YOU are in charge of what you put in your mouth.
You may need to know why you eat . .
Being aware that this is ONE only aspect of life
Bottom left – ONE aspect of input as well.
YET – all seem to think that changing – even for a day. a week will fix all . .when they are already in crisis . .

Why we eat what we think is ‘food’
From the smallish manual for those interested in my practice as they were coming onto see me for care – in 2002. living in it (CLICK)
the accompanying poster
The links may not work – but you get the gist.
Also the enlarged version – Life Support (CLICK)
Why Liver Qi flowing matters
Energy changes for a better life 2017 (CLICK)
Woman Tides (all born from/through woman)
woman tides 201801 (CLICK) Blood – Woman Tides Blood chp5 (CLICK) (chapter)