
I have used all of these to keep people here and functional. Some are life savers.
Acupoints are measured up by body landmarks – you need to look at the size of your fingers relative to that of the recipient – a baby – a large man – all work – if you use THEIR fingers as your measure – up against your own).
Gv 26 – Main point for restoring consciousness, for shock, revival.
Promotes resuscitation/out of coma (needing strongly and towards base of the nose)

Where? At the junction of the upper and middle third of the philtrum.
Why? For fainting, collapse. Weakness, helps to awaken, use fingernail in an emergency.
I have used in life with my fingernail on so many people. It is also useful to rescue when/if fainted. First time I did – was my ex husband – oily sweat, blue around mouth, in shades of grey/yellow – not breathing from a severe asthma attack. I twiddled the needle (it was only a half inch one) each time he collapsed. He was being held up by my partner and myself – as we awaited the ambulance.
Ki 1
I have used this point a lot – 2 instances from life:
1 – An elderly gent, who when he arrived at his weekly session with me looked apopleptic – about to explode. He could not lie down. I pressed the point VERY firmly, then used moxa to bring what was rising down enough to get him to his G.P.
2 – My then dying newborn. To bring her back when all else failed – whilst she was in isolation, in ICU, totally dependent on the hospital care – but they did not know this trick. Her mum did. The anti-convulsants were not holding her.

Where? On the sole, in the depression when the foot is in plantar flexion, and in the anterior depression when the foot is flexed, approximately at the junction of the anterior 1/3 and posterior 2/3 of the sole.(excluding toe).
Why? Ki 1 – is main point to activate the brain-energy for waking up a patient from unconsciousness: syncope, hysteria.
What to do? – pump it.
Sp 3

This is my non invasive ‘go to’ – especially when people look like – they are ‘not here’.
Bring the Shen (CLICK) back . . give it its home
What to do? Press firmly. Pump it maybe. Either side. They will instantly return.
Use GV 26 if you can’t easily get to the foot in time. Useful if they are already in recovery position
Co 4

Good all rounder whilst you work out what you are doing Clears heat, wind, and thus pain . . .Very easy to find.What to do? Pump it – or press hard.
Why? Almost all is toxins – so also find a pure source of non chilled water – and get into that also.
When? Best needling – but has been great in hard labours – to get the pain relief distraction going – if not using the sacral points (CLICK).
Pc 4
Where? In the middle of the inner arm 5/12ths the way from the wrist to the elbow crease. Pump it. Why? This is a stagnation point – called ‘Xi cleft’. It removes what is creating drama: something is STUCK – for the organ or the channel of energy. Thus acute palpitations – angina, heart pain.

I have added this in as if you know a wee bit of East Asian medicine – you also know. . . need to clear heat and wind. The Shen is then involved. Spirit disorders typically due to Blood stasis, yin spirit problems, depression, fear of people, grief.

Where? On the inside of the lower arm. If you divide the distance between the wrist and the elbow crease into 12.
Go up half and then in the lower part – into 3 and divide that in half – and there you are . .
Pc 4 – As you are not needling – the width of the finger will get it . .
What to do? Pump it – severely if in pain – and maybe then go to the point Pc 6.
Example – stopping heart attack .. I was In a lift with morbidly large woman, who had just eaten a massive meal. She was in excruciating pain, distress and breathlessness. Pressing Pc 6 did not touch it – but Pc 4 resolved the problem. She was fine months later. . with appropriate natural care.
This may seem improbable to the average person not here are so many ways to undo what is ‘hopeless’ when only using standard care.
Pc 6
What does it do? Magic . . . Calms, opens chest, allows you to regroup.

Where is it? This is an easy spot – up from wrist crease. NOTE – I have spent decades needling the wrong one – and that still works! THREE finger widths up – I have been using TWO and it is still doing what I intend – maybe I have found a better location?
What does it do? Opens the chest – clears the distress as we MUST breathe – and the connection liver to pericardium in acupuncture is essential at a very deep level.
So many I have saved from profound distress – especially when unable to breathe.
Fingers – and knowing what to do. Whilst about to go into a supermarket, someoen was coming out – when she looked like collapsing I followed her in to the shop and whilst laid out on the bench, I pushed the First Aid guy out of the way – and took her arm, got her to look at me and focus – breathing OUT whilst I pumped this point – and then as she slowly breathed in, and I pressed, she was able to calm down, breathe and go on her way. Months later – I discovered her again – she was anaphylactic to cigarettes and this new knowledge was what she needed – instead of bringing to emergency in ambulances!