Pricklies – end August Brisbane


(Bub not designed to come out this way) . . and what about mum???

Covering – the set up to undo what women are left with. (As well as a baby)

Scars, Stuck Belly Blood and why.

Intention – to showcase the Gentling Way in undoing residue from C sections /surgical interventions.


Here is what precedes this

Bne with Yvonne/Lenley and Zoe – session 1.
Yeppoon – with Nathalie, Fiona, Linda, Lee-Anne session 2/3.
Cairns Melissa and Maja – towards scar needling and how to.

Yeppoon – (more on why and how) .with Nathalie, Fiona, Linda, Lee-Anne session 4/5
Brisbane with Julienne, Yvonne and Lenley – (this page)- real people and what to do.

We were working on scars and before this – settling to undo Stuck Belly Blood,. I demonstrated and practice in the group in the afternoon  plus J helping my neck and eye challenges post cow/car incident. (I was in the throes of acute shingles in my eye).   The 2 patients were helped greatly – and Julienne got to see more how it fits together – Yvonne got to stop using tubes with needles – and Lenley and I had a session. We followed up (her and I) a few days ago – see here (CLICK).

Why I use Xi-Cleft points (CLICK)

(Plus a case  what to do with previously pierced nipples – and the loss of sensitivity/scar tissue left.)

2 people we saw this day

(Lucy – 28). after pregnancies at 19/21 – she was left with 3.5 cm diastasis, and a great deal of loose skin. History of stretch marks in maturing. Malnutrition.

Once the operation was done – she has a taut lower belly – much is gone. The belly button has been manufactured – after the skin removal towards her pubic bone. This has left her with concerns about further pregnancy – and also –  she has a pokey out ice from non absorbed stitching – plus we can feel it all down the diastasis repair.
Maybe Serrapetase (CLICK)  will help this. (Take 1 x 3 away from food – for three months).

A gyne case (CLICK)