
Where she should be . .
When she is out of alignment, stretching all over the body happens
Functionality changes
Pain follows
Structural people may not help – as we need to undo the hostage making
Gentle whatever out . .
What are we doing?
Reminder . . what are we made of?
May 2022 – with the two kiwi naturopaths in Gentling Way . .
We HAVE to build up the Blood energy
Or the structure (ligaments) cannot hold us together – FOOD – pate/liver . .
3.30 – New mums . . need ingredients and if not – baby is still being made.
5.00 – EATING real food – often .. . need the nutrients to actually eat – sardines?
9.30 – Breast milk is BLOOD – ?? blood OK now?? Non nutritive now they are jabbed. .
12.30 – MUST look after self first . .
15.30 – Glandular fever – and AV/AT . . . history tells the lesson – Ryan . .
17.00 – “You are not the boss of me” – and getting blood tests . . medical centre NOT interested in how to fix this. .
19.00 – How to avoid getting ill . .
21.00 – Depth of hands when you are working on a body . .
22.50 – The recipient of care is buying YOU
Is it costing you too much? As in if jabbed . . . . what are they leaving you with?
24.20 – “What is so special about me?” – do that exercise . .
25.00 – Elke’s saviour’s story . . People are paying for YOU – can they find you?
27.00 – History versus – HERstory . .
29.00 – SV 40 – and what is also in the jabs . . .? The normal ones
33.00 – MUST do this – as people who need help need to know what is so special about YOU
34.00 – Why Kelly started this. .
35.45 – Find someone else who has been doing this – Jenny Johnson – in Auckland area – is she there?
37.15 – What next for Kelly’s female line?
38.00 – Consequences of the recent history . .
Some of us HAVE been jabbed – and some of us are way too sensitive .
40.00 – People not breathing properly – storing fear in the lower belly – as opposed to feeling emotions – upper chest . .
45.00 – People skills – we all have them – and we have extra we bring into the room.

49.00 – So much stuck in a body . . Hence we have to go through Gentle Self Discovery . .
Pricklies – home help/First Aid – with fingers. . .
So much is ‘STUCK’ – Trauma . ..
51.30 – HAVE to have a day on and a day off next . . To recover
54.00 – Need to have a brain working – as in the ‘discovery’ process of the Defense – in the detective novels ..
58.00 – WHAT are we preparing for? At least get into position – hence the work below . . .

This was recorded at Mt Barker in May 2022 – interspersing what and why we are doing the previous ‘Arvigo’ moves.
And my version of what works/why and how.
The moves . .
1 – Comparison Arvigo posterior and GW
Are we falling off or going up a hill?
Falling down/ which side sore?
2 – Setting it up
We do this work when/if nothing else has worked. .
The protocol that I am looking at is NOT where we ever work from – but is what the A.T.C. and Arvigo people use.
You must have completed all work to here – and redone the STQR and all foundational moves, and Mercier inspired before you finally do this set of moves. We are going through how to make sure the corrections you make are permanent.
3 – OSL discovery – is the sacral spine
4 – Setting up to fix . .
Scar/adhesion tissue palpation
5 – Up to what to do (Arvigo)
‘Posterior’ or ‘Anterior’?
Working out how to – which side do we call ‘normal’?
That is the beauty of all the Mercier moves first – so that will even most people out.
Start with the not so sore side – we are undoing with very firm pressure – the connections that are holding womb and vertebrae hostage.
6 – Undoing the L3/pelvic and upper body torsions
The actual move . . with an anterior .
Hopefully when you ask them how this is they will be amazed – as it feels so good – letting it go – as no one seems to unwind people.
Doing it . . . Part 2 (Torsions)
Doing it – part 3 – Stretches and feet
These may have been done prior to the AIS as a checker, or corrected before this – your choice . .
Steaming necessary first, as is all belly work – and GV 1 – unless you are seeing how it is, then doing all moves and seeing how it is again – so the recipient of care can experience that you ARE moving mountains . .and proving it to yourself – change one ting and all should shift – and stay there.
What to do next . .
Other stretches
7 – Undoing the bum/neck tension
(Coccyx stretches)
Amazingly calming – playing with a tailbone
Shakey shakey
In between calming move
In case we bring stuff up or you want a rest (back)
In between – version of calming – Grandma cuddles moderated