We begin with the soothing belly work.
With a couple of extras that MUST be done by another.
A substantial amount had been done the day before.
This day we went straight to the touchie work.
The micro bleeding the day before was a was a massive effort, as was teh Shen calming ..
With so much change and so much more to do. .
The changes would have been more stunning had she had alternative day sessions . . – hence we do intensive bundles of care – the adhesions are undone and with it often a life time of woes.

1 – Keyhole
2 – Peristalsis encouragers/digging for potatoes
3 – Always a gentle round and round between each ‘fixer’ move
4 – One side then the other – lymph drainage gets deeper and more more
diaphragm centre – more angled.
5 – Upper ‘scoopie/scoopie’
6 – Lower ‘scoopie/scoopie’
7 – Lower lymphatic drainage
8 – Gentling jiggles. .
Feels much stronger in the core . ..
Easier than words – most of us are visual
This bunch of squiggles has how to write what you do down.
Maybe make up your own chart to pop on the wall to remind you . .
Some of these are beyond what is on this page. .