Precis – cupping navels and moxa use

Welcome . .


You are about to discover the easiest way to change another person’s realty. Have them follow what is part of the ‘owner’s manual’ we were gifted through our elders – and ignored as there was benefit in other’s leading us away from following nature.

In my +40 years of delivering natural health care I discovered that most are simply unaware of how they have contributed to their own issues, Also of how simple the transformation can be. For on woman – stopping drinking iced water was all she needed to do. As one of my students, she was resistent, but figured – try it and see.

It was all she all needed to do. Her water consumption was not 3 litres daily as I had said to aim for daily – and most in the morning at least half before breakfast, drinking anything else. She had all sorts of health problems. As I get people to check their Life Recipe as when baking a cake – we nee to have the ingredients and follow the method outlined.
She did.
And discovered she was naturally drinking a lot more as it was not uncomfortable. Her itchy skin disappeared, as did many other problems she had learned to live with.

Too simple?
Yes – usually is.

This the corner stone of all work we do – rescue the Yang, thus the Qi can move.
This seems not taught in college. The trick – with a GLASS cup, a coin and the navel was steeped in the past. Then came the Cultural Revolution in 1949, and The Great Leap Forwards. The irradication of the ‘4 Old’s’ – Old Ideas, Old Culture, Old Habits, and Old Customs. So many died. Hence the loss of so much that had been so important to all. Cancel Culture of the past.

Navel cupping is in the realm of home remedies. Prior to paying anyone for help – the checklist of what all knew was tried – as it still is today . . . and people did not show u with the foundational work needing doing – as the people at home would have seen to it – us they were less likely to NOT know how to look after themselves.

Unfortunately even in acupuncture, paid help may not be offering solutions that are permanent. Basic tenet – we must not waste our Yang Qi. You will see how this flows as we go through the course.


Cupping it out
Moxa on ginger
Moxa use in general
Moxa sacral fan
Moxa use on some points


Cold invasion
Cold wastes Yang Qi – from the 2005 Birthing – WDCD  workshop

How do we know we have cold stuck within?

What to do?

Maybe you wish to trial on yourself (I did not and was not given comprehensive instructions as this) I find is harder on self.

Cupping navel on self



Placing the salted/gingered moxa pyramid

WHY are we using moxa? And why on the navel? (CV 8) – Direct vs indirect moxa

Discussion on how and why we do this – and how to make the pyramid



Moxa on ginger and salt on navel – Part II of the navel cupping








Using a stick

 How and why

NEVER EVER touch the skin – moxa burns are very hard to heal


Maybe start here  . .get the Du Mai and Dai Mai running

Finding and using moxa on a useful point


OUTSIDE – and not in a draft

Avoiding cold penetration – as pores will be VERY open

Easy milk production – must also give more nutrients, water, support


 DO NOT DO THIS – I never do – but resolve WHY