Lisa’s cupping (and moxa) page

Welcome . .


Safe as .  . .

(She woke up sick and asked to come to see me)


Always easy to distract –  time for a useful rest . .



Cupping it out
Moxa on ginger
Moxa use in general
Moxa sacral fan
Moxa use on some points


More on gut health here

Cold invasion
Cold wastes Yang Qi – from the 2005 Birthing – WDCD  workshop

How do we know we have cold stuck within?


Pulling the cold OUT

And tissue and coin

After taking the cold out – we have work to do


Replace the Yang Qi that has been used/wasted in keeping the cold energy out of the inner circulation.

Placing the salted/gingered moxa pyramid

WHY are we using moxa? And why on the navel? (CV 8) – Direct vs indirect moxa

Showing how to use the moxa on ginger to do a ‘pretend’ moxa stick – perfect – NO SMOKE
or over an acupuncture point

Cup off – prepare moxa


Be cautious – after birth – as their pain threshold is rubbish

Discussion on how and why we do this – and how to make the pyramid

Do NOT put the cold salt onto the cold has just come out of the body

 Moxa on ginger and salt on navel – Part II of the navel cupping


Cupping navel on self

Incomplete without – real (Smokey) moxa


Using a stick

 How and why

NEVER EVER touch the skin – moxa burns are very hard to heal

 Entire explanation from WDCD (moxa sacral fan)


Outside moxa beginning to my usual acupuncture session (Brisbane summer) 


Maybe start here  . .get the Du Mai and Dai Mai running


USE OUTSIDE – and not in a draft

Avoiding cold penetration – as pores will be VERY open


 A man’s look at this


 Couples playing together


How it feels

Different points

GV 20

GV 4


GV 14

 Bl 20

 Bl 23


(Always cup the cold out FIRST)

Moxa boxes and sticks are for those who are not working thoroughly – or who have not thought this through

PSP/GIRDLE  (pubic symphysis pain)

Instead of smoking out the house


Easy milk production – must also give more nutrients, water, support

(Need to get the QI to flow – especially all the Stuck Liver Qi release and upper back/thus bum loosening FIRST)

Si 1


 DO NOT DO THIS – I never do – but resolve WHY



See my other works.
MUST undo why this is so. .
(and as a variant of normal – anyway .. .).