Post transmission woes



Little did I know
I seem to be here to experience, so then I can pass what to do on.

Oh – how I wish I could go to Heather – hence I teach – and have done all my life.

What if it is ME that needs what I do?

As always – when it is us , we may forget – hence – this is the order in which I woke up to myself (reminder  – thank you Julienne – why we do not treat ourselves).

As the entire world is in group psychosis – all the clinic/phone messages, all communications were in the context of – you are all contaminated units. . . no mention of how to help self.

If you must be jabbed – the inner stores of glutathione making products in your body MUST be wonderful. This means not only magnesium for detoxing generally and cardiac/digestive/neurological well being – and muscular integrity/function – non tremors/fitting etc – also need +++ Vit C all the time and a healthy bio available nutrient loading of all we need to live well.was interested in was gaining $$ from the business model of NO responsibility – just MORE sickness industry guaranteed.

Where is adequate consent/choice? Jabbing  what a business – they were not keeping the patients coming in away from that tsunami of fear based ‘need’ , Thus of course am I to be listened to in relation to – not covering my face (with congestive heart disease – masks and I do not work – plus the nasal ex moxa -issues (and likely herpes inside s all has fallen over since treating those jabbed who are shedding who knows what – all over the place?

Getting the help Western med can provide – strong anti virals for the shingles – having worked out myself that is what it was. (Accident and possible stray glass was a red herring). Thus I omitted that part of the story to get the medicos to think out of the straight line they would have. Still the G.P. was terrified of my having acute glaucoma – why? She did not listen to me – what happened in order – what helped, how it presented, and the very beginning was liver enzyme related – the eyes so very sure on movement – muscular – even though all that magnesium etc was washing through me – to help obviate the potential whiplash  ..

Myoplex – to sleep – but also as a pain med.
My I.S. at yoga/Witta 20+ years ago experience with these.