Pricklies – microbleeding Dave


This is a continuation of a larger page – but there is ACTION
Micro bleeding (CLICK) happened – because we are being thorough.

Intention – to get more feeling.hence flows up through the Liver channel – he has has the entire sequence already done in Yeppoon is round #2.

  • Afterwards – the ‘end’ result – after we have cleared out a lot of stuck Qi – we pricklie pricklie . .
  • NEED the Liver Qi to move through and the Ting and the ‘Command  points’ are vastly dynamic.

We start . .



Need to know the channels . .


Also mentioning Mirror X – we will go to his opposite web of hand area –  with the shadowing


8th October

From the crush injury – foot – the entire leg circulation was upset


Around the Qi Cleft – Ki 5 point – for Ki stone/prostate clearance


Scar – sacral area – trying to get more sensation through cupping after the open needle holes (wet cupping – CLICK)Wet cupping is a variation of the procedure where prior to the cup being placed, your skin is punctured and blood is drawn out in the suction process. There is also a variation where the dry cupping technique is done before puncturing your skin for wet cupping.