Moves revision – 2 Stuck Liver Qi Release

Welcome We Move The Qi:

Number 1 Move Lymph – fluids congeal with lack of movement (modern life) inability to utilise the nutrients (especially Iodine and Selenium – thus the metabolism is sluggish) and the amount of cold that lurks in the vehicle (see Move 3) – usually added in for best intentions, undoing all elder’s wisdoms (old wives tales) and creating pockets of dysharmony that fester (infections). To add in lack of ooomph! – we then Rescue the Yang Qi (moxa – Move 4), and get the body in suppleness through rescuing Qi through the meridians  – the sacrum to begin the flows again (Move 5).

Now more than ever – the lymph/body waste disposal needs to work

Liver Qi has to move. Or all life stagnates . . . secondarily, regardless of what incident befell normal living.

Number 2 MoveStuck Liver Qi Release

Why do I say this?
Dis ease happens when all is NOT in alignment and the ingredients for life are not getting through – either because they are not added into the body – for choices to assimilate, or the body can’t absorb, or it can’t ‘see’ them (hence the zeolites drops) and also . .
The ‘goodies’ can’t flow through and the ‘baddies’ are locked in –
That 5 flows and 5 ‘T’s’ I speak of often.

A wee word – I have been accused of ‘being mad’ before.
I have decided that this means I am not on the same page as what others may consider to be ‘normal’.

(What everyone knows)

As a natural health care provider for decades – I never ever was – even as a small kid.
Outliers are needed.  I have had to as people have always come to me

When Nothing Else Works.
Even seeing my peers, and their ‘hard’ cases..

In this new world, we need different thinking for our different ways of being . .
We have to as the world changes – and as what used to work – may not now.

Reminders .  .


Structure determines function
Energy follows thought . .

What did mothers know??

How to keep us well

(What Causes Health?) See the Life Recipe


How are we even here?
Virtue of our mums . .
And what they followed – what their mums – back through time told them


You may need to get out of the beliefs/perceptions that hold you in this ‘reality’ – as it is shifting anyway .as life is always in a state of flux and expecting all to stay the same . . may upset you.

Reminder . .

Who is the ‘I’ listening to this?
Maybe even reacting?

Please make sure that you have acquainted yourself with:



Gentling Trauma Relief
Life Recipe
Life Rescue
Reichian armour bands

Please look to the eBooks – Honouring series

plus Woman Tides,  Helping Yourself to Health and Vitality and Life Support



We may want to relieve ourselves of these

Always – gentle and respecting the breath

An overview


Onto the power house

What and why

Stuck Liver Qi?

Take a deep breath
Life must flow . . . .

See me working in a student here


A mainstay in anyone’s clinic!!


What does this do?

Soothes and calms
Opens diaphragm
Allows the Qi to flow – thus the upper and lower body to communicate again


The Reconnecting series of classes leads in the the opening of communication between the heart and the wombspace – 4th and 32nd chakras. The Bao Mai – a meridian/inner pathway is genrally in broken/fractired shape when we start down the road of Selfing and is usually why the lament so keenly felt in the body. The Three Heater (fueling and circulation of the nutrients, and all flows) also lubricates the ligaments – hence we do not start with the structural /visceral moves as such, till what is holding all hostage is addressed.