Life Wave – renovating Jing with Light

Please watch .
This may be what you need ..
It has made life easier for both Elke and myself..
I do suggest that you watch and reflect – on what you could let yourself in for.
More LIGHT to start with? – Go for it ..

When desperate for life – you may then choose it
Over all your objections to ??
Past programming

Where do we go NEXT? (Says the natural health problem solver/detective. . .)
What used to work – and now does not . . . me as a person as well as clinician and teacher . .
I needed to be effective . .
In the 80’s – Vit B and C (water soluble)
I found Dr Igor Trabizian – so minerals, and knowing mercury was ‘bad’ – but had no way of undoing this till ncd/glutathione. . .
All was OK – my body was brilliant – till in Oct 2019 and getting Wuhan . .
3.50 – Marie . . same . .
5.00 – How it is now with natural living people . .
6.00 – Russia was into energy and likely Light therapies – not only flesh and blood/bone.
7.00 – Sometimes desperate is thinking not being here . . as I got to . .


  • What it is
  • Origin – (who developed
  • Why did they? – asked to produce ‘supersoldiers’ for US navy – the submariners – as they were not – being under the sea . .
  • Why it is – body heals itself.
  • How it works – body produces Light and this sends it back to itself.
  • What it may feel like – within 20 minutes – as though someone turned the light on, put you back on the station, or if in pain – GONE!!
  • When to use – daily, your choice
  • When not to use – ??? if allergic to the sticky holding it on your body – put on clothes,. as it will travel in both directions.

8.10 – Elke . .
10.00 – AEON – anti inflammation , .and it stopped all her pain and all the treatments she was seeking .A Godsend

11.30 – Marines needed to be supersoldiers as they were under the sea . . EE – yin and yang patches – MAKES BLOOD MOVE – will move anything – on each side . .

(Move the STUCK)

In a sleeve – 30 patches ..
These – 15 each colour ..
He also created X 39. . .
Took him 10 years . .
Stimulates GHP copper peptide – and gets the body to get cell death,. renewal, creates more energy – mitochondria, sleep, attention span, pain . .

AEON – to get the body to manufacture Royal Jelly – self assembling
ALSO ANTI PLASTONS – as the bodies natural way to deal with cancer – turn it off – FORCES APTOPTOSIS . . (programmed cell death)
Dr. BURZYNSKI – TREATMENTS FOR CANCER – of course he is using the real thing – injecting . THESE PATCHES WILL ASSIST ..
(Of course this is what is out there to turn you off (if gullible) – by now go always in the opposite direction to the medicalised vested interests/dogma
‘The Burzynski Clinic is a clinic selling an unproven cancer treatment, which has been characterized as harmful quackery. It was founded in 1976 and is located in Houston, Texas, in the United States. It offers a form of chemotherapy originally called “antineoplaston therapy” devised by the clinic’s founder Stanislaw Burzynski in the 1970s

Takes away pain and atrial fibrilation – speeds up the healing process. . dramatically fast.

GV 14 – Governing vessel 14 has been called the point of greatest Yang in the body. Anatomically, it is located on the posterior aspect of the body, in the depression below the spinous process of the seventh cervical vertebrae, approximately at the level of the shoulder.
Bend your head down and when you bring it up again it is under the first big bone . .


Someone contacted me – I figured she was about as sensitive as anyone could be (and in quite a mess) – so surely she will be helped by these?
Here we have the first few days . .

SPLEEN 6 – LEFT HAND SIDE ONLY. put on St 36 or CV 12 also. – also and on TH 17 – goes into brain – going into whole hormonal profile.

SILENT NIGHTS – on right hand side – makes you go to sleep – not Elke – she uses Sp 6 left hand side, Aeon on GV 14.

23.00 26.00 (me) Most are desperate – and I was one of these. . I know how much I have been spending on trying to get me back together again . .
WHAT IS IN THE PATCHES? Bio luminence this is not third dimensional – but as we are more ..

28.00 – What is in these and how do they work?

Her favourite patch . . Mast cell disorder. Likely also EDS?

NOTE – I am a ‘has to be easy, or will not do’ kind of state presently – not living in an ordered life, so I take a patch off after 12 hours and put it somewhere else. One spot is the left jaw/and cheek bone where the stair incident left me with ongoing issues along with the lip that was sown back on dead . .and since then – my head – besides concussion and TBI is not as it was. . to be fixed – now I have this missing ingredient . . .so much has so far been poured into me. The major one missing was – how to live in a world with the SHEDDING’ happening non stop from the ones scared of dying/too unaware to see what was playing out – and now all toxic and waiting to DROP – that ‘doctors ‘baffled’ issue . . (Suddenly dropping dead – or having turbo cancers – or strokes in uteri (stop jabbing mum whilst she is pregnant ) or whatever that before 20202 would have been thoroughly investigated as it is NOT normal – though seems to be now.

36.00What used where?
37.00 – Friend Elke – if you have questions and maybe sign up . . I can sign you up, BUT – I am a beginner with using these.
38.00 – on CV 6 – Aeon and maybe Sp 9 – also EE on ovaries. .
FRESH X 39 – every day . .
40.00 – Now using knee replacement protocol – Aeon and gloot either side of knee and X39 on top of knee . . no pain and is now a lot stronger. .
WARNING – it was very sore for the first hour – and it did go away . .
She checks patches to see if they are still usable. . pendulum – other ways ..

43.00 – Can take off the X 39 and pop it on elsewhere – me on CV 3 (interstitial cystitis still to clear up) COMPLICATED issues may need Heather’s Gentling Ways – as the nutrients, the structure being aligned and the soul path may NOT be as simple as a ‘magic’ patch – and yet wills=assist as The Body Heals is in use all the time – I will get to that ‘storage’ issue – when one of my students CAN lay their hands upon me

45.00 – HOW TO GET THESE? Join and get all wholesale – have to buy monthly though. .
Come in as a ‘brand partner’ as this gives you a whole lot ‘free’ . .
47.00 – Coming in from Malaysia and is fast . .
Could also make a business out of it if you like. . .
49.00 – And I found the acupuncturists Elke sent me to is wonderful – so anyone can go to Ivan McWilliams. ..
Ron – he has been giving up on himself. . .

Baseball cap – protocol for the head – any injury – Aeon or carnosine on the top – and either temple EE – energy enhancers – get things moving ..
ADHD? Can put on a baby – reflecting back the body; slight. Quicker.

54.00 – jab injured? X39 . . I AM ONTO THIS. . .
55.00 – Elke’s story . . ice pick in eye in any exposure with the jabbed – and hey presto – that fixed the shedding down.
BODY HEALS ITSELF . . assume it will and get out of the range of the poisoning happening .
55.45 – Elke’s son getting jabbed/sick and she was the recipient . .
58.00Stairs incident (me treating someone who was reacting with shingle s to his parents working with them – and I GOT ???? and still not the me I was. . and why I went ‘diamond’ as is NEEDED for Duncan and I . .
59.00 – add to anyone as they walk out of the door – $5 WHOLESALE or $10 RETAIL . .
NOT why I got the most expensive – but I and Duncan (and Kathryn in time) will all need these,.

1.02.00 – Elke’s eyes are improved – I intend mine to also – and the small cataracts going . .
1.03.00 – Marg wondering what I am on and for how long – I will do up a page on this later. . short answer – always X 39 back of neck (GV 14) and after a day – onto face likely. The carnosine may work better – but as I do not want to muck about storing the semi used patches, I figure better stem cell production anywhere can only help. I will be placing on the temple point (Tai Yang) left side – from now on as that will sort out the eyes/all that got messed up with the fall – and the carnosine will be tooth so I do not ‘need’ the root canal dentist will not do anyway (no one should – get tooth out instead) – as that is the option or tooth pulled currently – so am on antibiotics and patches (plus herbs/Vit C, negative ion strips, oil of Thieves and all else I can throw at it.

BUT – is my immune system to be restored – thus also 2 of 3 lots of Glutathione accelerator daily – and if you wish to use the patches – as Elke said – they only last 2/3 hours in her experience- so get on the real stuff and that will then have a basis – as without the structure and nutrients – I suspect all will take so much longer – if it works at all – as the Jing /Light has been turned off for so long, for so many. .
and will get to needling self now I am back home).

I will also get to the baseball cap idea with my own brain injuries. . . . Will also do up a page on this soon. Shall we UN AGE? Both Elke and I intend to ..

1.02.00 – My issues . .can’t keep on taking $$$ of helping me be safe with the rest of the world/be free to treat the jabbed and to be in the world .
My congestive heart failure – see the story here. . .
1.07.00 – Elke’s version of looking at me and seeing how far I had fallen. Neil Pont also – people who knew me before this recent horror stretch . .
1.09.00 – Elke’s health report – saving $$ and time as is better – than with all of this.

Power point presentation mentioned is at the end of the page

You can also speak with me (still learning) – esp if we are ‘friends’ already on FB

1 – adhesion used?
If you are super-senistive/ gut/ massive skin reactivity – possibly do what this woman dis?
I stick them on the inside of my underwear and for my knee I put patches on the inside of my pant Leg. It has worked well.

2 – How long does the patch last?

All clinical trials are based on 12 hours use. The company recommends 12 hours of use for all patches. Some Distributors have found that there is some ”juice” left after 12 hours. Some people use them a second day, to get the most out of the patches. Depending on each individual’s thermodynamics, different levels of inflammation will exhaust the patch at different times.

The strongest signal is first 12 hours. It is weak at 24. It dies completely somewhere in between 24-48 hours. If you have acute situations like nausea/vomiting/gastro/flu/cold/injury etc you may need new patches every 8, 10 or 12 hours. Some also choose to muscle or sway test their patch to see if it is live or dead. If you want to learn to do this, use the search function for the “Sway Test” video. It’s easy and quick.

Like the Drion pads, and Glutathione accelerator – this is a MLM (Multi Level Marketing product).

3 – How to start ?
Dip toe in water? These retail for $10 a patch .. worth it to get yourself back . .
$5 wholesale – so you join and then decide which set you wish to start with – me ?
I was starting to look like a ‘lost cause to myself
And Duncan and his constant skin cancers needing addressing – plus PTSD and maybe his hearing? See the JING picture above – if bones are regrowing (knees) why not teeth, eyes, hear and ears – as well as the infrastructure? I intend to give my body a reset for the next few decades worth of being me!!!

MLM – in this group? Joyce is giving and giving and giving – info and assistance – so is not only the patches but also the why /how .. You would go ‘under’ me
ME? I study everything – no stone unturned – am after all Skye’s mother. (She was Kathryn after the initial horror stretch).
I want to know if it is supposed to – why is it not? (Body healing itself)

Often our own blockages – esp resistances to . . . Whatever – problem being between the ears . .
In my case – I am too keen to beccome the me I was . .. on getting out of the hole I was in.
It could be a business if you wish it to be . .I just want to be myself again.
As I have so much yet to do.
I have had so many NOT but ncd/detox drops when they we also – it is your choice . .
I go to the point it HAD to be done . .. and is not forever . . although as we continuously get MORE toxins to contend with
I will be on all forever – for as long as I can be.

I am still learning.
Maybe if you wish to also play with Light and life working better for you – see more below (warning USA marketing)

Maybe look to X39 info? To go to move further

Maybe see my first tutorial – asked for by Vanessa