Natural mothering intensive course

Welcome – I could resurrect this?

Easy babies – easy pregnancies – easy living

Deepening your appreciation of living in a body . . small shifts that may surprise and delight you.

  • What is this? A comprehensive offer to amalgamate whatever you have been doing – into what works. Across the board – not only in pregnancy – but as a portal into the energy and body aligning that I perfected.
  • Why now? With the recent jabbing, and global panics – we need to empower couples – and ensure that the couples are able to improve their own health – and know what to do when – they may otherwise have sought ‘expert’ assistance.
  • What will this give you? More tools – for your self, your body, your family and all you touch in your life. AND you can make a new life . .  to help those who ARE making news lives.
  • Can you use this immediately? Yes – on anyone. It all works. Instantly. We are working in the instructions that create that which is felt/seen as problems. That so often are left till the crisis happens. We could – turn around back to health. Let’s.


  • 1 – We can do so much better. We all know of the slide in the last few years. (Where has heart gone??)
  • 2 – A fortuitous time. I am about to leave the S.E.corner of Qld and whilst I am here, and in a venue that is almost made for this – let us go to it . . on each other so you get my hands and the small group to play with each other. If all goes to plan- we also come into group 2 more times to do Living Ligaments I and then a few months later – the follow on  these containing the magic womb moving – after we set her up to win in the two December weekends we will uncover in the next month. All I learned in Maya and Mercier work revealed after January – the prelude s what sets it up – so whatever you are already doing is deepened substantially. On your self and on others.
  • 3 – Some have discovered that their entire life’s work is about to end – apparently – as some of us with bodily integrity intend to retain sovereignty. We WILL NOT be coerced into becoming less well than we are already. Most of us are NOT ‘anti’ anything – but abuse and corruption – of our bodies and those of others.  life. We are inherently pro life as we work mainly on the cutting edge of life – bringing it through  as women mothers and birthie orientated caring humans.

Modern medical pregnancy ‘care’. Can we do better? Assuredly. I traveled to USA and Belize, after spending decades standing in clinic helping women who had had very lived in bodies – and s much birth injuries. Recently, working for  over 15+ years, with the NZ community who intended all women to have at least 2 children each – I lived and breathed fixing devastatingly damaged overused bodies, getting to see how to save the apparently irretrievable.

With me you have a master of fixing all things maternal. Personally – as my third child is massively brain injured, and profoundly autistic – being sensationally vaxx damaged – I have an understanding of who and what and why.

Whilst we can ponder – Is it safe? Is it effective – not – IS IT NECESSARY? We could also ask this in modern obstetrics.
SO .  . . YOU may have the time, the panic about what to do – stand up and work with the women who will still have to bleed – esp with the jab and what it is to do to.with their entire cycles. fertility? Pregnancy Birthing Breastfeeding?

What next? Likely blood clotting disasters. At least very distressed bodies (matching the hearts and minds and souls)  as the flows that MUST are disrupted. Digestion, circulation, menstrual, neurological – all of how we feel.

What with the jab and its propensity to having created real life STUCK in all of us – we may mirror this with body STUCK. Flows not flowing: clots, in fact . .
Stuck Liver Qi – coercion and betrayal – bringing up all that is triggered when being forced against one’s will.

Endometriosis likely out of control. Adenomyosis also. Hospitals run out of everything – especially well-enough-to-work staff. Who funds this? Supplies  not guaranteed. Who needs this?

In the meantime, in this intermission (as the world settles into whatever next) we will return to what all women knew. My version of a multi lineage, multi modality, women and womb centric cache of what has been shown to work in my small corner of the world. Practical.
This work is so simple. So many tell me it is too easy – yes – all we are doing is restoring normal. It is also instantly transferable. Anyone can. We have a body focused (structure determines function) off-shoot of the body/Qi aligning acupuncture I have been teaching others since 1981.

2021 – 2 practicals & many tutorials

NOTE – this is over 2 years ago . . . Ideally those in this group will take over – at least the pelvic opening

Practicals are in Qld, Australia only – 202????

 PART 1 – Gentle Selfing (CLICK)

REPEATING? Please come along $220 fee

Covering knowing ourselves, our wombs, and why she wants us to love ourselves – FIRSTSELF focused ONLINE Experiential & Hands-On 1) Immediate start





Brisbane (AU)

PART 2 Reconnecting Heart and Wombspace (CLICK)


REPEATING? Please come along $220 fee

What stops the Three Heater from working well/ supporting life better? Adhesion breaking, lymph moving, and all gut correctionsSELF/OTHER focused Experiential & Hands-On – more for practitioners





 Leading into the Living Ligaments body of work
(Must complete online Self Discovery
& online Gentling Trauma Relief to attend)????????

and with Heather in person where possible.

PART 3 – Living Ligaments I (CLICK)

(Pre requisite is Reconnecting and/or GW Selfing above)

SUGGESTION – what with all that has been happening – come to joyously reconnect with Self and the tribe.

From Womb Woes To Womb Wonder

Clinical practical Undoing all that holds the womb hostage, stopping optimal body functioning – structural AND gyne

The Normal Mothering – Towards Sustainable Humanity – we will be online – tutorials as well as the online self paced courses.????? ???????

For the heartful handy people – we change focus

Sharps . .
Tool shift
A continuation from the heartful hand work.????????

Maternal intensive


ONLINE if not able to come to me in S.E.Qld


202?????? – to come
Living Ligaments II – Prolapses to Prostate Pleasures
ADVANCED CLASS 202?? – Pre requisite – must submit 2 complete case histories – your and their story and also have done at least 25 Gentling Way sessions

Why in this rush? – We do not own tomorrow.

Who is welcome? This is to be a bonded small group that commits to work with themselves as the primary recipient initially – we have much to divest. Much is stuck in all of us. The inner mastery/ self discovery process will be ongoing

Before the START we cover (self paced with 2x weekly hour getting together’s – Q and A and cases you may wish to add some of this work into – as we go – we will likely cover everything. A lot will already have explanatory pages online that you can be instantly directed to. Real time mentoring if necessary (in all aspects of a woman’s life – yours – or someone else’s – hence the up front all in fee . .).
YOU get worked on also. .- walks you through Selfing/Soothing. Peristeaming, What Causes Health.

1 – Pelvic Opening , Move Your Qi and the Foundational Heather’s Signature Moves . .

2 – Selfing,  Reconnecting Heart and Wombspace, Effective Healing After C section

all the Living Ligaments work – found here (CLICK).  Links may no longer be relevant.
PLUS my pricklies add on. The combo of Moving Blockages and 8 Extras – after the handy moves and using other tools leads us into resolving lives. We also need to look at the entire process of being self – as we need NOT to get involve in the story as per the orthodox – but stay in the energy – and soul purpose – at least of ourselves.

Taking anyone through this – we declutter – taking out the shock, the cold and the scars and adhesions, correcting then the body misalignment. Allowing the flows to flow, the structure then determining how the blueprint was to be – the viscera sliding and gliding – and the body then in some semblance of healing itself- IF the energy is allowed to flow – as the thoughts may need shifting (beliefs) and as the body does remember everything that had ever happened to it.).

Maximum 10 in the class. . Intensive will go on for 9 months. .

What do you get? Posters, WDCD hard copy manual, videos, charts,  eBooks, online courses, extensive video trainings and tutorials and cases PLUS the hands-on expertise that opens pelvises, clear gut and gyne troubles. Practicals – on you. In class. You then can embody the work. This allows YOU in your own body to heal. Instantly applicable to all around you.

Ever want to learn acupuncture? This is not it – it is QI Moving  and with all the back/belly and heart /visceral realigning. . .plus the energy model that makes it all make sense for you. What is different about this? Mentoring from one who has covered when nothing else works, well.  – from the women’s body heart .world – and across all modalities in a tapestry of LIFE.

Do I get credit points? No – I am not buying into the ‘licensing’ game of the men’s world.

There are limited spaces. Never more than 10. Usually less. Make sure you have a seat. .

Investment? A thirst to learn. Time. Willingness to let go/release/change.

If you are a beginner and always wanted to follow in my footsteps – this is a modern apprentice path.

1 – Paying the upfront fee in advance ($5,500) you will be gifted 2 x 3 hour sessions with me – ideally close together.
2 – Deposit otherwise is $1,100 and a fortnightly fee of $550.

3 – Or negotiate with me privately.

Covering – what works.
In this context.
Add into whatever you already do.
You can begin with the Foundational Moves –  it all is underlying what paid professionals are attempting to do.
need the grounding – and the Shen back, the cold out and the scars removed. Life residue is the issue – as the amygdala is so upset – panic, fear, stuck in P.CV. distress – first – calm this.and add in the pricklies – and move STUFF that may have stopped healing

1 – The ‘What Dads Can Do’ (WDCD) /Pelvic Opening to easy birth
WDCD (CLICK) why I wrote this (CLICK).

As a holistic life explanation, I set down how I would explain to anyone – what was happening (energy terms – not the physical body). Following the body – it heals. Going off to do what you may feel – it may eventually MAKE you pay attention. Body warming s show up as ‘what to expect when you are expecting’. NO – all those minor and common ‘problems’ are all showing the way into chaos. Let us retrace our steps and work towards perfect.  Sample page – (as hyperemesis is so easy to undo).

The actual WDCD set (Pub 2005) – also has 2 videos online. Plus the charts that were created in 2018. I have some actual copies of the manual. Upon signing up and attending one of the two Q and A’s with me this week, I will send you  the eBook in exchange for your email.  When we start the class – the actual hard copy is part of the resources kit.

After the initial weekend’s month runoff (support teaching for all)  – you could be teaching a very different ante natal process. The wok is NOT copywritten. In 2005 I knew that the world needed this, and a woman’s integrity/respect model is where I run in. All was gifted to me  one way or another – I do not own – it came through  . do source it as so many may wish to come under this lineage also.

The WDCD book was a manual for the Instructional Designs Strategies unit for my Bachelor of Adult Education and Vocational Training (started 1992 and completed 2003). A little of the final assessment is found here –  Context and problem (CLICK)

What it would end up as – a lovely way to get the partners of pregnant women hands-on

Do be warned – I am handing over. Multi modality. You may feel a touch overwhelmed. Best to create a folder and file some away. Get the bits we can do in person – done – before I depart. The mentoring and hard cases/what to do in real tie (2x offered weekly to allow for the likelihood of life intersecting) and will be recorded for later use.

This is a step like process. in addition to the online resources, I am offering a 5 week intensive – with 2 x two and a half days of practical hands-on. Curse begins when you sign up. Self paced.  You may need (at this time) to squish your life out of the way. We go for it – before the Qld current silliness of not being allowed.

In listening – you can speed the process – by clicking in the + in the left top corner – as we can read and listen so much faster the normal speech speed.

1 – Resources

NOTE – This was filmed for the acupuncturists international group. (Qi Movers) I will redo for the intensive SE Qld orientated practical class by Tuesday morning.

2 – Charts – were the recent addition to make this more user friendly.

They are all simple – easily printed, laminated and can travel – including into the labour shower.

Breasts (CLICK) and their health and well being

3 – Onlines

We start in our belly. The instant you sign up the dropping into your computer process begins. The Selfing Course – containing Love Your Body Better, Foundational Moves and the Healing Power of Touch begins your stunning conversation into a QI Mover. Not for only pregnancy (in fact the videos are all on a man but for all situations – we move the lymph – and thus all is easier.

1st and 3rd December weekends – experiential Can we do THREE – arrive so we start after a shared meal on the Friday night – can stay here – Gympie. Swags? Sleeping bags on the floor and all chip in with food? Fri/Sat /Sun and we will do as much as we can – practicals . .
1st – Selfing and all the work in WDCD and the WDCD charts ..  plus all the ancillary Qi Moving that was taught when acupuncture was not academic – but based in what worked. Gua Sha, moxa and cupping all in there. Instantly applicable in your lives. . .Move Your Qi is part of this and will be on as an interactive real time course when we get  started.

2nd weekend – we go through the gut/visceral/’stress’ and all connective tissue issues. Adhesions, sacrs and into ‘pricklies’ which will have already been introduced during week classes – as my advanced group is now into this and it is NOT acupuncture – but is Qi moving with sharps. My way – 40 years after designing, writing and teaching the undergraduate 3 year course for Bne 1980-84 . .

4 – Pregnancy Through the Energy Lens

Through my own body – as a new mum- nothing I was being taught, or was written in the acupuncture texts – so I made it up. As I could.

5 – Practicals with Heather

A lot of filming and editing has happened to get all my past work out into an easy format.


Central issue – sacral stability

6 – What next?

Commit and let us get started. . Ignore the mess with the have to have a medical device inserted – surely we can First – Do No Harm. Intensive – ans as well as the 2 x  2 full and a half day weekends. . Plus online self paced, and social tutorials with me and case Q and A and nattering with colleagues. Why the hurry? Who knows when we can again get together and I will also be gone – before Christmas I hope,

7 – In three bits

Scarring and adhesions need undoing – as what is lying beneath? Connective tissue problems? Before practical classes – you get so much done – and can talk with the class mates and be in two classes a week.
(Will be recorded, so you can catch up). A social media chat group also  .

8 – Lineage

Many lineages and modalities. . .I always source my material – we are renaming any acupuncture themed work ‘pricklies’.  I operate with practicalities and am starting again in rewriting the Qi part of what was acup education. We need to do Triage and undo what is now blocking normal flows/circulation

9 – Components of self

Soul based ego and biology . .

We may need to break a ‘person’ into component aspects. The Gentling Way site needs more practitioners. And teachers. . .

10 – Transformative

We all need to let go – release what we thought we were and we are doing. We WILL change. Suffering – attachment to what we thought we wanted. . .Service. . . shall we find the mission we came in for. Time is marching forwards.

11 – Qi

More than energy – we need to MOVE our own first. How did it get STUCK? We need to undo this and in all we work with – then the body WILL birth so easily . . and live painlessly. Perfectly. Become UNSTUCK

12 – Body

Cycels of life – we have a blueprint . .7 years for women. .

We can pay attention to what was written millennia ago.  I have modernised. . Here now for this. .

13 – Aligning to what we came here for

Those circles again. Great teaching tool.

Are you in? phone me 0452 407 667 ..

Links not perfect – but will give you an idea of some of what we are covering in this course (L.L.III. is where we lead into reproductive perfection). I am tailoring the content for this group who have access to me in person and tutoring and mentoring. before whatever happened next does. .

Why so little notice?
What will they do to us next? plus our imminent move and being asked to put this on are all conspiring to NOW – shall you?