Pain #2 (+ mentoring)

Please start here

Extras from others . . (how we are well – or not . .)
Dr Cowen – Remember my 5 ‘T’s’?
He has

  • 1 –
  • 2 – Malnutrition
  • 3 –
  • 4 – Toxins

Start here also – he sounds like me – M.D. and make and same story – different and very helpful.

A bit more from Dr Thomas Cowan – 4 fold healing,
Do get this book  – and the other Weston Price ones – (Nourishing Traditions)

Sounds so much like me
Also on FB . .


I took this diagram from his f this . .

Do watch above – and take notes

Joints .

Also watch and take notes . . and get the Amena sea-minerals – vastly cheaper and local . .. testimonials here



The 1.5 hours we did as a follow up will be there late Thursday.
Here is what we covered  . .

Reminder. .

Dr Shen
4 times in life we make or break in/with

Marriage /onset of Sexuality


Life Rescue free course

‘Reunion’ CD
Produced originally 1999

Now as a free tracks below.


Meditation tracks – and

more online here

What you find on this . . .


The Point – Harry Nielsson
The entire album


More here

Multiple personality – first book I read on this

An early book – pdf (When Rabbit Howls)
Watch out – this does explain . .
Also  .



Various new thoughts to introduce you to . .
I found this . . .
Great to see and feel the area . .

Pain #3 follows here