Pricklies. . because of need – Dave


This is also a great example as to why DN (dry needling) is not the way forwards – and why the right info is needed – not all there (apparently needed baseline CONTENT )  is to ‘know’  to clog up – just as Miriam Lee did so well in Insights of a Senior Acupuncturist)

Please use woman tides 201801 (CLICK) to download pdf) and WDCD  as your text books – I will get a cheat sheet done up of points that we use and gradually add to it – when we et home late tonight as I am treating all the way back to Gympie today). There are 9 videos (from last night – maybe more today ) to go up as well as today’s session.

We may wonder

What is going on  . .
Medieval times?
Where is competence?

Forget about excellence – surely simple expediency .  we First Do No Harm – whilst getting the job done – not string it out? Lenley ‘s husband I saw in Yeppoon as he was experiencing issues – and we concentrated on what I teach – Triage – shock, take out cold, scars . . and the lymph. General Gentling as we had a class of L.L.I.

Now Dave has a kidney stone that is half its size – was 10 mm now 5mm – and dwindling – Chinese herbs. A stent was put in (again) – as the hospital forgot to ring him to get the operation done last time – so he is now awaiting surgery.

Ate all she had been able to do as peripheries – wee see below how YOU can help now as in GW L.L.I. you have been trained up in energy terms – somewhat I am now doing is introducing what is elegant, instant and works. .

“Dave had his first ever kidney stone in May 2021, which was 6mm.   It was a huge shock, as it totally knocked him off his feet.  His job  involves a lot of time spent driving  in remote parts of the Northern Territory where medical help can be challenging to access.   He  had it surgically blasted.   He thought that was the end of it.   The Dr’s were not able to give him much information about kidney stones, and the main things to do, drink water etc he already did.    

‘Fast forward 3 months and he had another one!!!   This one was twice the size of the first one.   Dave got lost in the hospital system and they didn’t book him in for surgery, so another month has gone past.   The difference this time is he is currently on the Gold Coast with me, as he knows he can’t drive/work and he has started a gall bladder cleanse, magnesium, zeolites, glutathione and me working on him etc etc.   ( last time he was always in the NT)  By the time he went back to emergency in pain a month later a scan showed that the stone had halved in size, a stent has been put in which is creating more pain and peeing blood.    Which will stay in until his surgery in a months time.  The Dr’s all said that this is normal and to just take pain killers.    

‘After speaking to Heather, she  spoke me through which points to put in, it was great to be able to eleviate his pain, and his patience was also appreciated as it gave me the confidence to keep going and be able to put a prickly in.   His pain went and he was able to sleep.   The next morning the pain was back, Heather again spoke me through some more points, and I did some back work as well.   I had some needles with tubes, which I know Heather hates, but they were good to give me confidence, as I had some without, where in the fraction of a second when I got it in, Dave would flinch and my reaction was to pull it out!!!!!  But seeing the life changing shift it was creating for Dave was a great incentive to keep going.   If you had asked me 6 months ago if I would ever do this it would have been a firm NO.  I enjoy acupuncture on myself.  But I was the type of person who had great difficulty pricking my finger when I had gestational diabetes.    So for me this is huge.  I’m really keen on being able to improve my skill set.  Seeing the  great results is brilliant”.

Triage – ALWAYS – what is emotional is why the body is STUCK and in pain (Qi can’t move so pain is the warning).

Dave  . .1st  Lenley put in Liv 2 and R Co 11, – Co 4 hurt too much so went in and out.
That had him sleep all night – 7 straight hours with pain awakening him at 4am. After care? Live on pain killers, ignore the peeing blood, and take a dilating medication to keep the ureter open – with the stent holding position. Till op – a month away . . so if he passes the stone it does not get stuck! (Last stent he pulled the thread out (all goes up through hole in penis) in the shower

2nd – yesterday morning  – was in pain – after the great sleep – Lenley under messenger chat supervision – found and inserted left sore GB 24,- and both Liv 13’s sore thus in. See Mu points here (CLICK)  – and GB 34 one cun down – special gall stone point. Both GB 41 ‘s very sore – the usual position let side – and the ‘point’ off the ligament on the other side. Did some round and rounds. chest gouging, lymphatic, and back to pricklies. Moved the pain around – where the stent is – and then easier tried for SP 6 – not easily found or sore – so went for R Co 11 again. Both Co 4
Went to town – ‘before I left I did SLQ Gua Sha, sacral work, moxa fan, magnesium. I left him with castor oil pack and rugged up. Will be home in about an hour to see how he is. Didn’t have pain when I left’.

We begin – stent issues

Stent 2

Your Healing Hands (CLICK)

Weird things happen . . when we ask the body to clean up

Part 2


3rd – I appeared last night. Ear needles . .
X cleft – Ki 5 – I twiddled them a bit also.. General handy work and Co 4 Kiiko’s immune point (later)  NOT sore. Ki 9 Also attacked the CV 17 area (fingers) to alleviate the heart distress – we are all so upset.

Why these points?

1st session – easy for her to find/insert – all of us are now so furious (being enslaved in stages) – calm the heat – as it has to go through the bladder – and this as well as the foreign object – causes the blood to be there. Co 4 – good all rounder. Co 11 – cools the blood and eases inner wind. . heat and wind will be the result and cause of the pain. .and bleeding – and need remediating. CV 2 very sore – left alone – that is a checker.

Remember I said I usually use Master points, Luo, Xi Cleft? And I taught the first lesson – ear acup?
Here we are – practical application and it all works – instantly . . no ‘diagnosis’ needed. .

2nd session – figured the Liv 2 can have a rest – go for what it has does – sure enough the gall bladder and liver Mu points are registering. Gall stone point – reactive so inserted. Master point of Dai Mai (GB 41)  – (around waist area) very sore and inserted. Why two locations? Is how it works- usually if the ‘real’ one is sore and inserted its ‘shadow’ also needs help – it is stuck too. Co 11, Co 4 – more will be on a cheat sheet later.

3rd session Ki 5 (CLICK)  As a Xi Cleft point (CLICK) is a checker – but also a fixer. All very well to put it in – but as you will see when we put in the video footage of me explaining later – it may be a problem as the body overrides what Western medicine’s game is to go with booting out what is not supposed to be there and may have its own agenda – which if you are wondering  why I did not get Lenley to do this in the sessions she did without me – First, Do No Harm.

Ear points – they work – and hurt and are instant – as I said here (CLICK)

Explaining breathing – and why we MUST undo SLQ


Kiiko’s immune point

Shen calming – I usually do shock points (Will do a sheet on how specifically is not just bung ’em in) up later – R St 24 and Liv 2)  – but we have done this a bit and pain trumps presently . .  fall back is (Liv 2) – or last night Liv yang points and Shen Men and Ki, Bl , sympathetic nervous system – several very sore brain-ish points, and 3 neck ones . . instant gone – all pain. Ki 5 (Kidney), Ki 9 (Xi clefts – this one of Yin Wei Mai as above)  Of the (8 Extras – all info here CLICK). CV 17 – Mu point.

Insertion of Ki 5 (I misspoke to start with – NOT Ki 9 – is already in)


If you wonder about those who say that you are ‘not qualified’ –

WHAT is happening in the ones’ who are’s watch??


4th session – (9am Thursday) as Dave is NOT in pain now – will work on what set this in motion . . . AS reactivity is not really scope of practice – ours is letting the body heal itself – after undoing what is holding this process hostage.

4th – Zero pain – no abdo swelling – absolutely amazing. – set through till half 5 – not even up for a pee!! IS amazed.

There is more footage coming (and audio) but it is taking its time converting.

After cupping his navel – and having him lie on a hottie following the path of the stuck-in-him-stent . . on the right side of back area. We need to warm – as the cold contracts – thus causing pain). Thought I was to put cups on his upper back – and then eventually all the way down the spine – but no methylated spirits – so we scrubbed that as an idea. .

Sequence . . .We skipped the upper back cupping. Went into

Back pricklies

Calming points – plus the small sacral scar that was numb

See more here (CLICK)










5 – Hand scar – is numb   6 – Web points after ting bleeding and then the Mirror X – for the foot scar we do the hand one first.


7 – progress on tongue

8 – Foot scar . .This has been done before – I am working only in the slit looking scar on the Liver meridian

9 – Ankle scar – very little but likely blocking Qi.


10 – Tongue after

11 – Bleeding after – scar now feels the same.




I asked for progress – 4 hours later . .

“Had a soak in a magnesium bath, very relaxed feeling good. Dave still in the bath. He feels relaxed as fuck (his words). He was thinking about your questions and realised he got his twisted testes when his parents had a nasty divorce. Thanks again”


We will check in again tomorrow. Likely Lenley will be on deputised prickly duty again
AND – she will have a report of what it was like being there, and having her own session .  . .