There are so many post jab stories – how to help?
Shall we focus on them taking charge?
Standing up for themselves . .?
What I have already – heart rescue (CLICK) There is all too much to deal with – us the sense of betrayal and being told – basically that they do not matter – ‘just’ have anxiety . . When is it their turn would surely be running in everyone’s head .. on many levels..
Covering – how we are all coping
My report of the wake, and observing people and what they are upset about
Rage – causing Heat and thus haemorrohoids – and over bleeding.
Us having to start being real First Aiders – as medicos are pretending that all is well when not.
Reminder of iIlo- Cecal valve work
Liv 2/ CV 22 – uncontrollable coughing.
Quesha – eye and sinus issues.
Solution – she is using Vit D3, C, I add in A . . Also steaming 5-6 x weekly.
Vanessa – ?overtiredness – life . .Eyes ?? Needs extra hour nightly – steaming helping. (Life is harder)
Marie – From August noticing R ovary area – pain there used castor oil. – Why RHS ? I suggested ileo – cecal valve.
Lisa – seems to be insensitive – not picking u on stuff.
Heather – Touching the jabbed chucks me out – my head (can’t think), herpes, and small cancer reactions. Seroconversion
11.30 – Spent day before at a wake . and my report on those people. Nice people – get cancer . . Duncan’s sister-in-laws’ horror Ariane’s story – hospital not noticed the #hip – and now off with cancer – spread out in a hurry . . (morbidly obese also – and was doing all Drs said).
15 – Woman whose body is messed with due to 2x jabs – and Dr says – get the next one.
16 – Me hitting the floor after touching someone having a being with the jabbed reaction of his own – his shingles.
19 – doing pricklies as the medical people is not working well.
20 – A man’s reaction – STABBING PAINS. . in his L eye and also in chest – after 2nd jab – medicos ignoring what is happening . WHAT ARE WE GOING TO DO WITH THESE PEOPLE – declutter, reset, restore.
22 – Apps need redoing as there are all the answers.
23 – Linda – lack of self care (7 kids) – we are all our own worst enemy . . (We all possibly are there). Tranaxemic acid – helped with the bleeding – but got the twins – me reading from the period app . .why and what happened and solution.
27 – HEAT – we are all not happy – Liv 2 for all of us. . what I have in the advanced section of Pricklies – ‘Womens Lives and Maternity’ . . a 2006 DVD series. Involves the story telling.
32 – Tried to help Maja – and me taken out AGAIN . .
36 – What we will do in next selfing – womb centric
37 – Hilary – what doing with Leigh and son – all taking supplements. . ?
pygnogenal Take Glutathione (CLICK) – as it is the beginning of the body helpers.
42 – Lenley arrived. Linda and 5 of her 7 children are jabbed. .
Damp = clear it out . .
43.30 – What to do we do? Self care . .and what makes heart sing . .
45 – Pregnant women after taking jab. (Really bad after HPV jab)
47 – What we need to do to keep ourselves and present – Aura Soma. .
48 – Marie report of taking a Selfing class.
49 – When really pissed off – will bleed. Or – Haemorrhoid (my story)
50 – What started that haemorrhoid off? Liver – rage . . MUST insert Liv 2 in everyone – major cause of disease – EMOTIONAL
53 – that man in the video again – Heart rescues . .maybe press Pc 6 and Pc 4 (CLICK)
54.30 – Press all sternal points – if they hurt – need more Vit D3 – and sense of self not good.
55.30 – Stew Peters and Dr Ruth – why the spike protein messes with life. Chinese guy – 3 minutes explaining why the people jabbed will die.
57- Marie and what she is seeing – me- no animal survived these jabs. We are sero-converting.
59.30– Marie – People waking up . Me – put Liv 2 – in all of us. .
1.01.00 – Robin and E.D.S. (CLICK). All of us need to make sure we are safe and no extras
1.03.30 – Teaching and what happens to ‘take us out’ .. HAVE to keep aware and ‘IT IS AS THOUGH’ . . must be there.
1.07.30 – Lenley asked – what happened . . ? – Vanessa – does this happen in online also?
1.09.00 – Castor oil and heat . . . woman from the wake – with horrendous buritis after the jab.
1.11.00- Mare and having to look after self
1.12.00 – Vanessa and the importance of Selfing to start looking after self MORE. See self as the baby/little girl.
1.13.00 – HAVE to get out of patient space . .so can then be helpful for others.
1.15.00 – Lenley – noticed any difference – sauna story . . coughing . .
1.17.20 – CV 22 – to stop coughing. Aim to press the back of the sternum – uncontrollable coughing and Pc6, and Dingchuan does not work – try that one.