Welcome . .
From here
I have vast content to reconfigure – so if YOU have questions – help may be at hand . . .
Imagine that you wish to bake a chocolate cake . .
Look at what i in th cupboards – do you have all that the recipe states is needed?
Move onto the ‘Method’ – do you have the bowls, mixers, over n that works to do this?
Now we start – in the order provided. . . . .
Quality, and abundance of what is to MAKE the cake . .
Then in sequence – hat the recipe says to do.
If you have less than/ or not what is needed – a mishap is likely – or at the every least – not the result that you expected .
First start with ‘raw ingredients ‘. .
The entire section in all three apps was redone (three week’s worth last year ad is now in this online self paced VERY informative course
Nourishing YOU It has two aspects – Love Your Body Better (how a well body supports life ( and LIFE Essentials – the nutrients and how we process them).