Pricklies #8 – Being Present vs ‘Diagnosis’


Maybe ask – what are you doing here?
On the planet – at this time?
Sharing my space?
Light worker – or slave to  .  . .

Who owns our thinking – why are we even here?
How to assist anyone STUCK (are we also)?
Why Triage?
Covid as an example
Wilful blindness/emotional loading

Maybe revisit – 7 L’s? (CLICK)

When called to the work . .
Do we capitulate to what is ‘safe’ or what is?
I remind you of my process when hearing that Qi is  a mis-translation (CLICK) – and that ‘meridian’s were really blood vessels (CLICK). After about a 30 second inner spat – I tried to prove him wrong – and could not – THAT is ‘science’ – start with a hypothethesis and see what happen – in real life. Now we have some of the tools in pricklies – let us play with them.

The pre readings would be wind (CLICK), Heat (CLICK), Shen (CLICK)

Invasion into the body – what allows this? We choose to catch it . . as a ball – if we are well – it does not enter . . if we need (in my case , likely to learn – and D was my ‘guinea pig’) – here we are. NOW

In the context of the panicked life we are being led into . .
Perhaps we stand back and take a more biologically pertinent view – can we live in fear – forever?
Possibly review – what we are? (CLICK) – more than bodies with a brain that ‘thinks therefore it is   .’
We start by moving from the middle to the upper circle = CLEAR, CALM and SAFE

What did I do when the first ‘COVID’ case appeared in my clinic?
I had no preconceived notions  and saw him three consecutive day as he was not responding as I had expected. I was as Sister Kenny (CLICK) – ‘treat as it presents. As she had no idea of the expected outcome (polio  acute) I also did not. He got better.
Patient 2 was Duncan – same Patient 3 was me – same. We were all very different as we all ARE different. . . Life is . .fluid, ever changing and made to be lived – not hidden away from . .

We may need to start ASKING DIFFERENT QUESTIONS . .
AND LOOKING AT REAL LIFE – not through someone else’s lenses.
WHOSE life is it anyway??

COVID – acc to CDC  not updated since Feb 2021!

  • Fever or chills (Could be anything that is disrupting the Yang Qi and the Wei Qi (CLICK)comes out fighting)
  • A dry cough (Lung Qi dryness? – likely with Lung Heat)
  • and shortness of breath (Liver Qi not letting diaphragm work through to total LACK of Qi)
  • Feeling very tired (could be anything – likely body fighting off an attacker and taking you out to work its magic).
  • Muscle or body aches (same)
  • Headache (anything – likely – usual viral takeout)
  • A loss of taste or smell (Zinc depletion)
  • Sore throat (Lung Heat )
  • Congestion or runny nose (Cold invasion)
  • Nausea or vomiting (Stomach Qi is chaotic – not going downwards as designed)
  • Diarrhea (Maybe an extreme cold/Sp Yang attack?)
What are some of the unusual symptoms of COVID-19?

Answer From William F. Marshall, III M.D. – Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) can cause a wide range of signs and symptoms. The most common are fever, dry cough and tiredness. Other symptoms include shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, muscle aches, chills, sore throat, runny nose, headache, or chest pain. But COVID-19 can also cause symptoms you might not expect, including:

  • Gastrointestinal symptoms. COVID-19 might cause nausea, vomiting or diarrhea — either alone or with other symptoms. Gastrointestinal symptoms sometimes develop before a fever and respiratory symptoms. (Could be anything  at least sending the Qi and Blood/Body Fluids production cycle in a spin – and the Qi is going upwards – nausea/vomiting – or distressing the Spleen Qi /Yang so much – it is not transforming the fluid as designed to).
  • Loss of smell or taste. A new loss of smell or taste — without nasal congestion — is a common early symptom of COVID-19. Research suggests that most changes in smell and taste often resolve in 30 days. In some people, however, moderate to severe changes in smell and taste can persist for 60 days or more. (Loss of ZINC (CLICK) and maybe as the nutrient pathway is blocked – look at least to taking liquid activated zeolites long term  (CLICK) 5 drops x 6 daily for at least 6 months).
  • Skin changes. The most common skin changes linked with mild to severe COVID-19 include a flat, red rash covered with small bumps, discolored areas on the fingers and toes (COVID toes) and hives.COVID toes appear to be more common in children and young adults. Swelling or discoloration can develop on one or several toes or fingers. Blisters, itchiness, rough skin, pain or painful raised bumps can occur. A small amount of pus might develop under the skin. The symptom can last 10 to 14 days or for months. However, swollen, discolored fingers or toes could also be chilblains, an inflammatory skin condition. Chilblains develop in response to repeated exposure to cold air. (WIND AND HEAT – clear both – and why they are there – may not be possible).
  • Confusion. Severe confusion (delirium) might be the main or only symptom of COVID-19 in older people. This COVID-19 symptom is linked with a high risk for poor outcomes, including death. (Heat and damp/maybe also wind – clear these)
  • Eye problems. Pink eye (conjunctivitis) can be a symptom of COVID-19. Research suggests that the most common eye problems linked to COVID-19 are light sensitivity, sore eyes and itchy eyes. (Heat and damp/maybe also wind – clear these – affecting the Liver – WE ARE ALL DIFFERENT)

Monday 13th

After the Reconnecting Practical held over two Sundays 2 weeks apart – we now have the crux of the matter. Being Present vs ‘Diagnosis’ – treat what presents – be clear enough (NOT in fear) to do the job required – always always always – rescue the Yang – and calm the Shen

  • .30 – Lorraine as a participant . .
  • 1.50 – What would the group do – if they had covid . . Vanessa – 3.00-
  • 3.30 Marie – Lenley – AV/AT Panaxea.  . (3 every hour) anti viral . .
  • 5.40 – As with Sister Kenny – I treated what I saw . . itchy throat – ???
  • 6.30 – ‘Old wives tales’ – still work . . .
  • 7.30 – 3 things that work . .
  • 8Tracey – and what to do with a flu?
  • 9 – AV/AT designed to learn SARS – 1 – this is SARS – 2 – same.  .
  • 10.30 – STATINS – will kill you – the fat soluble vitamins are no longer available – A, D, E, K2.
  • 12.30 – Hilary came in  – Sister Kenny and polio story (MOVIE – CLICK) . .
  • 16.30Life Recipe (CLICK)
  • 19 – Heat – viruses can’t live in them . . over a bowl of hot water – and oil if Thieves up nose etc – and the Geri Amena sea minerals – and rest – plus Vit C all day and VtD3 often. PLUS Chinese herbs
  • 21 – Patient 1 – in clinic  . .
  • 22 – Patient 2 – my husband
  • 23 – Patient 3 – me
  • 23.40 Cheryl (CLICK) – and Vit D3 – 50,000 iu
  • 26 Duncan going downhill fast with Covid and his past – lung troubles – weakness. .
  • 30 – Why me? Heather’s history . .
  • 32 – treat what you see happening . .
  • 33 – Outliers
  • 35 – ALIGN with what we are here to do .
  • 35.30Tracey and what happened with Mandy and husband to get better
  • 36.30 – 24 hour virus – and Lenley‘s experience.
  • 38 – Silly dry throat cough – from the longitudinal COVID – Alpha
  • 39 – Why me – as in what started the weak lungs – and my moxa issues
  • 42 – Moxa Bl 43 and St 36 – look at TB – as the nearest to assist  . . as it would work.
  • 44 Vanessa and Aidan – mind weird . . topical iodine (CLICK)
  • 46.30IAHP (CLICK)
  • 47.30 – Yang and Wei Qi (causes of disease – CLICK).
  • 50.30Selenium (CLICK)

Page 4 of WDCD . .

  •  53 – Marie – all conditions based on the deficiency – terrain . .

  • 56 – Me on Acupuncturists on FB
  • 57.30 – What Lenley got out of this – FEAR – basis of all of this.
  • 1.01.30Vanessa – thinking around corners . .
  • 1.03.00Vanessa and what told at 21. Creative thinking
  • 1.04.00 – THINKING
  • 1.05.00 Marie . .working with Vanessa – and me saying – SHOCK – treat everyone’s.
  • 1.07.00 Declutter, reset, restore . . . .and need to clear the Shen, cold and scars . .
  • 1.10.30 – We need to be so much clearer . . Vanessa and her report on being on this work . and her boys.
  • 1.14.00 Glutathione accelerator (CLICK)
  • 1.15.00 – Hilary and what she has from this – fear no illness ..
  • 1.17..00 – M.M.S. – some form of chlorine oxide. . to clear out the nano-particles from the jab.
  • 1.19.00Vanessa’s dad improving his habits. .
  • 1.21.00 Belinda and life in NZ . .
  • 1.22.00Accident Recall (CLICK) with Matt after fall off ladder
  • 1.25.00 – Surcharge the jabbed – as we have to undo ourselves.  . me and my jabbed touch reaction
  • 1.27.00 – What else? Re-Gen and AV/AT – shingles antidote. . Liquid activated zeolites (CLICK)
  • 1.32.00 – More on sense of taste and the medico lying. .
  • 1.33.30 – Drs – not ‘allowed’ to actually practice – medicine . .
  • (Swine flu and Vit C – CLICK) DO NOT NEED IVERMECTIN – use AV/AT . .
  • 1.35.00 – Lenley – Five Elements . . . what book I would recommend – ‘All SIckness Is Home Sickness’ – Dianne Connelly – Constitutional Treatments  – Angela Hicks . . Jack Kornfield?

  • 1.38.00 – The Joy of Feeling (1987) – Marsha Iona Teegarden – originator of the Emotional Kaleidoscope Jin Shin Do style of acupressure – releasing Reichian armour bands gently. (CLICK)

FOUND – My slideshare on Magnesium depletion and Stuck Liver Blood – plus others – see here (CLICK)

5 Element book to start with (CLICK)

A more comprehensive look (CLICK)

1.40.00 – LET IT GO – of what you want the most – and then the Qi will flow. ..

THOUGHT – none of the above is helpful with a world push to enslave . . . Using coercion to MAKE someone loss sovereignty – is not that respectful – what if we all felt what to do?

With our own hearts???

HOW do we help?

‘We’ all have to awaken

Cognitive dissonance – my mother’s phrase was ‘surely not’. It costs too much to go there – a step too far.

If conformation bias is breached –
‘they’ would not do that . .  .

Willful blindness (it is HIDDEN IN PLAIN SIGHT) is the only safe way to stay ‘comfy’ in a bubble .. .

Hesitancy (CLICK)

Out of here – stuck in the cage of beliefs that run the personality cage – and allow only what we ‘know’ to be true  in.
Stops personal growth – right there. . (left)

Back to here – (right)- the being of Light you came here to be in this now.

Up to us – what we perceive life to be – and how to be in it. .

Emotional kaleidoscope – from Iona Marsha Teegarden