Pricklies #9 – Aftermath


No longer super busy – any of us – what does it bring up?

Elephant in the room . . life presently for all of us is likely a bit of a mess. “Mass formation” phenomenon How does this happen? (CLICK)  RESULTS ?– Casey’s story (CLICK)

Reminder – What may be needed to see through (CLICK) JABB 2nd – What Why How (CLICK to pdf)

Immune  ..  system Geerd van der Bosch (CLICK) (Messing with immune system – ‘boosting’)

  • 9 – Look after your health
  • 11 – avoid the vaccinees – if you are immuno-suppressed – as they are shedding
  • 12 – fight for your health

Back to the subject at hand . . . What can we do to improve Qi Flow?


To ignore the barrage of what has been sold – with no reference to health and helping self heal??

Catching things . . Wei Qi = how do we strengthen this? (Life Recipe CLICK)

What causes health (CLICK) Site to wander through (My original ‘filing cabinet’ (CLICK)

There is pulling out the cold (CLICK)

Fire cupping (CLICK) – not navel cupping . .

My finger and other scar stories (CLICK)

Life lived – Aftermath (CLICK) . .

I am working on You Have Been gifted A Body . .(CLICK) – but am firstly sytematising all the input that then allows us to speak of cases and of ‘conditions’.

We can’t get away from what is being done to us – and the life that we are left with diminishing.

Covers: What we have to do to start with sessions –
CLEAR, CALM, SAFE – us and then make it so with them in the space with us – whatever that means
How to start a session – where they are – and then It Depends. ‘Itis’, appendicitis,

I intended to do back sessions – when they sit up at the end. We will do next week.

  • 1.30 – What comes into the room with them?
  • 2.50 – Belinda and what it feels like in NZ JABB 2nd – What Why How (CLICK – download & print
  • 4.00 – Lenley – came in Thrombotic phlegamat
  • 6.00 – ‘itis’ – inflammation/infection – made on fetal human cells – and then there is NOT aspirating
  • 8.30 – HEAT – sugar, and the anger . . . and what is running all over the person
  • 10.30 – Marie – and her friend and aftermath – shedding /transmission – NOT JABBED OURSELVES
  • 14 – H’s body falling apart . .
  • 16 – Belinda departed
  • 17 – What we need to do? Help . . . . Gerd vander Boosch (CLICK)
  • 19 – APHRA telling doctors how to doctor – strange times.
  • 20.30 – Can’t get hurt . . we are not in good times. Me and those I know: eg Jane/Maja/Vanessa . .
  • 23 – Spiritual healing/bathing
  • 25 – Breast lump stories.  .
  • STUCK LIVER QI – Look after ourselves . .
  • 27 Where do we go next?
  • 29 – We all have STUCK LIVER QI now. .
  • 30 – Pricklies for dummies – ears, microbleeding,
  • 34 – And resistances . . look at the sheet – print it out JABB 2nd – What Why How
  • 36 – Pokies – and why we do this – interactive. David and his teacher (CLICK)
  • 39 – Mu, Back Shu, invasion of cold through the 6 Divisions.
  • 41 – Types of problems – heat, cold, wind, Shen Stuck Belly Blood, Huatou jiaji, Towards reconnecting – sequencing – we would have done Back session – (‘usual back treatment’)
  • 44.40 – Start different

Qualifiers . . Remember R.I.C.E. (CLICK)

  • 46 – people seeing us – need us to be clear, calm and safe
  • Patient said . . . My sister stood down after 22 years and only 1 sick day – she is super health conscious – vegan, athlete who meditates daily and would not get vaxxed.  Mum, I and kids are not vaxxed and wont be.  Lauren is getting triggered by the heat but not as bad as last year.  Seems like its hormones related and gets dizzy at different times. We have struggled the last month – our best mate who we have known forever – in our wedding etc – fit, healthy – had vax – dropped dead 3 weeks later – 2 kiddos 13/14yo but wait for it – he had heart attack yet he was fit an healthy.  Husbands work – one of his mates ex wife had stroke and died, son of other police officer had reaction and rushed to hospital.  People are so asleep it makes me so angry.  The Police officer whose son rushed to hospital … comment – oh at least he had a reaction and wont die from covid… WTF. Athan had the jab 3 months ago because he was stood down – felt the pressure and even though I disagreed he had it and has been sick ever since – he couldn’t get an exemption from anywhere .  After Chris died and he has seen the carnage it has opened his eyes.  We have attended every rally possible and now looking at distance education for kiddos. Sorry I needed to rant and feel like you’re one of the only people who understands how bad this is for everyone.
  • 53  – Lenley – all had it before – now is surfacing – ME – they are all broken.
  • 54 – Rescue the Shen
  • 55 – Touch – is it safe for us? Dr Shen – said – ‘first get the patients’ love’
  • 56 – Touch – face down – the original Heather’s version of rolfing . .
  • 57 Need to have Middle Heater with food in it. Checking (CLICK)
  • 58.30 – Acute appendicitis – McBurneys’ point (CLICK) – very very light lymphatic drainage fixed.

ARE THEY IN PAIN? Need that gone and empower them also

  • 1.02.00 – Steaming room next .- treat them where they are. .
  • 1.04.00 – Deva Premal? Lovely music.
  • 1.05.00 Lub Dub on self – 60 beats a minute. .
  • 1.06.00 – Calm them – and no pain – flow is blocked – thus we have PAIN (CLICK)
  • We need to undo the STUCK
  • 1.07.30Chest gua sha

Demo . . .

  • 1.09.00Fire Cupping (CLICK) what we are dealing with now. .
  • 1.11.00 – Maja’s infra red heater and the towel warmer . .can do maybe Brazilian toe touching (CLICK)  whilst they have heating happening . .
  • 1.13.00 – Sweetness story – and micro bleeding (CLICK) GV 4
  • 1.16.30 – Get ll to have a mouthful of water – prior to taking tongue pics.
  • 1.17.30 – Working with Maja and Accident Recall (CLICK) . .
  • 1.20.00 – What I used to do (1970’s/80’s) – moxa on needles – and the entire protocol – plus heat clearing points – this all worked – MOXA and hands .. plus pricklies.
  • 1.23.00 – It Depends – do the Shen clearing – or the pulling cold out?
  • 1.24.00 – WE ARE ALL SHOCKED now

  • 1.25.00 – TRIAGE
  • 1.26.00Body Talk (CLICK) – he is not looking that good – same though as he was 44 years ago . .- as my second acup teacher. – and small (tiny) scars.
  • 1.26.30 – Look after YOU first – and always . .
  • 1.28.00 – No diagnosis – meet them where they are.
  • 1.29.00 – Don Elijjio Ponti – ‘get the people to laugh and half their troubles will go away’.
  • 1.30.00Someone to love, something to do, something to look forwards to
  • 1.33.00 – What to let go?? Throw out your ballast. (Stuck Liver Qi)
  • 1.35.00 – WILL and also advanced health directive.
  • 1.36.00 – Getting all squared away – end of life stuff – get it done and move on . . enduring power of attorney and the advanced health directives.
  • 1.36.45 – Gratitude in our lives – please express it as we are now on the ‘downside’ .
  • 1.37.50Life Rescue (CLICK) “you are in a bubble of Light and only Light can come to you and only Light can be there”.
  • 1.40.30 – May need to look again at the mass mind programme that the jabbers have signed into.
  • 1.42.30 – we all need to have tribal get togethers.
  • 1.45.20 – Pine oil . . . assist the aura to widen/strengthen Lavendar – back of neck and rosemary – frontal. Sandalwood and frankinscence and myrrh.
  • 1.48.00 – Shungite – and general protectors

All here as points of Light – within a deeper Light

Is really what we are here to do – grow self!!