LL II JAN – class discussion on patients


No disc C 6/7 apparently – arrived at chiro after a gym accident – after a life of rugby accidents and attacks

Foundational Moves wins!
Gua Sha,
And Cv 17 ‘Gua Sha’

  • Evelyn – Moving cupping and massage
  • Before and now – had he walked in .
    Belinda – Kiiko – belly
  • Hilary – ‘only’ did NLP – and now can see where next!!
  • Caryl – work the whole back and from also the front of the neck.
    What about the ‘stoned out’ of a tree at 10 years old?
  • PV and Acc Recall . .
  • Doreen – saw me go in deeper, quicker.  .
  • Belinda would have also checked the blood stagnation in the head – (me – Stuck Belly Blood)

Can see why we add in the holistic, multi modality – and we set then up to win when we treat them.


  • 10.20 – Georgia – what Caryl would have done – emotojnka and adhesion breaking
  • 11.40 – Hilary – 10 session o NLP
  • 12.10Belinda – A.E.P. points and magnesium  . . Kiiko reflex areas – clear then  ??C scar??
  • 13Evelyn – acunet likely – mixture of various . .
  • 14Thread moxa and anxiety is actually  FURY (misnamed – is NOT depressed – helpless, hopeless, impotence – STUCK
  • 15.30 3 x 3 Panaxea’s Free Movement capsules.
  • 16.20 – context – contraception? – We are supposed to have a cycle – not on pill
  • 17.30 – Doreen still amazed about thej LACK of post C section mention.
    Her band of numbness – she and sister in law both instant fix after seeing me. – WAS a big wad of  ‘stuff’
  • 18.40 – colourless and smelt bad – and that was a long time later – it was a process. .
  • 19.30 – Caryl – sees medical specialist and they do refer to her – masectomy exp . .
  • 20.20Serrapeptase
  • 21.20 – Hilary and ‘leave it here’
  • 23 – Dr Shen’s cardiac issues – in Woman Tides. Aura Soma,  Kaliana’s remedies
  • 24 – Hilary in her ear about water and food.
  • 25 – reading out the form still
  • 28 – Evelyn – no idea ‘what went wrong’ in her son’s birth.
  • 28.40 – Caryl talking about what the GM hospital got her to do to allow bub to turn from O.P.
  • 30 – Differences city to country . . Belinda – 47% C section rate in Wellington

We have work to do!!!