Pricklies 2021 – #5 – Pain and Stuck Belly Blood


We are pushing on towards the end of the year and whatever we are to have next dropped in

ALSO LOOK HERE (CLICK) – Why we bleed as women

Thus before Effective Healing After C Section – here is what we will be using. Please review what was done here(CLICK)  – and then the results of this STUCKNESS (CLICK)

We have covered in this non acupuncture pricklies course to date. .

  • Basic energy/channel theory/practical sequencing – Triage and classification of actions
  • Resistances
  • Ear points
  • Pokies
  • Mu points
  • Back Shu points
  • Ting
  • Xi Cleft
  • Luo
  • Huatojiaji
  • Wind
  • Heat
  • Damp
  • Back
  • Shen clearing

Today is pain and Stuck Belly Blood (CLICK)

To do

  • My favourite points and formulae (simple)
  • Building Blood and Yin

Tracey said (she can’t make today) I treated a woman who was going through a manic phase and after treating her c section scar she totally normalized and could sleep all night. Tongue cleared of damp /phlegm. Amazing!”

Can I remind all – we are NOT our middle circle –

Now – the distractions are huge. It is easy enough (especially when feeling untethered as we could be presently) to get involved in ‘what does it mean to me?’

It means frankly – we Rise Up or are part of the manipulated. All about how upset/distressed/can’t cope? Not about you or me – but what we can do to assist – see what Tracey magicked – we all can. Even when told that we must not interfere with others sometimes ‘the others’ – will be you – or me. What then?

Blood energy Woman Tides Blood chp5 (CLICK to download)

Reminder – Liver Qi must flow. .. THIS

Should be all free to flow – and to work its life magic . .
Thus health. . .

Stuck Liver Qi goes to Stuck Blood

What we do . .
Declutter, Reset, Restore
Triage – Shen – Cold – Scars

And then – Stuck Belly Blood.

Covering :

  • How you know that it is Stuck Blood –
  • 1 – specific location pain,
  • 2 – red/purple stuck spots/under skin/
  • 3 – PTSD/ emotional trauma STUCK,
  • 4 – veins under tongue purple and swollen – general tongue also purple tinge).
  • How to clear it (10 needles after you have set this up through Triage)
  • Order of needles coming out.

We begin . . .

  • Beginning – Tracey getting more structure ..
  • 1.20 – It Depends – is why we start with ourselves.
  • 2.50 – We now all have a lot Stuck Qi. It is Stuck Blood – when THIS specific area has pain.
  • 4.50 Marie arrived.
  • 6 – Little red/purple spots also Life Recipe (CLICK) Life Rescue (CLICK)
  • 10Stuck Belly Blood – if we undo this – all are better- regardless of what they came in.
  • 13 – Showing books that came along a few weeks ago
  • 14 Hilary in
  • 15 – Lord’s Prayer – Arameic to English
  • 16  – More texts to look at it.
  • 18Stuck Blood – PTSD and all trauma – STUCK – Jim Chalmers book (CLICK)
  • 20.30Marie and sublingual veins
  • 22Hilary – never ever seen that!! GV LEGS
  • 24 – Magnesium spray on them – bag of worms. . very thick veins everywhere.
  • 26 – Connective tissue and the jab – not going to work . .
  • 26.30 Marie – what we did the day before – for back pain .. GB special point – one cun down from GB 34 – gall stones – we will cover my favourite points later
  • 28.30 – Why we do Triage first – all are upset – Stuck Liver Qi
  • 29.30 Liv 2, Liv 14, Kiiko’s immune points. . checked Liv 5 and popped it in . .
  • 31.30 – fine luo – microbleeding . .
  • 32.30 – MUST do checkers after all fixers . .
  • 33.30 – Why we do it all in order – set it up to win – moxa sacral fan and SLQR classifications
  • 35Vanessa gone ..
  • 36 – Need to do Acc Recall
  • 37 – Order we check these – Liv 4/St 41, GB 41, Ki 8, Sp 8, Liv 5
  • 39.30 – Expect emotional trauma – will be there as well as the physical work.
  • 40.30 Liver Qi/Blood Stuck and magnesium depletion (CLICK)
  • 43 – the herbal ways of categorising problems – and thus solutions – herbs . .
  • 47 – Looking at what Dead Doctors Don’t Lie – and incorporate nutrition.
  • 50 – Using a marker pen – and getting points EXACTLY right . .
  • 52.30 – Here the angle and EXACT location are crucial.
  • 54 – (Tracey goes) We are clarifying (thank you Marie – I am on St 24 – and the ‘bouncy bouncy’ is on Lu 1 area – we do this BEFORE St 27 (Stuck Belly Blood)
  • 56 Marie – finished Acup in the New Millennium – and now on Ethics
  • 56.30 – Tongue – will change colour – heart is the flower of the heart . .and shows STUCK in all of the body. It changes – you are winning . . .
  • 59 – How to do the Stuck Belly Blood. .   Always left hand side first
  • Order – Liv 4/St41 then Gb 41, Ki 8, SP 8 and maybe Liv 5 . .
  • 1.03.00 Ki 8 Xi Cleft point of the Yin Qiao Mai . .
  • 1.04.00SP 8 – Xi Cleft
  • 1.04.00Liv 5 – Luo point
  • 1.05.30 – ALL we have to do – undo the 5 system of low . .except – it is their story – do they need to have it still? (Major cause of disease).
  • 1.07.00 – Past sexual trauma – usually underlying . .
  • 1.09.20 – All come to see us as they are STUCK – and so far nothing else has ‘worked’.
  • 1.10.00 – we need to all get real . . .
  • 1.11.00 – order of taking points out . . Marie
  • 1.12.00It DependsMarie and 8 Extras. . .
  • 1.14.00Mating Stems of Unlike Qi (CLICK)
  • 1.17.00 – Avoiding ‘needle shock’.
  • 1.18.00 – Do the foundations first.
  • 1.18.30Hilary – seeing it in real life. . Customised and bespoke
  • 1.19.30 – PCOS – and where did the heat come from?
  • 1.20.30 – Herbs to use for PCOS – as in Stuck Belly Blood with heat.
  • 1.23.00 Dave and his added in issues as the stent stays in
  • 1.27.30Marie and the realisation that she was taught herbalised ‘acupuncture’. Japanese and Korean . .as opposed to TCM from herbal biomedicalised. Versus Heather’s Moving Blockages?