Welcome . .
Easy birthing happens when we are set up to win . .
As Nature intended
WHAT IF SOMETHING GOES RIGHT? – free online short course
(You trust nature).
Over the past decades I have been developing short cuts to structural issues.
I mentioned itching?
Choleostasis solutions – here
Pick up your own copy of ‘What Dads Can Do’ here
Better still – here is the opening the baby gate site – look through
Maybe also sign in for the way YOU can also achieve easy birthing.
Here is an easy babies twin story

Amanda started seeing me decades ago as a teenager and popped in whenever there was something she could not work through herself. When initially pregnant she was not happy with the medical world and what they demanded – and found that she could not get into the local birth unit unless she had a scan – which she eventually did at 26 weeks and was told alarming things – so she came to see me (150 Km away) and we resolved the common sense approach – of course your baby is growing well and normally. (where did Do No Harm go??).
Unfortunately, the posterior lie and the dipping of the heartbeat in contractions meant that she was seen as being ‘high risk’ and whisked off elsewhere and eventually had her bub naturally.
Baby two – at home in 3 hours in the water.
Pregnancy 3 was intended to be as well – but the dreaded scan at 27 weeks showed two babies – and thus after a few weeks, she was visiting me as they were both breech – and she was still adamant birthing was natural. BUT BOTH of them
Whilst she was all tied in knots over the possibility of a C section – I was more interested in getting her stable – as ‘all good’ medically is hardly a starting point – she was not drinking enough water, stressed in relation to bush fires threatening their home and factory, and was so itchy – especially on her arms and legs – and eating so much fruit. A couple of session – close together and her following advice – vastly more water (she still has dry lips though) and taking Blood tonic herbs – she has a crack in the middle of her tongue – and eating (she did not feel like it) veggies/fat and protein every few hours and take the juice of half a lemon in water on arising.
All achieved, she came in more well (I did not want to start the pelvic aligning until there was stability in health) and waddled in and wandered out not even feeling pregnant. Babies both really active and eventually when she took a day off standing on her feet in 40C heat and lay on her bed and read a book all day in air conditioned comfort – babies both turned head down.

Next session – I was onto her scoliosis – and again – she walked out no pain and feeling wonderful.
Two weeks later – here we are 37/38 1/2 weeks. She has a totally engaged twin one and twin two also head there ready to go. No fluid no itching and wants to get back surfing.
The process
We have a wee chat – and start in with her facing forwards.
Needles to start the day – calm and undo whatever is blocking in her pelvis = my usual array.

Needles barely in – the second run of Bl yin points.
Also Bl 11 and a sore SI one on right arm.
The back is of concern – and I needled all sore Hwa Tuo points that straightened her out so well the time before also. (Figuring that the relaxon hormones are doing their job – I will encourage the blueprint back).
All the getting ‘ready to go’ points in – and left for a while.
More water and food taken as we go along – and magnesium on body to ensure we are giving her all needed to help with the changes.
After maybe 20 minutes – the needles out , and once on the floor (after eating again) she has a really sore coccyx. Inserted GV 1 in by itself.
She felt all sorts of changes in her body and up her neck.
Now to the sacrum . . .

All of these moves are in the
Living Ligaments I course
Sacral pressure release . .
” Feels like it is lengthening my spine – but also I can “breathe easier – my chest feels like it can open more”.
“I can feel the babies moving around in more space’

Sacral press followed by the hippy shake . .

More sacral pressure – different direction
More ligament magic
Releasing so much from left hand side
More happened as taught in Living Ligaments II – as we undid through finding out what ligaments were tight – and thus releasing till we had NO pain in the coccygeal area
In between – jiggle jiggles and more Stuck Liver Qi Release
Slowly onto the knees., and up
Onto the belly work:
All in the online Self Soothing and Foundational Moves courses that lead into the Reconnecting heart and wombspace – prior to LL I

After side gouging
“Feels like you have made more room – I am wider”

“Not even sore anymore”.
About being able now to bend down to load and unload the bottom dish washer.
(Has not been about to for 8 weeks or so)
And then we go back to being two women who tread this world together.

Home – work

One of the many eBooks in the entire – Easy Pregnancy Package.
NO NEED to moxa Bl 67 – to turn a breech . . .
Instead – unwind why baby is there.
Also see Josi’s story – another breech twin case – she had 4 of her 4 babies this way – till I asked the obvious question – “why?’
Follow what her man did – all the work as laid out in the cheat sheets (2018) and videos that come with the manual ‘What Dads Can Do’ (2005)
It is all so simple – set ourselves up to win – and we do

All easy – Instantly downloaded resources here
and also see my fingertip – rescues site
Natural hospital birth – 4 hours first one and an hour later – the second popped out.