
Flows have to flow
Shall we unpick the message?
The body is SCREAMING and no one is listening
When the Shen is peaceful, the pain is minute . .(Chapter 72 Ling Shu)
Free flow – no pain – Nei JIng (Chinese medical classic)
STUCK needs unsticking
There are NO real answers in pharma past numbing
In the process – the nutrients needed to
1 – to undo the message|
2 – Undo the trauma and settle
3 – Repair the body from the experience
4 – Clear the residue of the prescribed toxic substances
5 – Bring balance and alignment back
Medical version – not nutrients and flows. .
I would imagine this would UPSET you more . .
NO Mention of ingredients – or water . . or cold invasion . .

Calm Shen
Tak eout cold- adnrestore Ynag Qi- so circuation/prottion works
Clear all blcokage sto flows- scras and adheison, body parts not aligned. .
No need for STUCK to return . .
We have the tools – now we apply them . .
Free Your Qi – basic back to flows self care
Selfing – basic paradigm shift – electrical circuitry/traditional time tested self care
Pelvic Opening – better plumbing (lymph, blood and nerves)
Reset Your Metabolism – Rescue Yang Q /metabolism/digestion/circulation
Foundational Moves – what worked prior to my starting intensive womb wrangling adventures.
(I knew there was more to find – I was SO grateful to discover)
Reconnecting – the way to weave a body and soul back to together -heartful, gut /fascial/adhesions
Pricklies – MUST know how to undo STUCK easily, instantly and gracefully.
Effective Healing After series – the addition of multi modalities – esp nutrients and flows (Pricklies)

Centre of our beings
Untether her
We can then again BE in our bodies –
See more here – Maya Healing
Men’s womb is their prostate . . .
Is she/he where flows are unimpeded?
That is the question – design breached?
Why is s/he NOT springing back into place?

Possibilities – that interrupt LIFE
Misplaced is NOT a variation of normal – anymore than a car with wheels awry is useful.

MISSING PIECE OF THE PUZZLE – what holds all of this in place?
LIGAMENTS . ..hence – Living Ligaments
Once we have worked through what is possible when we restore the blueprint, NOTHING is difficult
See the basics for all here
Nutrients needed – including flusi0hing out with pure TEPID water and replacing essential minerals.
Natural complex pain solutions offered
(What Amanda had)

Come and feel the difference GENTLING can unlock