Living Ligaments Feb 2020

Welcome . .

One small snippet from a day of some theory


Gua Sha . .


I take you through Gua Sha and the progression of Cold into the first of the 6 divisions (Chinese medicine)

An ancient way to relieve suffering


One of the many elder ways . .

Wise elders knew . .


As all the ‘old wives’ tales’ say


Avoid cold . .

Also look at this page – maybe first . .


Add in the audio  45 minutes


Covering general info –

Onto shoulder of Werner’s shoulder (amazing tale), then the invasion of cold.

The beginning of how a body responds to life – and as part of acu theory we will get into later on Transformative Healing (so you deeply understand why elder’s medicine works – the why – not the what . .

Segue to my grandmother and her early life entry . .1893 – as a very premmie baby lives on.

The beginning of how a body responds to life – and as part of acu theory we will get into later on Transformative Healing (so you deeply understand why elder’s medicine works – the why – not the what . .

Segue to my grandmother and her early life entry . .1893 – as a very premmie baby lives on.


Meridians . .

The Yang Ming channels

Tai Yang (Bl and Si meridians)
Yang Ming – (St and Co)