Pricklies – Chris Griscom



Maybe you have never heard of? (CLICK)

Time is an illusion (CLICK) (Pub 1988)

I awaken – I have been exposed to so much – and so much is presently in transit back to me – with grace.


Please listen to her (CLICK)

We are all of the Light – and some of us may be getting dragged down.
Instead of fretting –

Please .  . Explore (CLICK)

Rise Up!!


ARE WE SAFE?  (Kidney energy OK? Or leaking?)

I am so thankful that I have been directed – and been aware enough to listen.

Windows of the Sky

I became very interested in these points – due to Chris. There was Shirley Maclaine – and her past live regressions . .
We have Windows to the Sky points – and when we are of a vibration to access what else there is – it is obvious. Not to some. Sylvia (can’t remember her last name) Sylvia (CLICK – to download)