Do you have a question that seems unanswered?
Around being pregnant,
Being ill and pregnant,
Being in pain and pregnant?
Being concerned about what is ‘out there’ about pregnancy?
Do you want to help yourself?
Do you KNOW that life is meant to be easy?
Maybe I can help you . . .
2013 and I thought to use technology to enhance my 2005 ‘What Dads Can Do’ project. I did it! Available on app store briefly 2014/15 – However – technology moves on. Me also – my foray into Arvigo/Maya work: immersing myself in that, then adding in another world trip to Chicago area 2016 to learn Mercier moves, and on into developing Heather’s Gentling Way/Living Ligaments ..
Time passed – as did availability with new technology . . . left the content unavailable to most. – and after my 2018 trips around the globe teaching Pelvic Opening and my Foundational Moves – and the charts creation, the world tipped – now I am back in the creative saddle . .
What to retrieve from the maternal experiences I am handing over?

This project in 2013/14 needs reissuing . .
It goes though have the answers you may need .
The extensive links no longer work and there is also a Periods app (all women’s health – especially why babies may not be forthcoming – and why the entire reproductive system needs to be renovated prior to pregnancy . .. and a Fertility one – honing in on the couple and the MALE factors. . and what to do to be able to use the Pregnancy app – get well/baby ready FIRST.
NUTRIENTS and their bio availability – to make the best pregnancy, baby and maternal adventure properly (as designed)
Each one of the original Periods, Fertility and Pregnancy apps had a section on ingredients – now as a full self paced online course
LIFE Essentials.
It is available with Love Your Body Better – and answers most health and wellness questions simply put – you can’t bake a chocolate cake with no brown ingredient.
Similarly – you can’t bake a cake without an oven that works as the recipe needs it to.
Thus we have the Easy Pregnancy Resources for you to take care of the basics. .
Easy Pregnancy Solutions has 14 eBooks which as re extensive photographic case stories with extensions of such topics as
- Healthy Eating in Pregnancy,
- Avoiding G.D.,
- Solving Pregnancy Aches and Pains,
- Fetal Positioning Solutions and
- Easy Childbirth Preparation.
A deeper dive than in the app – as well as the contents of the resources kit.
Problem solving apps . .
ALL That you will need to know – is on it – all I would think of in any situation onto these entries. Also a Period and a Fertility one to assist all at any level with aspects of what they could do to help themselves..
To be redone in a different format. . .
It is not that easy. .
There is SOOO much on these.
The Period (all that happens to a woman- periods was the easiest title) and the Fertility (extensive coverage of male and couple factors)
These are bigger. Pregnancy was the first one.
This is the general menu
Each is broken down to myriad subsections
Solution . .
Is the format
Each blue line you see is a link to elsewhere . .Where you see links – I have to restore all – and some may have 20 on a page. .a wealth of info . .
A sample page . .

This is how it looks on a page online presently to be redone somehow. . .
‘Healthy mum’
– so few are actually well starting a pregnancy – thus this is only a title. .See all that may be tweaked – making life for everyone – especially th baby being made vastly better.

Then we have the transition into babe in arms ..

How all this impacts on the main player? (Baby)


What no one seems to think to ask . . .

Your chance to find out why