Welcome . . .
Let us change the lives of the babes and mums and dads – and birth attendants.
And grandparents and everyone who loves calm, easy lives.
We are made to birth
Let us.
In love

Easy birthing/bonded babies
Pregnancy and birth is natural – we are made for this.
Dads and birth workers can easily shift the birthing outcomes
OUR FOCUS – new life

Site to go through – I put this up as I was VERY surprised to discover that midwives do not palpate the coccyx. They do not open the pelvis or have the ways to show dad how he can prepare mum for an easy – thus bonded birth.
Where di deasy go?
between all that is wortten adn all that i snow expetc e-d nature gets not much traust.
Everything is a matter of ingredients available and the method – as with baking a cake. .
Can only use what is in the cupboard.
An entire site is here to back up the nutrients needed – and when supplied – these transform all ‘high risk’ pregnancies and even ‘terminal’ prognoses – the body TRIES to let us know – and the ‘problems of pregnancy’ are simply everyone ignoring body warnings.
That baby gate needs to NOT have the gate locked
How is it? Past life and the residue uncleared.
So much unhealed gyne and often sexual trauma, past falls, incidents, operations – all leave their mark When the body is called to do as designed (open to birth – even open to conceive) often it cannot.
We work to relieve the STUCK that holds the womb hostage. Also the prostate – as that is the male version – and HIS health is totally ignored until problems show up – see the prostate health section of this work
Connective tissue
Past adhesions
Scars and other wounds – all levels
Past medical misadventure Past women’s lives of horror – including sexual violation Fear of birth and general blockages.
PLUS the fractured sacrum’ / past broken coccyx
Midwive’s testimonial (Yvonne)
And of course . . .
All the resources that are available see here
One of the charts from that pack is below

Is also all broken down into snippets as this – from the birthing video in the package
What a small group practicing practical pelvic opening can look like

Childbirth education for couples and especially dads, as we all need easy babies and happy mums for a sustainable future.
In this group in Melbourne in 2019, we aved one baby from a traumatic life. At least one baby was to be induced . . . . as the ob wants it so. (I had no idea that the fashion is now to tell mums that as they had had an IVF bub – the placenta was a week older than the baby!) They are told that bub needs outing sooner. Dad said ‘we are freaked out. We are scared. Who do you trust?’ (After their 10th IVF attempt and 3 miscarriages). A good question – life and nature – we can all do better!