Spectacular case . . Unfortunately the surgery that I agreed to 7 years ago (bowel was totally blocked and infection was life threatening) has left me with my whole intestines as a hernia.
None of us had ever seen anything like this.
Vast peristaltic movement – after I had completed the adhesion breaking move.
My advanced Living Ligaments students had the experience of their life . . .
‘Complex’ case . .
And unimagnable results.
What we need to do. MOVE THE QI . . free your’s?? The physical will follow
What is peristalsis? Watch her belly contents move . .. see below.
Briefly – she had all sorts of medical and personal dramas.
She chose to NOT get mesh.
Nurses came in daily for NINE MONTHS until the belly skin healed.
She has been like this for years. She came in with unimaginable neck pain.
Normally I work on the pubic bone for this. Not possible – so I stuck with what the students were being taught .. .
What we did . . Day 1
My usual Gentling Way to set it up then the scar needling. I could not also do my usual Stuck Belly Blood as the intestines are ‘right there’.
Checked Pull up, tongue, palpated C scar, found to be cool bum and hands and feet. Massive temperature changes on her belly – used the infrared gadget. ACTION?? R&R, Shakey Shakey *pull up Chest gouging, Shakey Shakey *pull up
Checked and did microbleeding on ankle areas.
Applied topical iodine, topical magnesium
Needles: Liver 2, C-section scar, GB 41, Dan Nang Xue, Gb 33, St 30, Kiiko immune point (near Co 10).
*pull up Lymphatic gouge under the ribs start with left – much late r(working in neck first)
Needles: Korean hand acupuncture – palpate for sore points along the index finger’s metacarpal bones for neck and shoulder pain, inserted those needed. Remove needles. Plucked along scar
Lymphatic gouge under the ribs starting with left. R&R *pull up
Needle: Kid 9 the sorest spot and left to settle after all that work.
F: palpate for sore points along C-section scar for neck pain.
Needle: all sore points along scar,
Sp 9 find sore spots
Remove needles.
Adhesion breaking . .
What we saw . . .
We did Accident Recall and a lot of gentling
May not look it to you.
But this is the BEST she had been
Since the operations
VERY happy