Pricklies Advanced #3 Welcome . . .


This is after Advanced #2 (CLICK)

We covered loosely

  • Moxa use
  • Nasal toilet (after mask issues).
  • Post C section – what to do with these two cases?
  • (How would you – if they walked in prior to this class – use the form, stop and think – then listen in.

Declutter – Reset – Restore

Triage is Calm the Shen, pull out the cold – so the Yang Qi can work – and undo scars . .

  • 1.45 – Using more moxa? Best way to use moxa – how to use with moxa on needles. .
  • 3.30– Ventilation . . . use an odd number of moxas – usually 3 Amway Atmosphere (CLICK)
  • 9.30 – Me and moxa and GP patient .
  • 10.15 – Antibiotic cream in nose – and
  • 12.20 – Oil of Thieves nasal toilet
  • 15 – Belinda arrived.
  • 15.30 – working on the GP’s patient
  • 17 – pitting one against another
  • 17.30 – Belinda meeting the Gentling Way . .
  • 20.30 – Rules shifting . . .
  • 24 – What got Marie-Claude into this work?
  • 26.30 – Ravenshoe – cooler . .
  • 27.30 – Ruptured uterus in labour – through the C section scar  – now there is  another problem – 25 weeks,waters leaking and placenta percreta . .
  • 28.15 – Sacral moxa fan – will fix almost anything – food and watered, not allergic – and construct somewhere with NO draft.
  • 29.30– How to run a pelvic opening class – couples working on each other- and they do mainly SLQR – and sacral fan moxa and butt massage.
  • 33.30 – 263/264/265 – Gall Bladder cleanse – maybe also add in some 410.
  • 34.30 – Uterus cleanse mix – 155/408
  • 35.30 – I forgot to tell you that she LOST her tongue ie, an had normal tongue colour at the end of this and ALSO – she had no pain, and ovulated for teh first time in er life – and no pain when the period came . .
  • 37 – The infected cervix cleanse – lymphatic rosary (CLICK) . .
  • 39 – Terrible state of cervix . .
  • 41 – Comfrey and castor oil (CLICK)
  • 42 – What to do with your tiny just found scar.
  • 44.50We will get an online course on how to help your own scar . .
  • 47 Placental percreta (CLICK) . .
  • 49 – What I did/Why?/ What happened? – use this form to write it all out – will help you.

What I did template

  • 50.30 – What to do – first – Calm the Shen – pull out the cold and sort out the scars – all before ‘diagnosis’.
  • 52 Moxa heel for anxiety – specific moxa and joss sticks. (CLICK) . .
  • 53 Moon phases (CLICK)
  • 54 – Checking and maybe it is ‘worse’ – relax – as may be moving stuff out
  • 56 – Being courageous with caution (Dinah’s baby – CLICK)
  • 59.30 – Castor oil – HAVE TO undo the adhesions . .
  • 1.00.00 – Also – 200 grams Vit C . .over a day.
  • 1.01.30 Belly binding needed also (CLICK) – after having bub – not at the moment – but a physio belt may help hold it all in – and complete bed rest ..
  • 1.02.00 – Calm her down . ..maybe Liv 2 – and1.12.3- calm her (after yo) maybe Reiki as well – with Ki 9 is in .  Kiiko’s shock put – R St 24 . .Calming the Shen (CLICK)
  • 1.05.00Connective tissue issues – and gut – in pregnancy (CLICK)  Unfortunate GV cases
  • 1.06.20Vit D3 (CLICK) is a pro hormone – and without, our Jing can’t – we do need the pregnancy App and nutrition . ..nightly.
  • 1.08.00 – Low amniotic fluid/none – constantly making it (CLICK)
  • 1.09.30 – Another interesting GV case – keeping bub in for 10 weeks after ‘waters break’
  • 1.10.30 – Saving baby – after 6 lost – in labour – Ki 9 – and what did I do for this case? Coupled 8 extras – or maybe Yin Qiao only – and massive shift bub lived.
  • 1.14.00 – Saving time in theatre – stitching all the 3 layers of a womb together – not all separate – and it gives way in pregnancy (not in labour – mum and bub die – USA (CLICK)  – Ina May’s quilt project (CLICK)
  • 1.15.00 – do everything – need to be thorough . . I work on the floor . .
  • 1.16.00 – Need to consolidate the pregnancy .. Bl 46 – happy point fo pregnancy . .(Dr van Buren)
  • 1.17.00 – Have to clear the blockages of the C scar – will talk about later – stabilise pregnancy first
  • 1.18.20 – Is she a qualified patient –
  • 1.19.30Ki 9
  • 1.20.10 – Shen , Cold and scar – and Dr Shen said – First get the patient’s love
  • 1.21.30 – Hypothetical – why C scar in the first place? Nutrition – and circulation – as usual ..
  • 1.24.00Accident Recall (CLICK)
  • 1.25.40 – Vit C and zinc – vital for connective tissue . .
  • 1.26.30 – Always do Gua Sha (CLICK) before the cupping . .

Illawarra flame tree (red) and jacaranda – is special . . trees flowering before they pop leaves out.