Checking. Clearing. Soothing, Fixing, Settling – and always – The Gentling Way
  • Start with meridian flows – Lu 1
  • Mu points – to poke to see what is happening on the front of the body)
  • Location of points
  • My own heart problems and how to fix .
  • Dave update (Ki stones)
  • Beginning – Why I went off using the term acup and needles – out of control group (AHPRA) and what if no needles possible – all gone from China – and whilst I was teaching the non needling population of GW practitioners
  • Look at 7 ‘L’s’ (CLICK)
  • 6.30 – who is ‘I’ needs asking

  • 8.30 – YOU are the centre of a wheel for the family you are ‘mum’ in – and the centre of the lives of many others.
  • 9 Tracey – working on Kacee – CALM the Shen is most important – then the Qi (what the pulse measures) can flow.
  • 12 – ways of knowing …

  • 14.30Natural Pregnancy Guide is coming (only so many hours in a day – I do need to sleep).
  • 16 – Finding points on self. CHECKERS – Mu points. I have always – and used tongue – not pulse as need to empower recipient – not ‘be the expert’ for them.
  • 17 Tanya arrives.
  • 18Tracey – it worked really well (more tools whilst doing the normal work she did) – Kacee very impressed.
  • 19 – Marie – loves the structure – very clear . .
  • 19.45 FIRST Do No Harm – be different – as all they have been to they have discarded. Be Likeable Lady . DO not do what others have – they need a relationship with you (hence we are stable, clear ourselves – and choose to see the ones we are safe with).
  • 21.10 – Do not judge – we have no idea what a person is ‘visiting’ to clear ???? what ??? we have no idea of.

  • 22 Points – Checking MU Points (CLICK)GB 25, Liv 13. on self. See what I did in WDCD – is all through it.
  • 23 – Xi Cleft – are to clear blockages in channel and in the organ. YOU need to feel/ live this – it is all instant – when you DO NOT ‘diagnose’ – but feel into what is happening for them.


  • 23Transformative Healing – me teaching touchie in print – for needlers. As part of the 8 Extras package 2010
  • 24 – We  need to construct a safe container for the recipient. Lu 1 (CLICK)


NOTE pokies page is as yet incomplete – but is here (CLICK)




  • 29.30 – Dave’s stones – lessened – Chinese herbs – my usual starter pack – clear Damp (CLICK) and Heat (CLICK) – also see next session.
  • 30 – DECLUTTER – clear out what is blocking healing/natural.
  • 31.20Pc 1 (CLICK)

  • 32 H’s congestive heart failure (CLICK) Dr VB – pubic area  swollen – men’s heart problem coming. Women – sacrum – mine was all sorts of mess prior to teaching L.L.I. and getting all to clear it . .this is why we MUST integrate the hands and pricklies. .
  • 34.30 Spleen points – 1 – 4 woman tides 201801 (CLICK) to download). Print it out – is your initial text.
  • 35 – Do not sit and watch – DO IT – all I suggest – you HAVE to embody this.
  • 36.30 – points are on the body in front of you – the texts (esp written in past 40 years) are at best guides.
  • 37.30 – Lineage – lost in the modern world of copyrighting and ego. Family traditions. Countless.
  • 38 – GB 41 – (Master Point of the Dai Mai)
  • 39 – Functions of the 8 Extra meridians. . – hold as reservoir till when you can be clear enough for the deluge to be drip fed out of the body . .
  • 40 – My Moving Blockages text is coming . . was to be written 36 years ago whilst Kathryn was a bub  .
  • 41 – Chong Mai – Sea of Blood deobstructor also – Marie-Claude – was taught from this – is NOT TCM – even though the curriciulum would have been – the teacher was aware enough.
  • 43.20 – Dai Mai – girdle meridian. Dr VB – A little on the marvelous man (CLICK)
  • 44 – Ways of knowing again . .  encoded – embodied – OR – someone said (and they would know more than you? /someone/,any someone’s WROTE and same – they have taken your inner authority (Degrees and all.)
  • 45Dong gui bogam (CLICK)  The Congress – Korea 2013 (CLICK)
  • 47.30Bl 62 – Master point of Yang Qiao Mai 
  • 49 – Lu 7 – in the hole.  . and how to use – is it blocked (by scar above the navel/under chin. Master point Ren Mai
  • 50CV 9 – fluid point – liver 2 popped in and go back and poke again – much easier. .
  • 52 – Causes of disease – anti life recipe (CLICK)
  • 53 – bash yourself- bashing GB lines. .and then drink some more water – POSTERS Web poster – move qi and lymph

  • 57 – open up your chest /shoulders and diaphragm: need the Food Factory working better.  Life Support (CLICK)
  • 1.00.00TH 5 & Pc 6 – me having a conversation with self – wrong position – SHOULD BE 3 cun up.
  • 1.02.00 – Dr Angela Shen and the Taiwanese master – showing the REAL position of the middle heater – is opposite to all the written masters.. .is a mater of intention possibly?
  • 1.06.00 – why was the placebo group the same ? She was caring/and being a likeable lady . .and the placebo group WAS getting treated – loving . .
  • 1.07.30 – Delphi Process – ask those whose job it is to know. .
  • 1.10.00 – Need to ask the right questions. .
  • 1.13.00 – IMEDICAL – can ge blood tests ordered . .
  • 1.14.30 – Need to sort the soil out first . .
  • 1.15.00Dave and Kidney stones (CLICK)
  • 1.18.30 – second stone x2 size of the first one – took Chinese herbs, castor oil packs, steaming and so on – and stone was half the size – stent, blast, the go back again.
  • 1.21.00 – Steaming 4-5 hours, foot soak, and so on . .
  • 1.22.20 – undoing all sorts of things – and castor oil up the back passage also . .
  • 1.25.20 Ki 5 – Xi cleft point – pain instantly disappeared
  •  1.26.30 – use hot water bottle. .and the residual pain – disappeared with pulling cold from the navel – and all the pain – from the stent line and   .what set it up?? What are we doing??
  • 1.31.00 – Intensive bundles of care  . .and they have to be focused on self help.

Session #2 – what to do to be safe with all

Covering :

  • Looking after YOU and being safe
  • Vegan issues
  • Safety – BIG theme – the jabbed
  • Interesting anecdotes from clinic – including saving babies and what do when . . .
  • 2.45  Shock from the patient – including ‘needle shock’ – and broken needle.
  • 4.30 Their shock – mitigate – give water, magnesium, protein and salt/fat – to make sure and slather them with magnesium . .
  • 7 – Time constraints. You setting the container . .
  • 10.30 – YOUR blood sugar needs to be OK  and
  • 11 – BUSINESS TALK  – employer AND employee – need to spend it to MAKE IT!!
  • 12.30 – Look after self first . .
  • 14 – Set intention – Triage is always.  .  Pull out what is not supposed to be there.. Declutter, reset, restore.
  • 15 – The selfing challenge – get up an hour earlier, walking and drinking ++++
  • 16.30 – Need to write a ‘welcome to your new body’ etc so you are automated. .
  • 18 – YOU become their wise person – not the GP – so we have to be authentic and organised. .
  • 19 – WHOSE commitment? R.I.C.E. (CLICK)
  • 20 – We need to be SAFE – and get people coming in who are at least qualified. .
  • 21.30 Sita – Veganism and sustainability. .
  • 23.20 – Cricket powder – a beginning – I said  ‘but they’ve got eyes’ – we HAVE to be real. Off sweet taste – as their bodes are screaming out for fat.
  • 26 – Lisa – and the women with no milk- who go nuts . .
  • 27.30 – Dr Shen – ‘first get the patient’s love – Sita – you are there for the offspring – the baby’s baby. .
  • 28.30 – Me and patient Hayley – talking her through being sensible with food ..
  • 31 – books – Nourishing Traditions and Nourishing Traditions of Baby and Child Care and Nourishing Broths
  • 34 – Hayley’s 13 month old child choosing to eat what needed. . ask your OWN body – what do you want to eat?
  • 35.30 – Temperature . . keep all body temperature.
  • 37 – Sita – what about AlphaGal (CLICK) . . can’t have anything to do with mammals.
  • 38 – Definition of health? – Ability to adapt to change. .
  • 39.20  – Tropical ulcers  . . GUT health . .
  • 42 – Do what you resist the most FIRST
  • 45 – Different foods have different energy – as well as the cooking method.
  • 46 – BE SAFE – make sure you have food so you do not get taken out – me in front of a bus.
  • 47.30 – Converting a vegan.
  • 48 – Bodies remake themselves – Gerson diet (CLICK)  Gawler Foundation (CLICK)  Petra King (CLICK)
  • 50 – people bend in the wind- or they break . . Calm their Shen  . .needles later. .
  • 52 – Go back to the old ways . . eat liver . .
  • 55 – Post Twin Towers  .how to treat people after a major catastrophe. Broken hearts everywhere.
  • 57.30 – Communal distresses.
  • 59 – YOU have to be selfing – who knows what happens first? Rage and fury – NOT anxious – get real – can they keep it all together – Gabor Mate – When the Body Says No’ (CLICK)
  • Li 2 and liver yang points
  • 1.01.30 – Be safe when you are putting needles in – they can react.
  • 1.05.00 – Checker for this patient – Hortence’s point – the ovaries are not working properly – no libido.
  • 1.07.30 – Tracey – what are you doing about the jabbing issue?
  • 1.10.10 – Me conflicted . . on this.
  • 1.11.00 – SAFETY – put in tiny little needles in upper heater.
  • 1.12.00 – We need to look after ourselves . . me and roses. . may need the jabbed room and one not – get an air purifier. Solvents as well as the viral particles – they got clear – but where did the ?? go?
  • 1.15.00 – Me nearly killing someone giving them a calming drink .
  • 1.16.30Need to NOT use tubes for needle insertion . . . have to FEEL the QI
  • 1.18.00 – Saving babies – Ki 9 and GV 20 – MUST undo cool belly – my patient losing at 26 weeks ..
  • 1.20.00 – Patient story with dead baby and bad medical impacts .. Factor Five Leiden (CLICK)stop the clot (CLICK)  – Leave me to get on and FIX it – would be easier ..
  • 1.28.30 – Lenley – instructions to stop kidney stones coming back? They do not know.
  • 1.29.20 – Depth of needling – lung punctures. . DO NOT use 1 inch needs in upper heater – that will stop this.
  • 1.31.00 – Meridian low – and bring the ‘bad Qi’ through. Toe story. No black eye – move the QI . . NO LIMITATIONS.
  • 1.33.00 – My bladder stab story.
  • 1.36.00 – Marie – and stories – entertaining . . My student and phantom pain. Qi Moving
  • 1.38.00 – Infected diabetes  toe story – Drion (CLICK)  and needle the part not there – the Qi is stuck.
  • 1.40.00 Xi cleft points (CLICK)  – to clear what is STUCK in the energy . .
  • 1.42.30 – Vanessa and toe kicking – PRACTICAL – on a paper towel and then the apple – then self. Co 11.
  • 1.45.10 – Me and Co11 and me teaching Ryan to put needles in
  • 1.51.00 – GV 26 – what it does. .
  • 1.52.00 – Talk people through what to do IF what you can see likely happening happen – What don’t you want . .and give all answers – part of keeping safe – need to NOT say needling – but pricklies – extension of your hands.
  • 1.56.00 – We wait for the others to return. Lisa and I nattering birds/weather/jabbing . .
  • 1.59.00Belinda‘s instructions.

#3 – What are we finding and how to undo it – Damp, Heat, Dryness, Fire, WIND


  • Life residue – how the body remembers – and how we are moving it through
  • Ting points
  • Interesting cases peppered all through
  • Vit B and peripheral neuropathy
  • External climates and how they mess with homeostaisis – damp, heat, wind, dryness, fire (we have done cold extensively already)
  • Finding own wind points
  • Why Accdient Recall works – 8 extras clearance
  • Mercury toxicity – Kathryn
  • Ear points
  • Scars and Mirror X
  • Beginning – we start at 4ish – where Lenley is telling us about Dave. A qualified patient – desperate enough to follow what is to be done – and is not arguing with the process – so it can happen..
  • 10.40 – as an example – my own birth trauma – we have NO IDEA what may come up when we work with anyone – as The Body Remembers Everything That HAS Ever Happened To It.
  • 12 minutes in – Older man – one of my first patients – in Byron Bay INTENTION – GET THE QI MOVING
  • SCAR INFO I ‘milked’ his finger –  to see what I could see – and the scars (wee lines) appeared – so the ones I could see got needled and the rest appeared.. . at the end – squeezed to bleed – if we are to do something – may as well do a proper job!!
  • 14.50 – Mowing toes off!!!
  • 15.40 – Ting points
  • 17 – System of meridian flows – tendino-muscular meridians ..

  • 20 – ‘Milk’ the digits – diagnosis and FIX – ting – very dynamic energy shifting. The ones that do not bleed – are stuck. E.G. Dave’s foot
  • 24.20 – Most simple form of spina bifida – no hole in penis. Scars – block the energy
  • 29.30 – Also web points
  • 30.30 – Perpheral neuropathy. (Vit B depletion (CLICK) and damp/wind)
  • 32.30 Damp (CLICK)  and Heat (CLICK)  (See p 138/139 WDCD for more).

And then  . .

  • 33.20 – WIND
  • 35  – Yang is firey, Yin – more watery.
  • MUST drink so much water. .  2103water copy    2104dehydration
  • 36.50Dryness – Desiccation
  • 38.50 – Dane’s tongue – so much better. HEAT – causes the Blood to go reckless – Shen also
  • 39.00 – My shingles – in eye. Liv 2, Co4, 11 (Cools the blood)  Yin Tang – clear heat and wind.
  • 41.50 – Any fast changes – will create wind.
  • 44 – PCOS – water is where it is not to be to put out the fire (Liver meridians) that should not be there. Cool the fire in the Blood – Sp10, Co 11. But must sort out why it is there. Stuck Liver Qi will go to fire. .
  • 47.30Sita – now seeing people in such a different way
  • 48.20 – Get rid of the heat first – and also Damp . . (may be why there is heat – compost).
  • 50.30 Hot Blood (CLICK)   Hot Blooded babies (CLICK)
  • 52.30Sita’s son – ‘why am I not dead?’
  • 54 – eg WIND – the new jabbed.
  • 55Mercury (CLICK) – stops the magnesium – and creates the heat . . (body needs to use all of its water to buffer the tissues so less damage happens.
  • 56 Kathryn (CLICK) – and mercury . .(CLICK) – and aluminium (CLICK)
  • 57WIND – can flutter – or blow the tree down.
  • 57.45 – Tinnitus – Belinda vertigo
  • 58.45 – 8 Principles  – depletion (we wear out)
  • 59 WIND points (CLICK) Wind drives all others inside faster/further
  • 1.00.00 – Windy day as a teacher – esp if it is a full moon. .
  • 1.00.40Vanessa with singing bowl
  • 1.02.00 – Sound therapy – Sound of a Miracle1990 – Annabel Stelhli (CLICK)
  • 1.04.20 – What happened BEFORE the ?? happened.
  • 1.05.20 – Alessandra’s mum (see the p 138/139 above)
  • 1.07.20 – WIND points (see above)
  • 1.09.45Kathryn – clear damp heat – insubstantial to substantial phlegm
  • 1.12.30 Bell’s palsy (CLICK)
  • 1.13.20Accident Recall (CLICK)
  • 1.14.55 – Inner heat – itching – TOXINS . ..  SerenityHELPP syndrome (CLICK) and here (CLICK)
  • 1.15.30 – ask – what happened??
  • 1.16.20 – Finding your own wind points
  • 1.17.00Wind points (CLICK) – also finding the GB 31 point – do it on yourself. .
  • 1.19.00 – Now you know why the indication of the points is about WHAT IT DOES – not the labeled biomedical condition . .
  • 1.21.00Tanya what gauge do I use – smallest I can find . .
  • 1.22.30 – Marc le Bel workshop – Paul Nogier ear work – NOT Chinese . . and how they ‘diagnosed’
  • 1.25.00 – Tongue deviation – wind.
  • 1.26.00Hilary – discovered small movement issues. Clumsy.  . Happy to have Belinda there
  • 1.28.00  – MUST insert the Bl  62 in as all have social issues – Hilary – checking is so important.
  • 1.30.00Ann-Marie’s story (CLICK) ..
  • 1.37.00 – How to needle on a paper towel roll. Place needle on it – then use prickly as an extension of the finger.
  • 1.40.00 – Scar scraping – first – story on  area out of the fire.
  • 1.44.00 – Where to put the pricklies in a scar – fired child = castor oil packs and serrapetase internally 3 months.
  • 1.47.00 – Have to be NOT in your middle circle . .in service – go forth and help!
  • 1.48.20 – Chicken pox scars the most useful  . . heat and wind (itching) generated – and can get STUCK.
  • 1.50.00Marie – not actual skin breaking – Mirror X – and how to.

Session 4 – everyone practicing with scars – on selves or others

Covering :

  • Everyone working on themselves – after having worked out how to needle
  • What happens when they do . .EMPOWERMENT (as results are instant) .
  • Beginning – we forgot to get me recording Tracey and her finger – tongue has totally shifted.
  • 2.15 – Belinda’s arm – burn . .
  • 3.00 – Remove judgement – something is holding it back – the Discovery for the Defense – in a court (novel) – observe the change more – as all is in transition  – then me on my arm.
  • 5.30Belinda’s question . .
  • 6 – Lisa and wondering about her chin scar.
  • 7.30 – Tracey and her brain cancer scar on back of neck  .castor oil packs needed.  .has softened off a lot. Serrepeptase (CLICK)
  • 9.25 – Vanessa on Douglas. .
  • 13 – Douglas‘s various bloke accidents – and adhesion breaking demo for him.
  • 14 – What Marie is to do to assist her hand crush incident – castor oil to start with. (Moxa over it first).
  • 16 – Lenley working on Dave
  • 17 – Trauma can come up
  • 18.40 – Marie’s hand better – and could ring it with needles – and moxa always – to move it around (as to seal t) put liniment, then moxa it . .
  • 20 – Tracey
  • 22 – Sita and what they are up to . .and changing happening . .
  • 24.20 – Belinda – on another planet –  Ki 9 – Xi cleft of the Yin Wei Mai
  • 27.30 – Vanessa – 
  • 30.30 – Hilary – move the Qi – like a band aid – rip it . .intention is to get out of your middle circle – and HELP

What I did template (CLICK to download – print out lots of them)