Nov 2020

Welcome . .


We are all working under some duress.
Grateful that we can all show up and share space.
The weekend is about us being worked on  and learning different tools – tribal sharing also..
However this looks

The world waits us to undo US enough to be able to focus on them.

We are revising what some have never seen – to a happy reunion of fellow students – and all in between
Around the world

To get to here – well done you and us!

Teaching tools . ..
Each other and an awareness that Qi flows.
Protocol – are secondary.
This may not be the way you are seeing ‘teaching’
Learning – especially as adults is through stories – and by doing.

The about-to-be-put-together manual (at the end of my LLI teaching in NZ/Brisbane and of the March 2020) – was in piles of paper (neatly to me)  in my Brisbane residence. They are now stored in 5 different locations in many boxes – with me in another country. We begin again . .  Contents of my computer are in bits : some are missing.

There will be a step through online course soon.


We will be as one – where ever we are!