Pelvic Opening #4 – gyne flows


A woman’s 2nd heart

Following in from the birthing perspective – all the moves can easily be made for any situation.
Here is the Birthing PO page

Easy periods are a report card of an easy life. Measured by good quality and quantity Qi and Blood – flowing as designed to.
Normal – what is it?
What happened to break it?
Liver Qi
Blood – is it there, and good quality – measured how?

Ali, Kelly, Elke, Marie, Vanessa, Lenley

Covid – who gets sick and what to do about it.
Elke update on running a selfing day
Marie’s recipient of care Amelia update.

Problems ‘Down There’?
Teenagers and endo

START – we start with the dreaded lurgy.
1.30 – Covid attacks YOUR weakest area. Lenley and her version of Covid – Health is the body’s ability to adapt to change . .
4.30 – 1st problem – they were not in good condition – to catch it – need to pace ourselves. . .
6.00 – Need a bath and to have a heater to stop cold air being breathed in at night . .
7.45 – First Aid kit – Vit A for mucous membranes and lungs. . We often miss what is happened as we are the patient . .
Ask the question – Why Me? Why There? and Why Now?
9.00Marie arrived.
11.00 – Elke’s few years of ?? catching something . .and eventually Covid . . She has Sjorgen’s
16.00 – Recuperation – and invalid cookery . .REST (or be slaves to the machine . .).
17.30 – Viruses mutate . .
20.00Vit C – what we need it .. .
24.00 – If we catch something – we ere NOT well to start with.
29.30 – What best for the spike protein? ReGen – Panaxea . .
32.00 – Jen Beattie – very good naturopath .. . (has died)
35.00 – Elke and reactions STILL . .
38.00 – The overlay of unclarity we are all 47.having to live in now.
39.20 – Marie and her version . .and her mum’s
41.00 – Duncan and the lung weakness . . me and heart .
43.00 – 1997 and Princess Diana death and heart connections . .
45.00 – AIDS and not treating them – back then .
47.00 – Elke and report on running a Selfing day .
50.00 – Ali and Kelly arrived . .
51.00 – Ending with the Life Library .
53.00 – How the Jing Markers came into being . .
55.40 – What we can do with Selfing – anything – now in three circles. . . what to cover and when and why ..

From Amelia update . .
See above – I warned of this .
Is the usual – one good period – and all fixed!
She is still taking the pill, not doing the intensive sessions (Marie has yet to learn the moves) and was not keen on taking the herbs. Not sure if she was also taking the serrapetase – in her case is needed plus daily steams, and castor oil – intensive is all about R.I.C.E. – and selfing plus the challenge. .
Slow and steady wins the race

She writes . . .

So,I hate writing this because when you write things down you have to acknowledge them. But, i was going so super well for a few months, until about 9 days ago. then when i got my period the other day (Wednesday) things took a turn for the worse.  Hugely painful, very light to extremely heavy, even during the night.  Wed, Thur were the worst in terms of pain, i actually had to take some oxy to make it calm down. They were severe cramps that felt like labour. 

Everyday has been pretty painful tho.  In terms of back pain, its not too intense, its definitely been worse before.  From what i’ve tried over the past few years, this seems to be the way with me and adenomyosis. It works for a few months, then bam, i’m smashed with pain and a really long heavy period. 

QUESTION – what has she been doing?
And what did she think she could get away with dropping in what I said must be done?
More herbs to add in – PAC is for undoing the estrogen/pain receptors – if she id sure no more babies needed.
Dosage – 3 x 3 I think – will have to check is written down SOMEWHERE . .
Pro Creation R – 4 x 3
Anti Est – 1 x2 all indefinitely for now – a well as the Damp Heat undoers. .
And not stopping anything I said to do .

Her womb positioning has yet to be undone . .

Part 5 – Easy gyne and Pelvic Opening