Potential Loss? Subchorionic Hematoma

A blood clot that forms between the placenta and the wall of the uterus


This is likely common (pre 2020 less so) and is nothing to be overly alarmed about.
I say this as I had a massive one after a fall.
We will look at this as an energy issue.

What is it?

A response by the body to something not right.
Bleeding where it is not to be in East Asian terms
1 – Spleen Qi not holding blood
2 – Excess of cold may contribute to this, as will
3 – Insufficient nutrients to allow normal body function and repair.
(I always begin with nutrients as the body will need more as I am instructing it differently).
4 – Attack of the Spleen by Liver Qi. There is so much stress’ added in by telling people of the pregnancy that the grooming/fearing process must be overcome. This in itself can wear the woman out – as she must be protector as all interventions are that – INTERVENING – coming between the natural process or the mystery of life growing with9n.
5 – Trauma – either a hit from outside, or something ‘giving way’ within
6 – STUCK BLOOD appearing for other reason

What caused it?
In my case – the body helpfully rescued itself. I did not bleed out

Others may have – as the force of this trauma was large. Entire 10 1/2 stone of me on top of the belly. My ankle gave way mid stride (whilst in the air when I was about 32 weeks pregnant. Handily there was a roll of carpet jutting out in the way down to the floor. It got me in the lower belly. More concerned about the ankle, and my being a Reiki channel, with a highly mobile massively brain injured, profoundly autistic 8 year old to mind (single mum) I was focused – ‘what if she runs across the road and I can’t get to her?’
Thus ankle fixed, I carried on with the day. Till
Next toilet stop . . .
Looking over my pregnant mound, I see blood on the underpants.
“I’m not having a period’ I think – and then realise – that fall!
I ring the home birth midwife, who discharges me on the spot and sends me off to the hospital. Staying overnight with a totally dependent kid and an 11 year old son to do all for her was not an option – so my sister took them in
Not a a calm experience – for anyone. They wanted me in (from the Friday night till Monday morning. When the scanning crew appeared again. Nope. I went home Saturday morning – as Kathryn is no one’s idea of a joke – and looked after myself.
What did I do? Vit C with bioflavonoids often throughout the day, zinc to assist my digestive processes, thus wound healing, usual supplements I was taking (as a pregnancy specialist naturopath. I Was as good then as I coulHEavy me at that time. d be – now it would have been added to with the Vit D3 that all need to have to ‘excess; levels – to assist the Jing and all hormones, and iodine on my skin, with also massive topical applications of magnesium – EVERY day . .
The Chinese herbal formula Dang Gui anad Peonia . .

Ki 9 – my go to point in all pregnant matters. As an energy channel, calming myself down with hands in the ‘primary position’ as on my ribs, under my breasts – and legs up, being quiet and talking with the baby . . All is well . .Body heals ..

As usual this is what a biomedical process as explanation looks like.
Labeling – and if there is no pill – nothing offered. Hope for the best . .
There is so much that COULD be suggested. As I would have treated someone – so I did for myself.
More on this is in the Easy Pregnancy Resource kit.

There is more to this story . . .

Life continued.
I took the Chinese herbs diligently – at least 3 if not 4 times daily – never wavered in the supplements. Ki 9 was not the only acupuncture – my best friend (and why I was back in NZ at all) was taught by me – and thus I would go to her. Sessions – directed by her teacher (me) – these are my usual how to support normal and fond in the practitioner’s guide to supporting new life course . . . (Ask me about this)

What I would do now? (Were I the health care giver)

Likely treat the underlying horror of being in the situation of that pregnancy. How this came about.

No preparation – Have life set up for inviting another into it. I was never intending more pregnancies – I had a more than full time life with a 24/7 dependent, was teaching acupuncture students, was a member of the acupuncture state Board, and almost finished a full time teaching degree. Kathryn was looking like dying with status epileptus episodes. That was past distressing as I knew she was getting more injured and I could not work out how to stop these – let alone manage for her best interest. NO family support. Insufficient help with Kathryn. I did it all myself . . . The dad of the baby? Was going to go to the Family Law Court he decided to prove that my daughter would be a danger to his baby, and get custody of it. Whether that was possible or not – that was a step too far – I had to GET OUT.
Finding that NZ had a better system of home support for those caught up in the morass of looking after a so damaged family member, and being where my family of origin was (and best friend,) I jumped ship.
Stress? yes – there was a never ending oversupply of this. Help when I got home to NZ?
Some – but not enough – how could I be helped more?
Every which way . . . in fight mode for Kathryn – I had to continue – through all educational and support services for what could happen – then find the staff that were able t support her mothers demands as this child was still on the planet by grace – and constant maternal advocacy. If you wish – there is more here.

As always – there is a set up . .
It is as though I am here to bring this through: experientially

Here is the model I start with when explaining anything . . .

1 – Is the structure intact? (That dictates how all flows can or not flow, circulate. . nerves – blood lymph and QI that directs life.
Welcome to my world. . all intertwined the
2- Life Impacts, and
3 – What you can do with it – support/environment and
4 – Input – how to SURVIVE in all of these messy scenarios concurrently playing out?

ME . . . mid 1994
1 – Is/was the structure intact?

No. In 1992 I had had a non Manchester repair. It was intended to be as the past birth injuries were to be corrected. prolapsed womb and the inner herniation). A vaginal rectocele repair. 1993 I had hit the stairs, and ever decapitated myself in a early morning house rescue, when my daughter was up early, helping herself and smearing banana into the furniture. Tactile experience was her thing. I then had multiple whiplash, a badly bruised wrist and neck/back trauma from hitting all the steps with her in my arms, coming back to hit my left chest . . I will write more on how to rescue yourself, should something similar happen to you . . from this later.
The sacrum was hit. The entire womb positioning would have been realigned. Life Impacts – multiple – especially all the other incidents leading into pelvic distortions as the past 3 births had been not ideal
1994 – Pubic separation whilst pregnant as I ran to save Kathryn from being run over as she was about to cross the road at full speed.
1994 – the general toll all of the past years holding her whilst she screamed 24/7 as fitting was in many forms. She also had had frontal lobe epilepsy from birth. This led (along with frank mercury poisoning) to ‘madness’/possessed states also and screaming fits in the night time – no sleeping was her from birth specialty).


The Womb Realigning I teach, as part of The Gentlng Way. This would have corrected ALL past damage on all levels. As we cover Accident Recall and all adhesions, scars and general STUCK (trauma). This the flows – circulation – could have done a better job.


What to do currently – fight or go under. On all fronts.
Stress? Yes – I was to give up my much loved daughter to raise her baby sibling. as to send her older much loved brother to his dad in PERTH to let him be a son, not a dd stand in as he had had to be for his sister. Not another one for him -to NOT be a kid in his life, All his conscious life he had had Kathryn in it – I felt it was time for him to be special himself. . . .


Support – it takes more than a mum to raise a kid

3 – Current life – what to do?

The best possible under the circumstances. Life kept throwing in curved balls – like the ankle – that was to have been a home water birth, I was saved by the ankle – as the structure would not have let me birth – he was transverse the entire pregnancy – sensible – as that my pelvis needed massive help and would not have been checked up by anyone – regardless of the nutrients and herbs I was consuming. This is why WDCD was born – the work that would have alleviated most – without the womb aligning – as the body heals itself.


Check structure to allow flows to flow. Undo the trauma for ALL that led to being in that state. SUPPORT.All pregnancies led to a new beginning and that one is totally dependent upon mother. And how she feels.

4 – Input

What is available in mainstream ‘care’ is nothing like LIFE enhancing – it is crisis management.
This assumes too much. Self responsibility. Survival of the fittest. All need resources internally – to be resilient. As my story here shows – we need to be. This is why I am also letting out Life Rescues – Pricklies I – as the Home Help Pricklies II will follow – we ALL need to be able to rescue ourselves – as I show that I did here. With little resources – was the most intentional corrective pregnancy – as I knew to to make up for the deficiencies on all counts


As above. . . My life’s professional and clinical work has been through living it. In this woman’s maternal body and life.
THIS severe life threatening placental clot was fine – I fixed it. Including when my body went into labour at about 35 weeks.
HOW? Ki 9. And common sense – calming self. . .and took more supplements/herbs .

Christmas 1994. Exhausted mother and her three sons.

As a practitioner

I strongly suggest you stop reading books. Also the fear base of those who have followed the biomedical model.
Body heals itself. Follow life. As we, the sage femmes do.
We all, as mothers ourselves – were focused. We sought different in our own maternity (Barbara O’Neil presently, Juliette d’ Barcaly Levy, even Adele Davis, and the plethra of women filling in the gaps by writing in the 60/70’s . . . . . Ina May Gaskin was living a simple and home grown life. Seen as ‘hippie’ maybe – but real. We must follow LIFE. Home based. Our voices are NOT lost in time.
Please go search for us all . .
Do as the Amish would do and that was as all did prior to the advent of the Flexnor Report. Middle men taking over for profit.
Abundance? There is enough for all – but the business and the ‘you have to’ models.

Where to start? For everyone – on undoing our own stories.
SELF – we all have to reframe how we got to here. We were all Bonsaiied into seeing this vocation as a job, It is so much more than . . .

Pregnancy is a continuation of a productive cycle of periods.
If they are not – the production and circulation of Q and Blood

Shall we support normal?
So no FIXING is needed

Maybe even start here?
There is so much – multi modality – especially the template for wellness. .so we do not need to play FIX IT . .